
03/22 17:00 Health and Medical News Review

author:99 Health Net

Various regions have taken action to check the flow of illegal vaccines to the people involved in the Shandong extraordinarily large illegal vaccine case, the flow of vaccines, and so on, and the State Food and Drug Administration has issued a circular calling for an inventory. Recently, various localities have begun to act. On the 21st, the reporter learned from the Shenzhen Municipal Food and Drug Administration that in the announcement of the clues related to the Shandong extraordinarily large illegal vaccine case, a suspected Shenzhen seller has now been controlled by the Shenzhen public security department. On the 21st, the Anhui Provincial Food and Drug Administration, the Anhui Provincial Public Security Department, and the Anhui Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission set up an inter-departmental joint task force to conduct a thorough investigation of the personnel involved in the Shandong extraordinarily large illegal vaccine case and the flow of vaccines.

Note: 9 drug wholesales involving Shandong "problem vaccines" Shandong illegal vaccines flowed into many provinces. The Data Analysis of Drugs Seized by the State Food and Drug Administration in Jinan, Shandong Province, found that 9 pharmaceutical wholesale enterprises were suspected of fictitious vaccine sales channels, which may be the main responsible for the flow of vaccines into illegal channels. The State Food and Drug Administration informed today that through the data analysis of the drug seized by the State Food and Drug Administration on the illegal operation of vaccines in Jinan, Shandong Province, it was found that 9 pharmaceutical wholesale enterprises were suspected of fictitious vaccine sales channels, which may be the main responsible for the flow of vaccines into illegal channels.

Children are deaf after wrestling Why wrestling will be deaf Recently, 3-year-old Xiaoyue accidentally fell while playing, and as a result, she could not hear the sound after getting up. The father took the child to the doctor and found that the child was suffering from large vestibular catheter syndrome.

Pregnant women eat sponge addiction Do you know pica Pregnant women eat sponges to eat addiction, and still can't quit, what is the situation? This is a 28-year-old mother in West Yorkshire, England, who developed pica during pregnancy. She reportedly likes to dip sponges in sauces of different flavors, such as chocolate sauce and chili sauce. She has sponges in her car, in her handbags, and in her apartment, and she can eat at any time.

According to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, as of February 6, Brazil has reported a total of 170,000 dengue cases this year; the number of new cases in just one month reached 32. 50,000 cases, reaching 49 in early March. 50,000 cases. In addition to dengue fever, zika virus is currently raging in Brazil. Brazil's Ministry of Health has not released the specific number of people infected with Zika virus in the country, but the PANAA report shows that Brazil currently reports a total of about 7. There are 20,000 suspected cases of Zika virus infection, of which 534 have been confirmed, distributed in 23 states and special federal districts across the country.

The efficacy of the old Ni plaster false advertising is not as boasted as the boss of the shenxiang mountain after the 80s "800 Marriott to buy 11 Sets of Maserati Award Employees". Two months ago, the news was all over the place. Along with this, the Xiangshan boss who sold "Lao Ni plaster" was also on fire. The tree beckoned, and then all kinds of questioning voices came out. Yesterday, the reporter learned that "Lao Ni plaster" is indeed not as godly as it boasts, it does not have more than thirty years of physical store history, and manufacturers have not used the secret recipe of "Lao Ni plaster" to exaggerate the efficacy of the product at will. A few days ago, the Xiangshan County Market Supervision Bureau gave Xiangshan Nishitang Medical Technology Co., Ltd. an administrative penalty, ordering it to stop publishing false advertisements, ordering it to eliminate the impact within the corresponding range, and fining it 800,000 yuan.

Guangdong into the influenza epidemic period 6 strokes away from influenza troubles recently is the most active period of influenza viruses, just yesterday, the Guangdong Health and Family Planning Commission issued a seasonal influenza warning information, every year from March to July is the epidemic season of seasonal influenza. Experts assess that the current Guangdong influenza has entered the epidemic period, the proportion of community influenza incidence and hospital influenza-like cases will be maintained at a high level, and the risk of cluster epidemics in schools, childcare institutions, nursing homes and other collective units is high; in the epidemic season, the risk of complications, severe illness and even death caused by influenza is increased.

The 5-meter-long parasite removed from the body is the disaster caused by this kind of food, and the Taiwan media said that on the morning of the 21st, the laboratory of the laboratory of the Nanning 303 Hospital in the mainland found a rare trematodore - taenia oxenii - from the specimens sent after being discharged from the body of gastroenterology patients, and it was 500 centimeters long. According to Taiwan's Zhongshi Electronic News on March 21 quoted the "Contemporary Life News" Weibo said that the patient's surname is Chen, 45 years old, Nanning Binyang people, usually like to eat sashimi, raw beef, etc., although to meet the appetite of the mouth, but also suffered from liver fluke disease and tapeworm disease, in the hospital to remove insects for 5 days, on the morning of the 21st, the hospital laboratory laboratory from the patient after the discharge of the specimen, found a 500 cm long oxal tapeworm.

More than 100 fractures in 20 years Just because of this rare disease boy fractured more than 100 times in 20 years, what kind of rare disease did he suffer from? On March 20, Zhang Bo, a 20-year-old "ceramic boy", sat in a wheelchair and remembered his time at school a few years ago. In order to let him read, Zhang Bo's mother not only picked him up every day, but also carried him up 3 flights of stairs and put him on the seat of the class. Today, Zhang Bo's weight has increased to more than 100 pounds, and his mother is getting older and older, and she can no longer hold him. "I want to stand up and give my mother a break." This is Zhang Bo's greatest hope for the future.