
Sabonis Jr. had 24 points, 13 boards and six assists, and the Pacers lightly beat the Spurs to end a four-game losing streak

Sabonis Jr. had 24 points, 13 boards and six assists, and the Pacers lightly beat the Spurs to end a four-game losing streak

The Pacers beat the Spurs 131-118 at home to end a four-game losing streak.

Duarte, LeVert and McConnell started with consecutive goals, and the Spurs side of Murray came up and hit three three-pointers. Turner, LeVert and Justin Holliday blasted 12-0, Turner scored 12 points in the quarter, after which Holliday and Wernermaker shot from mid-range, and the Pacers blasted 43 points in a single quarter, leading by 10 points into the second quarter. Murray also scored 14 points.

In the second quarter, the Spurs trailed a six-point deficit off the bench, but Holliday and Duarte scored three-pointers, and Sabonis Jr. scored consecutive runs from the basket, and the Pacers exploded a 22-10 instant 18-point advantage. LeVert also threw a three-pointer into the whistle, and the Pacers blasted down 78 points at halftime, leading by as many as 22 points. In the third quarter, Sabonis, Turner, Holliday and LeVert all played, and the Pacers scored 31 points again in the single quarter, always maintaining a huge advantage, scoring 109 points in the third quarter and finally beating the opponent easily at home.

The Pacers shot 57.8 percent, With Sabonis on 11-of-15 shooting with 24 points, 13 rebounds and six assists, Turner 19 points, 8 rebounds, 2 breaks and 3 blocks, Duarte 18 points, LeVert 16 points and 7 assists on 6-of-19 shooting, McConnell 10 points, 10 assists and 3 losses, and Holliday 17 points, 4 assists and 2.

Spurs Murray 16 points and six assists, White 13 points and seven assists, Poulter 11 points and six rebounds, Kelden Johnson 9 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists, Vassell 15 points, Forbes 10 points, Randell 10 points, Walker 10 points.

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