
Northeast Jiaotong University with Changyin Locust

author:Admiral of Beiyang

The poet Gao Xuemin (nephew of the famous popular science scholar Gao Shiqi) once wrote an article entitled "The Family of Jiaotong University in the World" (Science Times, January 25, 2010), which detailed the relationship between the five Jiaotong Universities. The five Jiaotong Universities referred to here are Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Southwest Jiaotong University, Beijing Jiaotong University and Hsinchu Jiaotong University (Taiwan), and the five universities are the same source, also known as "five schools and one school".

Among the five Jiaotong Universities, Shanghai and Southwest Jiaotong University are absolute big brothers, both founded in 1896, the predecessors of Nanyang Public School and Shanhaiguan Beiyang Railway Official School respectively. Beijing Jiaotong University was founded in 1909 as the Railway Transmission Institute of the Ministry of Posts and Communications. Xi'an Jiaotong University is a branch of Shanghai Jiaotong University, which was relocated in 1959. Born in 1958 in Hsinchu Jiaotong University in Taiwan, he is the real little brother of the five schools.

In addition to the above five Jiaotong University with similar blood and high generations, there are currently several "Jiaotong Universities" in Chinese mainland, specifically East China Jiaotong University (Nanchang), Lanzhou Jiaotong University (formerly Lanzhou Railway College), Dalian Jiaotong University (formerly Dalian Railway College) and Chongqing Jiaotong University (formerly Chongqing Jiaotong University).

When it comes to Jiaotong University in the Republic of China period, many people will think of Jiaotong University in Shanghai, Tangshan and Beijing. However, if it comes to the "Northeast Jiaotong University" in the past, I am afraid that few people know.

In June 1927, the warlord Zhang Zuolin established the Anguo Military Government in Beijing, and appointed Pan Fu as Premier and Minister of Communications, and Chang Yinhuai as Vice Minister of Communications (1927.6.21-1928). Previously, Chang Yinhuai held various important positions in the Fengjun and Beiyang governments, including the director of the Jingfeng Railway Bureau (1926) and the president of Tangshan University (Tangshan Jiaotong University, the predecessor of today's Southwest Jiaotong University) of the Ministry of Communications (1926.6~1927.9).

In the spring of the sixteenth year of the Republic of China (1927), Chang Yinhuai, who was then the deputy director of the Ministry of Communications of the Beiyang Government and acting as the minister, in view of the railways in the northeast provinces and the lack of transportation professionals, proposed to establish Jiaotong University in Jinxian and named Tangshan University Jinxian Branch. Chang Yinhuai sent Cheng Chong, president of Tangshan University, to prepare for the director of Jinxian University, and built more than 150 acres of school buildings in Jinxian Station, which began construction in June of that year and was completed in December, with a stone wall around 3849 feet long and 9 feet high, 4 buildings in the courtyard, and more than 200 rooms in 8 houses, such as communication, husband service, school police, and bathroom.

In September of that year, the Ministry of Communications, with the statutes of Jinxian Jiaotong University as stipulated and promulgated, changed the Jinxian Branch of Tangshan University to Jinxian Jiaotong University of the Ministry of Communications in accordance with the provisions of the charter, appointed Zheng Lingao as the president, and issued Guanfang on September 3, and President Zheng arrived at the school on the same day, because the school building has not yet been completed, so the temporary borrowing of electric light factory is a temporary school building.

On September 19, 1927, the Jinxian Jiaotong University of the Ministry of Communications held the inauguration and opening ceremony of the university, with a total of more than 90 students in each class of preparatory department and remedial school. In December of that year, the new school building was moved, and on January 2, 1928, the inauguration ceremony of the new school building was held. In the summer of that year, a preparatory department and a remedial class were added, and there were more than 160 people in four classes with the original students. In the autumn of that year, 12 kitchens and 1 school dormitory kitchen were added to the teaching staff dormitory, and 3 sections of the road inside and outside the courtyard were built and trees were planted on the drainage ditch sports field.

Jinxian Jiaotong University originally covered an area of 350 acres, and by 1929, the school had formed a complex of 25 units of Chinese and Western architecture. It was planned and designed by the famous architect Liang Sicheng and his wife Lin Huiyin.

In March 1929, the school was ordered to be directly under the jurisdiction of the Northeast Administrative Affairs Committee, the name of the school was changed to Northeast Jiaotong University, a member of the vice president was added, and Zhang Xueliang (Zi Hanqing), chairman of the political affairs committee and commander of the Northeast Border Defense, concurrently served as the president, and Wang Zhaopan (Zi Xijun, a bachelor of arts and master's degree from the University of Michigan, who successively served as a member of the Fengtian High Civil Service, a special president of Fengtian Public Literature, the chief of grammar science of Northeastern University, and the secretary of the Northeast Administrative Committee) as the vice president.

In 1930, the young marshal Zhang Xueliang was still the president of Northeast Jiaotong University, and the actual responsible persons were Vice President Yu Shirong and Provost Liu Baizhao. By the time of the 1931 "918 Incident", Northeast Jiaotong University had enrolled 5 classes with a total of 205 students.

Northeast Jiaotong University is divided into four years of undergraduate and two years of preparatory science, with a temporary management department, and transportation and commerce within the department.

Undergraduate compulsory courses include: English, Second Foreign Chinese, Physical Education, Bookkeeping, Railway Transport Overview, Railway Engineering General, Commercial Law, Commercial Organization and Management, Passenger Transport and Freight Rates, Freight Transport and Freight Rates, Railway Organization and Management, Railway Machinery General Effect, Chinese Railway History, Railway Number Chronicle, Foreign Railway Overview, Advanced Accounting, Statistics, Waterway Transportation, Railway Traffic, Railway Finance, Railway Accounting, Transportation Management, Freight Rate Principles, Railway Regulations, Railway Material Management, Auditing, Railway Statistics, Station Management, National Highway Transportation, Railway Economy, Railway Route Selection, Overview of Transportation and Sales of Important Commodities in China, Intermodal Transportation, Telecommunications Internship, Railway Issues, Papers.

Undergraduate elective courses include: Political Science, Public International Law, Money and Banking, Business Mathematics, Corporate Finance, Finance, International Business, Industrial Management, Domestic Foreign Exchange Exchange, Labor Issues, Investment, Economic Principles, Personnel Management, Cost Accounting, Tram Transportation, Air Transportation, Military Transportation, Advertising, Government Accounting, Philosophy, History of Chinese Philosophy, Agricultural Products Trade Law, Postal Administration.

Most of the teachers hired by Northeast Jiaotong University have foreign backgrounds and are each with good strength. For example:

Zhao Chuanyun, a professor of economics, transportation and bookkeeping, graduated from the Railway Management Department of Beijing Jiaotong University in 1923, and was selected by the Ministry of Transportation to stay in the United States, and received a bachelor's degree in railway management and a master's degree in accounting from the University of Illinois in 1926. He has successively served as the director of jiaoji railway station, the intern of the Illinois Central Railway in the United States, the sales clerk of the Highway Administration Department of the Ministry of Transportation and the office of the dispatching vehicle office and the office of the Postal Department, the member of the Transportation Regulations Revision Committee, and the professor of Beijing Jiaotong University.

Xu Yanying, a professor of English and economics, is a graduate of Beijing Jiaotong University, a bachelor of science in railway management from the University of Illinois, a master's degree in transportation, and has successively served as an intern in the São Paulo Railway, a station manager of Jiaoji Road, a clerk of Jinpu Road, and a director of Pinghan Road.

Liu Ruyi, who is a professor of English, finance and business organization management, holds a bachelor's degree in railway management from Beijing Jiaotong University, a bachelor's degree in railway management from the University of Illinois, a master's degree in transportation, and has successively served as an engineering clerk of the Highway Administration Department of the Ministry of Transportation of Beijing, an intern of the Mingcheng Railway Company, a member of the Sales Section of the Highway Administration Department of the Ministry of Transportation of Nanjing, a member of the Transportation Section of the Management Department of the Ministry of Railways and the secretary of the Freight Rate Committee.

After the "918 Incident", 150 students of Northeast Jiaotong University fled to Beiping, and in February 1932, they were taken in by Northeastern University and set up the School of Transportation, with Liu Baizhao as acting dean, and in March, after Liu resigned, Cao Guoqing, dean of the Grammar School of Northeastern University, and acting dean of the School of Transportation. In June of that year, Feng Yong University and Northeast Jiaotong University, which were exiled in Beiping, were merged into Northeastern University, and on July 1, they moved to No. 5 Chongyuanguan (the site of the former Army University) in Xizhimenli, Beiping.

In September and October 1931, the campus of Northeast Jiaotong University was selected as the office of General Mi Chunlin (acting chairman of Liaoning Province) who was appointed on the verge of danger. On January 8, 1932, Jinzhou fell, and Northeast Jiaotong University was once stolen by the Japanese Kwantung Army as the headquarters and warehouse in Jinzhou. In August 1945, during the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, all but some bungalows and the principal's office survived, and the rest of the school's buildings were destroyed by Japanese devils.

On September 1, 1948, Jinzhou Railway No. 1 Middle School was built on the ruins of the former Northeast Jiaotong University, which is now renamed Jinzhou Railway Senior High School. In 2012, on the south side of the railway high school campus, the Jinzhou municipal government built a memorial park covering an area of nearly 10,000 square meters of the Ruins of Northeast Jiaotong University.

Speaking of the short history of Northeast Jiaotong University, it is necessary to briefly introduce the founding hero of this school, Chang Yinhuai.

Chang Yin Huai (1889~ 1929), character Han Bo, Jilin Pear Tree people, ancestral home of Shouguang, Shandong. He graduated from the second phase of the Fengtian Law and Politics School in 1910, and later successively served as the chief of the military justice department of the first division of the Heilongjiang Army, the chief of staff of the Third Brigade of the Fengjun Cavalry, the director of the Fengtian Provincial Military And Police Law Enforcement Department and the Qingxiang Inspectorate, the director of the Beijing-Fengfeng Railway, the chief of the Traffic Department of the Anguo Army, the deputy director of the Transportation Department of the Military Government of the Republic of China (Pan Fu Cabinet), the chairman of the Transportation Committee of the Three Eastern Provinces, and the chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Government. In January 1929, because of his opposition to the Northeast Yizhi, he was shot and killed by Zhang Xueliang's dispatchers together with Yang Yuting, the general counselor of the Fengjun Army, known in history as the "Yang Chang Incident".

Although Chang Yinhuai died, in his 41-year career, he still did some good deeds for the benefit of the country and the people. One of the most prominent achievements was his promotion of the Northeast Railway during his tenure as director of the Jingfeng Railway Bureau and deputy director of the Beiyang Government's Ministry of Transportation.

At that time, the railways throughout Tohoku were in the hands of the Japanese "Mantetsu". In this regard, Chang Yinhuai advocated building a railway by himself to resist Japan's economic plunder and military aggression. He actively raised funds, first building the Datong (Dahushan ~ Tongliao) Railway, and then completing the connection project between the Datong Railway and the Sipao (Siping ~ Taonan) Railway at Tongliao Station. This route, built by China itself and parallel to the South Manchurian Railway, appeared on the Northeast Great Plain, allowing Northern Manchurian goods to descend the Gyeongbok Line without passing through the Japanese "Mantetsu".

In May 1928, the Japanese representative forced Zhang Zuolin to sign the so-called "contract of contracting" on the Manchurian New Fifth Road, and Zhang Zuolin was forced to sign it, saying that he could sign it, but Chang Yinhuai, who was then the deputy secretary of transportation and acting as a minister, had a clear attitude and refused to sign. Zhang Zuolin had no choice but to let Zhao Zhen sign a contract with Japan on behalf of Chang Yinhuai, the director of the department.

During his tenure as director of the Beijing-Feng Railway Bureau and chairman of the Northeast China Transportation Commission, Chang Yinhuai also set out to rectify the order of railway transportation; he dared to supervise and order subordinates and act in accordance with the rules of the people who did not buy tickets and sat on the train, those who gathered crowds to make troublemakers, the scattered soldiers who disrupted the transport order, and the passenger and freight transport units that violated the road regulations. After the iron fist rectification of Chang Yinhuai, the order of the Northeast Railway, which has been chaotic for many years, has been improved.

During his tenure as the last vice president of the Beiyang Government's Ministry of Communications and acting as minister, Chang Yinhuai also served as the president of Tangshan University of the Ministry of Communications, and he took advantage of the beijing-feng railway bureau to owe tangshan jiaotong university more than 200,000 yuan to establish the Jinxian branch of Tangshan University, which was later renamed Northeast Jiaotong University.

In their recollections of the past presidents of Tangshan Jiaotong University, alumni have a low evaluation of Chang Yinhuai, and even call him "the most violent principal". The so-called "violence" is not because of his background as a military and police officer, but because he "embezzled" the funds of his alma mater to set up another "branch school" in that year!

"Heaven and earth are full of hearts, and the same is rumors and sorrows uncle Cai." Jiangshan returned to the Han Chamber and dared to sin Huaiyin for family affairs. This is the link that Zhang Xueliang gave to Chang Yinhuai after the "Yang Chang Incident". Three years after Chang Yinhuai's death, Northeast Jiaotong University was gone, and only the old president Zhang Xueliang lived a long life, living for 101 years until his death in Hawaii on October 14, 2010.

Northeast Jiaotong University with Changyin Locust

Northeast Jiaotong University

Northeast Jiaotong University with Changyin Locust

Changyin Locust (1889~1929)