
Classic Recitation 丨 Feng Jicai's "Pearl Bird"

author:Jingmen on the clouds
Classic Recitation 丨 Feng Jicai's "Pearl Bird"

Read aloud: Shi Shuli

That's nice! A friend gave me a pair of pearl birds, and I kept them in a cage woven with bamboo strips. There was a lump of hay in the cage, which was the nest of the birds, which was comfortable and warm.

Classic Recitation 丨 Feng Jicai's "Pearl Bird"

Some people say that this is a bird that is afraid of people.

I hung the cage in front of the window. There was a pot of lush French hanging orchids. I let the green-leafed vines of the hanging orchid cover the birdcage, and the pearl bird was as safe as hiding in the deep jungle, and the thin and bright cry of the flute from it was particularly relaxed.

Sunlight shines through the window, illuminating the string of small leaves of the hanging orchid like jasper. The shadows of the birds flickered faintly in the middle, incomplete, sometimes even the cages could not be seen, but they saw their cute bright red beaks sticking out of the green leaves.

Classic Recitation 丨 Feng Jicai's "Pearl Bird"

I rarely pulled open the leaves to look at them, and they gradually dared to stick out their small heads to look at me. We're just getting acquainted with it a little bit.

Three months later, inside the growing vines, there was a sharp and delicate cry. I guessed that they had chicks. What about me? Never open the leaves to look inside, and do not even open their curious eyes to alarm them when they add food and water. Not long after, suddenly a small head popped out from between the leaves. It's their chicks!

Classic Recitation 丨 Feng Jicai's "Pearl Bird"

This little guy can easily get out of a cage. Lo and behold, how much like its mother: red-billed, red feet, gray-blue hair, but the back had not yet produced pearl-like round white dots. It was so fat that its whole body looked like a fluffy ball.

At first, the little fellow moved around the cage, then flew around the house, landing on the top of the cabinet for a moment, standing on the bookshelf with full spirit, pecking at the names of the great literary heroes on the back of the book; the next moment he knocked the lamp rope back and forth, and then jumped on the picture frame. As soon as the big bird barks in the cage, it immediately flies back into the cage.

I don't care about it. It is to open the window, and it will only stand on the window frame for a while at most, and will never fly out.

Gradually, it grew bolder, sometimes landing on my desk.

It was first farther away from me, and when it saw that I was not going to hurt it, it approached it a little, then jumped on my cup, lowered its head to drink tea, and then looked over my face to see my reaction. I just smiled slightly, still writing, and it let go of the courage to run to the manuscript paper, bouncing around the tip of my pen, and the throbbing little red paws made a clicking sound on the paper.

I wrote quietly, silently enjoying the affection of this little fellow. In this way, it is completely at ease. With that little waxy, little red mouth, he clicked at the tip of my trembling pen. I touched its delicate fluff with my hand, and it was not afraid, but instead pecked my fingers twice in a friendly way.

During the day, it accompanied me so mischievously; as it got dark, it flew to the cage in the repeated calls of its parents, twisting its round body and squeezing through the green leaves.

Classic Recitation 丨 Feng Jicai's "Pearl Bird"

One day, when I was writing, it actually fell on my shoulders. The pen in my hand stopped unconsciously, for fear of scaring it away. After a while, I turned my head to see that the little guy was asleep on my shoulder, his silver-gray eyelids covering his eyes, and his little red feet just covering the long fluff on his chest. I gently lifted my shoulders, it didn't wake up, it slept soundly! Still smacking your mouth, are you dreaming?

I move the tip of my pen and write down how I feel at the moment: trust, often create a beautiful realm.

About the Author

Classic Recitation 丨 Feng Jicai's "Pearl Bird"

Feng Jicai, a famous contemporary writer, was born in 1942 in Ningbo, Zhejiang. His major works include the novels "Yihe Fist", "Three Inch Golden Lotus", "Tall Woman and Her Short Husband", "Carved Pipe", "Divine Whip" and so on. In addition to novels, he was also good at painting and also wrote prose. Created in 1984, Pearl Bird composes an ode to love between humans and animals by depicting a small bird flying around happily, while also indirectly expressing the meaning that "trust is also the norm of human social life".

Classic Recitation 丨 Feng Jicai's "Pearl Bird"

Reader Profile

Classic Recitation 丨 Feng Jicai's "Pearl Bird"

Shi Shuli, a first-class announcer of Jingmen Radio and Television Station, the vice president of Jingmen Broadcast Hosting Art Association, an expert consultant of Jingmen Recitation Association, and a visiting lecturer of the Art College of Jingchu Polytechnic Institute.

Shi Shuli has been engaged in broadcast hosting since 1991, and the feature films she has participated in hosting, dubbing, narrating, acting and editing have won the "First Prize of Hubei Provincial Broadcasting and Hosting Golden Microphone Award" and "First Prize of Hubei Provincial Broadcasting and Hosting Works" for many times.

Source: Jingmen on the Clouds, "Appreciation of Classical Recitation"

Editor: Li Jun

Review: Dooley

Third trial: Zheng Haibing

Classic Recitation 丨 Feng Jicai's "Pearl Bird"

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