
Sichuan people call it "ink mosquito", and you are also deeply affected by it? Here are dry goods first talk about "prevention" and then "governance"

author:A small farmer

In our countryside, going out for a trip without paying attention to a red envelope, not fighting mosquitoes, or scratching itches, today's protagonist "ink mosquitoes".

Sichuan people call it "ink mosquito", and you are also deeply affected by it? Here are dry goods first talk about "prevention" and then "governance"

The scientific name of the "ink mosquito" is midge, but it is not cute, it is not cute at all, one or two millimeters in size. Also known as small bite, to plant sap and animal blood for food, many friends are disturbed by this small thing, no heart to work, no heart to play, after being bitten by this small thing quickly up the bag, itchy and intolerable, do not scratch will itch, scratch or will itch, lethality is amazing, and then Xiaobian seems to be second only to the god beast "Foreign Spicy" and cattle mosquitoes, so you must be prepared when going out. Below I will introduce you to how to prevent this small, but fierce midge.

Sichuan people call it "ink mosquito", and you are also deeply affected by it? Here are dry goods first talk about "prevention" and then "governance"


First of all, let's talk about "prevention</h1>."

Going out to play, fishing, working, will be harassed by this thing, for outdoor activities, it is best to wear long pants, long sleeves, otherwise it really makes you remember it and be afraid of it.

In addition, there are a lot of ice sleeves, leg sleeves, wear these two things, not only not afraid of the sun, but also more resistant to mosquitoes, which has also become a small daily travel essential products, you deserve to have (I did not charge advertising fees Ha)

Supermarkets and stores have a certain brand of mosquito repellent water, to be honest, these products are useful is useful, that is, the duration is not long, generally half an hour to an hour, or ice sleeves to be practical, Xiaobian pro-test yo!

If you are also harassed by it at home, you can install screens, both mosquito-proof and breathable, Xiaobian directly blows the fan, because there is wind that small thing can not fly.

The weeds and ditches around the house should also be cleaned up, this is a mosquito nursery, if necessary, use insecticides, if not cleaned up in time, mosquitoes will continue to appear and harass you.

Mosquito coils are also useful, but only indoors, outdoors do not consider, the space is too large, not a threat to mosquitoes.

Sichuan people call it "ink mosquito", and you are also deeply affected by it? Here are dry goods first talk about "prevention" and then "governance"

<h1>Let's talk about "governance"</h1>

When a person is bitten and has local swelling and itching, it can be rinsed with 10% alkaline water or ammonia or rubbed with cool oil.

After the occurrence of dermatitis, 1% phenol or mint calamine lotion should be applied, and if there is a secondary infection, antibiotics should be given as soon as possible or washed with wild chrysanthemum flowers and dandelion decoction.

Formed nodules can be injected into the lesion with prednisolone or triamcinolone once a week, usually 2 to 3 times to heal. In severe cases, antihistamines or corticosteroids are given.

Ointments such as dermatitis are also useful for allergies caused by mosquito bites



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