
Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

author:Free travel DSLN

Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu Province, as an important transportation hub and central city in the northwest region, many people regard Lanzhou as a transit place for tourism, as the starting and ending point of the northwest trip or the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Ring Road, often staying for only one day and half a day and leaving.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

Our trip was in Lanzhou for four days, and the daily itinerary was full, and we couldn't finish eating every day. Lanzhou, really an underrated city, deserves to come for her across thousands of miles. When I got home, I was still thinking about the delicious tastes of Lanzhou.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

So, start with that bowl of noodles and follow us on our culinary journey! What city doesn't have a few "Lanzhou beef ramen"? But only after eating the bowl in Lanzhou, will lick the corners of the mouth, breathe a long sigh of relief, and sigh a "real fragrance".

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

Lanzhou beef noodles, originating in the Qing Jiaqing period, are a bowl of noodles with history. More than two hundred years of ups and downs have precipitated the inheritance characteristics of "one clear, two white, three red, four green and five yellow". Noodles can be divided into large and wide, wide, thin, three thin, two fine, capillary, leek leaves and other types according to the thickness.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

A bowl of noodles was served, and half a bowl of red and spicy seeds was served, but without this bright red spicy, the noodles would have no soul. Eating it in one bite and leaving it full of flavor is the credit of the spicy. Lanzhou's spicy seeds are not spicy or choking, but the biggest enhances the fresh flavor of the noodles. In Beijing, I basically don't eat Lanzhou ramen, but in Lanzhou I have a bowl a day.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

A bowl of ramen is seven or eight dollars and does not contain meat. If you want to mix reasonably, you can order a set menu, a bowl of noodles, a meat or two, a small dish, an egg, generally about 20 yuan. The noodles are generally picked up by themselves and told the master what bread bread is needed. After you get the noodles, be sure to drink a few mouthfuls of soup before stirring the spicy seeds well.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

There are many well-known or long-established noodle restaurants in Lanzhou, such as Ma Zilu, Amber, Mogou Rim, Tip of the Tongue and so on. Personally, I feel that I can go to one or two to experience it, but there is no need to deliberately do it, because there are too many noodle restaurants in the streets and alleys, and the taste gap is not large. We went to Amber and it was a quiet dining area where we could enjoy the service of the clerk helping with the noodles.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

Noodles are also somewhat different, such as mixed noodles and fried noodles, which generally cost between 12 and 16 yuan a piece. If the amount of food is small, you will never be able to eat it. I can eat the ingredients for every bite of noodles, which is a great satisfaction for me, who loves to eat vegetables more than staple foods.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

There are many delicious sweets in Lanzhou, which are more attractive to me than ramen, especially milk and egg mash. A steaming bowl of mash, based on milk, the egg flowers are smooth and tender, dotted with dried fruits such as sesame seeds, goji berries, raisins, etc., and the taste is sweet and fragrant, which can be regarded as a "perfect" sweet dish in my heart. Generally 10 to 15 yuan a piece.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

Sweet sauce (bottom right picture above) is a famous snack in Gansu, the main raw materials are barley and barley, peeled and washed, steamed in a pot, sealed altar fermentation, it is made into a mellow and sweet sweet sauce. When eating, put more than half a bowl of sweet sauce, add water and stir well to eat. Take a sip and chew it slowly in your mouth, full of wine aroma, and the taste is more chewy than glutinous rice. A bowl of sweet pickles for 4 to 8 yuan, no need to look for it, any one of them is delicious.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

Gray beans are a special snack of Lanzhou, made from hemp-colored peas. Boil the hemp-colored peas into a porridge, add the red dates, bean paste, and the dates are sweet and fragrant. Du Ji's sweet tooth gray bean is more famous, and was awarded the title of "Golden City Gray Bean King". Because it's too much like sweet porridge, not special and I have an appetite. Usually 4 to 7 yuan a piece.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

Hot winter fruit, as the name suggests, is a hot dessert suitable for winter eating. Winter fruit is a specialty of Lanzhou, the winter fruit pear, one of the famous "eight pears" in Longshang "West Garden Pear". After steaming the winter fruit pears, simmer them slowly, supplemented by red dates, goji berries, white fungus, etc., and remove the heat. In fact, it is a high-quality version of the pear water that I always drank when I was a child, generally more than ten yuan a piece, which can continue the soup water.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

Before coming to Lanzhou, I really didn't expect that in addition to beef and mutton and various pasta, Lanzhou also has so many delicious sweets. In addition to the above mentioned items, there are crystal cakes, mashed dumplings, honey dumplings, apricot peel water, milk rice, etc., as well as various combinations of desserts, such as sweet mash milk tea.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

Some sweets can also be eaten in restaurants or noodle shops, such as sweet pickles, apricot peel water, etc., but if you want to eat them all at once, you must choose a sweet shop. More famous and we have been to, recommend two, located in The Public Lane of Du Ji Sweets, and Muta Lane look back. The reason why these two are recommended, in addition to the real taste of food, is the geographical location, not far from Zhongshan Road and Zhangye Road Pedestrian Street, which tourists must go.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

There were also some snacks that we were first exposed to. For example, the churned dough is a characteristic farmhouse meal in Shaanxi-Gansu and Guanzhong, and Gansu is most famous for the potato churning dough in Longnan, which is divided into hot syrup water churn and cold spicy churn. The sour and spicy dough we eat is, to put it bluntly, a strong mashed potato with spices. Potatoes are repeatedly kneaded until they are sticky, and chili peppers and vinegar are mixed in a reasonable ratio to eat a mouthful of flavor.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

There are also hand-torn cake-like oil pot noise (also known as broken skin jacket), oil cake roll cake made of pancake sandwich crystal cake, Lanzhou's well-known three-gun fortress and so on. Recommend a one-stop snack gathering place for everyone, that is, Yuquan Villa. Yuquan Villa is not a shop, but a lot of stalls, almost all Lanzhou snacks can be eaten, the price is fair, the taste is good. We went to the house on the fifth floor of lanzhou center.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

The night before we left, we finally ate a skewer. Lanzhou's kebabs are small skewers sold by the handle, which is really a challenge for only two people to eat. A handful is generally 20 strings, about 40 yuan. Fortunately, the string shop we entered with the fate can order half a handful, the taste is a little heavy, but it is very fragrant. Thanks to not eating kebabs in the previous few days, otherwise I would have eaten them every day, so wouldn't it be less of a chance to taste other delicious dishes!

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

If you have a large number of people together, or prefer halal dishes in the restaurant, or want to try the delicious hand-grabbed lamb, then recommend Althea. Althea has many branches, if you want to eat and sightseeing, it is recommended to go to the main store located in Dashaping, and enjoy the golden halal architecture and decoration after eating.

Every time you go to a place, you should take a deep trip and enjoy the food of Lanzhou

I really talk about eating, eager to share every dish I have eaten, every restaurant I have been to everyone, let you dance with me with the tip of your tongue. Lanzhou, a delicious city!

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