
Teacher Xu Changwu's Tooth Extraction: I didn't expect to pull out so many stories

author:Hometown Xuchang
Teacher Xu Changwu's Tooth Extraction: I didn't expect to pull out so many stories

Wen ‖ Wu Guozhen picture ‖ network

Toothache, very painful.

At first, I thought it was on fire, so I went to the hospital to get some medicine, but after eating it, it still hurts, and it hurts even more when I eat. Helplessly, I only had to see a doctor in the hospital, and the doctor said that it was a disaster caused by wisdom teeth.

Let's take a look at the science first. Wisdom teeth, also known as wisdom teeth, are the third molar of human beings. With different genetic genes, wisdom teeth generally grow between the ages of 16 and 35, and are also the last teeth to grow in a person's life, so it is closest to the throat, because people in this period are more mature in mind and named. Wisdom teeth don't grow for everyone, and some people may grow three or four. (Want to see what teacher Wu's masterpiece was published last time?) Welcome to click on the following links to enjoy: 1. The voice of Xuchang veterans: If I am young again, I will choose to be a soldier; 2. Childhood, in addition to the happiness of brushing up the circle of friends, there is poverty and bitterness! )

Combined with my situation, due to eating for a long time to plug the teeth, plugged on the culling, the more culling the more plugged, the more plugged and more culling, eventually led to the misalignment of the wisdom teeth and injured the dental nerves, chewing when eating, especially eating slightly harder food, it will touch the dental nerves to produce pain. Taking medicine can only relieve temporary pain, not cure the root cause, the best solution is to pull it, then pull it.

After being introduced, I found a clinic specializing in the treatment of teeth, people understood the situation and took a film, but a blood pressure, high pressure 170, low pressure 100, high blood pressure can not be pulled out, said to cause complications. What to do?

Teacher Xu Changwu's Tooth Extraction: I didn't expect to pull out so many stories

The doctor gave advice, saying that he would go back and take more antihypertensive drugs, adjust the blood pressure and then pull it out. I asked "How much can it be dropped?" "High pressure is about 135, low pressure is about 80," the doctor told me. No way, listen to the doctor's back to tune it, wait until the adjustment is good.

In the past, I used to use the left tooth to chew food, the pain is naturally the left tooth, now I have to change to the right tooth to eat, and the right tooth is not very good, eating too hard food is also easy to plug the teeth, but it does not hurt, . In this way, while taking antihypertensive medicine, I struggled to eat with my right tooth.

One month, two months, three months... Half a year has passed, because eating with the right tooth, the left tooth will no longer hurt. I think that "the skin of the body, the parents, do not dare to destroy, the beginning of filial piety." "Everything on your body, even a hair and a little skin or a tooth, is given by your parents, and you don't dare or can't easily destroy it, otherwise you are not filial piety." In addition, some relatives and friends also advised me that the teeth can not be pulled out as much as possible, and if it hurts, it can take some medicine, and there are well-meaning friends who appear to give me a strong recommendation of where to treat toothache medicine. So and so, this middle tooth has not hurt anymore, so I don't think about the tooth extraction file.

Teacher Xu Changwu's Tooth Extraction: I didn't expect to pull out so many stories

In the blink of an eye, it's been more than a year. Because the left tooth has been damaged by long-term flossing, it can only eat some softer foods, and harder foods are not afraid to touch. Let's talk about how I picked teeth, at first I used a wooden tooth picking stick, and then the wooden tooth removal stick did not work, I changed to the needle for sewing clothes, and finally used a full set of teething tools from the Internet, the result was that the more teeth were picked, the larger the gap between the teeth, the more stuffed the teeth, and the stuffed teeth caused toothache. I have rejected many delicacies, especially meat products, for more than a year.

The wife said, "Husband, let's go to the barbecue." ”

I said, "Don't dare to eat, stuff your teeth." ”

The son said, "Dad, shall I buy you a fried chicken leg?" ”

I said, "Don't eat, stuff your teeth." ”

The daughter-in-law said, "Dad, which beef is so delicious, I'll buy you some?" ”

I said, "Stuff your teeth and don't eat." ”

The well-behaved granddaughter also said: "Grandpa, you don't dare to eat, you don't dare to eat, why are you hungry?" ”

I smiled bitterly at my granddaughter: "Grandpa has a good life!" ”

Fortunately, fat meat can be eaten, but the problem comes again, and patients with high blood pressure are not easy to eat fat meat. Because of the problem of teeth, I eat very slowly, in the unit canteen, often colleagues eat away I am still chewing slowly.

Teacher Xu Changwu's Tooth Extraction: I didn't expect to pull out so many stories

A colleague joked: "Lao Wu, why not like this, you first eat something into your stomach, and then come back and chew slowly, don't you delay things?" So I yelled at him and said, "That's how you are!" ”

Another popular science, colleagues said that it is called rumination, commonly known as "pouring foam". For example, some herbivores such as cattle, sheep, antelopes, etc., are generally in a hurry when feeding, especially eating some roughage, most of which are swallowed into the stomach without sufficient chewing, and then it returns these foods that have not been fully chewed to the mouth for full chewing, and then swallowed back into the stomach. Although my colleague's jokes are slightly detrimental, I think it would be a pleasure if people also have this rumination function.

Back to the point, just one month ago at dinner, the left tooth just touched the food suddenly a pain in the heart, as if a knife cut, which made me suddenly and truly appreciate what is called "toothache is not a disease, pain is going to kill", that is really a pain in the heart! At first, I thought I had touched hard food, but then I tried to chew some softer food. How can this be done? The left and right teeth do not dare to chew food, is it difficult to starve to death? It seems that this tooth has reached the point where it must be extracted.

Teacher Xu Changwu's Tooth Extraction: I didn't expect to pull out so many stories

The next day happened to be a Saturday day of my rest, and I didn't care about what tradition was not traditional, so I forgot the preaching of my relatives and friends, and asked my wife to go straight to the dental hospital - to extract my teeth.

On the way to the hospital, the ghost reminded me of the cross-talk masters Ma Ji and Liu Baorui who had heard it earlier. Saying that there is a person with a toothache, he goes to the dentist who sets up a stall on the street to see the teeth: "Doctor, I have this toothache above", the dentist said to the person, "Toothache, pull it out", the person asked "Doctor, how much is it to pull out a tooth?" The doctor said, "One piece of six above, eight hairs below," and the man said, "Too expensive, cheaper, eight cents is not OK?" Unexpectedly, the doctor readily agreed.

After receiving the money, the doctor took out a large tiger pliers from the bag, and did not use any anesthetic to the person to clamp a tooth and pull it out hard, and the person in pain covered his cheeks and cried Daddy called the mother: "Doctor, why didn't you give me a little anesthetic to pull it out, it was too damaged!" On the way back, the man felt something was wrong, and when he touched his teeth, it turned out that the tooth that had not been pulled out was not broken, so he quickly went back to the doctor: "Doctor, I have a toothache, how did you pull out one of my lower teeth?" The doctor said, "One piece above six, eight hairs below." ”

Teacher Xu Changwu's Tooth Extraction: I didn't expect to pull out so many stories

There was no way to pull it out, and this time the man didn't make a price, and happily took out a piece of six and gave it to the doctor. I saw the doctor take a long string of huqin from his bag, tie the man's teeth at one end, tie it to the nail under the table, and then take a bottle of gunpowder from his bag, open the lid and fall on the ground in front of the man, and take out the fire to let the man light the cannon. The man put a pestle on the fire and only listened to the sound of "poof", and a cloud of black smoke rose up, frightening the man, "Oh, my mother!" "Jumped three feet high, touched the teeth, fell off."

Thinking of this cross-talk, I was more or less worried, and then I thought, the cross-talk is about the quack doctors on the street in the past, and now it is a regular hospital in the new social city, and the probability of pulling out the wrong tooth is negligible. Thinking about the hospital will arrive, there are acquaintances in advance to recommend Director Yu in the hospital, Director Yu asked the specific situation and still let me measure my blood pressure first, high pressure 155, low pressure 100, "a little high can not be pulled out", Director Yu said. "So what to do? Now I have a problem even eating. I said to the director. Director Yu asked me if I usually eat antihypertensive drugs, I said "eat every day", Director Yu suggested that I go back to change the medicine to try, saying that maybe eating the same drug for a long time makes the body produce antibodies. Wait until the blood pressure really drops and give me a business card for her.

Teacher Xu Changwu's Tooth Extraction: I didn't expect to pull out so many stories

According to Director Yu's suggestion, I went to the hospital to change the antihypertensive drugs, and appropriately increased the dosage of the drugs, while enduring the pain of chewing food for one day, two days, three days. The fifth day was Friday night, Saturday was my fixed rest day, thinking that this time I would have to pull my teeth out, so I went to the nearby health room to measure my blood pressure. Not bad, high pressure 145, low pressure 90, then I called the director to inquire, the answer is yes.

The next day my wife and I hurried to the dental hospital, but to that amount of blood pressure, high pressure is OK, low pressure 97. I looked at Director Yu with a pleading look, not knowing whether it was because I was pulling my teeth out of my heart or if it was really possible in this state, she nodded at me. Then start the procedure, ask, explain the precautions in the tooth extraction, sign, and finally enter the key step - tooth extraction.

Lying on the tooth extraction bed, the surgeon once again explained some precautions during and after the tooth extraction, and for a moment, the sense of ritual made me feel strongly that this was clearly a challenge in my life.

First, I was given anesthesia, and I felt a little pain like a vaccination. When the anesthesia came up, because the anesthetic numbed the muscles near the throat and the eye, the unconscious bit of flesh was like a foreign body stuck in the esophagus mouth, and I had a strong feeling of vomiting, and even almost vomited.

Teacher Xu Changwu's Tooth Extraction: I didn't expect to pull out so many stories

The doctor asked me to slow down, saying that many people have this condition when they extract their teeth, and if they can't do it, they won't pull it out for the time being. The strong desire to "survive" made me warn myself, no, this tooth must be pulled out today. So, with a strong will, I tried to suppress the vomiting sensation, gritted my teeth and said to the doctor, "Come on, I'm ready!" I closed my eyes tightly and felt the tongs of the tooth extraction clamp between my "bad teeth" and swayed back and forth, pulling up and down, but I didn't feel a single pain. Because my teeth are deep, they are not easy to extract, and the doctor has told me beforehand that from the pictures of my teeth taken, it is a good thing for me that my teeth are deeply rooted - the teeth are not easy to fall out, but it is not a good thing for the doctor who extracted the teeth. The tooth extraction lasted about a minute or so before I finally pulled it out, during which I tried my best to suppress the desire to vomit, and finally persevered.

Teacher Xu Changwu's Tooth Extraction: I didn't expect to pull out so many stories

The doctor "dang" threw the extracted teeth into the plate, and then let me gargle a few mouthfuls of disinfectant water, given that my stomach was shallow and did not fill the alveoli with cotton wool, and at the same time told me not to talk, not to spit, swallow if there is saliva, sit quietly in the rest area and observe for about half an hour, and then you can go back when you are fine.

I sat there quietly, closed my eyes and suppressed with my mind the desire to vomit...

In this way, after two days, I can eat anything, and no matter what I eat, I can eat a lot, I don't have to stuff my teeth or culling my teeth, my natural teeth don't hurt, and my mental condition is much better. Everything is good to look at, look at the day is blue, see the water is clear, see everyone is so pleasing to the eye. The granddaughter said: "Grandpa doesn't have a toothache, everything bites, Grandpa is awesome!" ”

Yes, "Good teeth, good appetite, good body, eat Ma Ma xiang." "But I can't help but have some regrets: if only this tooth had been pulled out earlier!"

Teacher Xu Changwu's Tooth Extraction: I didn't expect to pull out so many stories

【Author's Profile】Wu Guozhen, who loves literature but lacks research, loves to write but is not good at it, often has small works seen in the media but is difficult to become a climate, and some articles have won awards but are not worth mentioning. Don't seek fame, just for that love, so you have to keep writing, life goes on, pen work hard. Now it is ranked among the post offices of Jiang Li Ji Town, Jian'an District, Xuchang City.

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Love Xuchang's hometown, see "Hometown Xuchang". Hometown Xuchang, feelings, temperature, taste!

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