
Crowned Hornbill 0158

author:Renew bird pu

The crowned hornbill is a large bird in the Field Manual of Chinese Birds No. 158 (scientific name: Anthracoceros coronatus), with a body length of 74 to 78 cm.

Crowned Hornbill 0158

The mouth has a large helmet protrusion, which is waxy yellow or ivory white in color, with a pronounced black spot on the front of the helmet, and the upper body is black, with a metallic green luster,

Crowned Hornbill 0158

The underparts are all black except for the ventral white , and the lateral tail feathers have broad white ends. The wing margins , feather apexes , and base are also white , which are highly pronounced when flying.

Crowned Hornbill 0158

Its natural habitat is low mountains and foothill evergreen broad-leaved forests below 1500 m above sea level. They often move in groups except during the breeding season. It is mostly perched and active in trees, and sometimes forages on the ground.

Crowned Hornbill 0158

The call is "Gake, Gak, Gacker", which is very loud. When flying, the head and neck are straight forward, and the wings are flattened, much like an airplane, so it is commonly known as the "airplane bird".

Crowned Hornbill 0158

It feeds mainly on the fruits and seeds of plants such as banyan trees, but also feeds on snails, worms, rodents, snakes, reptiles and insects on the ground. When eating, it is common to throw food in the air, then hold it with your mouth accurately and then swallow it. Food residues such as fruit cores and animal bones that cannot be digested are spit out from the stomach. The crested hornbills are found in China, India, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indochina and Malaysia.

Crowned Hornbill 0158

Listed in the List of Wild Animals under National Key Protection: National Second-Level Protected Animals (effective December 10, 1988). (Note: Hornbill family, all species)

Crowned Hornbill 0158

Listed on the IUCN Red List: Near Threatened Species (NT).

Listed in the "List of Wild Animals under National Key Protection in China" at the first level.

Crowned Hornbill 0158

Disclaimer: Bird species science information comes from Baidu Encyclopedia, and the pictures are created for personal photography. #Bird Photography ##Photo Headlines##Animal Protection##观鸟 #

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