
Against racial discrimination, these Asian stars have spoken out...

author:Overseas network

Source: China Overseas Chinese Network WeChat public account

China Overseas Chinese Network April 4 Title: Against racial discrimination, these Asian stars have spoken out...

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, discrimination against Asians has intensified.

According to Stop AAPI Hate, from March 19, 2020 to February 28, 2021, there were 3,795 attacks against Asians in the United States, more than 1,000 higher than the previous year.

In March, a spate of shootings in Atlanta killed at least eight people, including six Asian-American women.

This incident has completely angered the Asian-American community that has always chosen silence and tolerance, and a wave of opposition to discrimination against Asians has been set off in many parts of the United States. The topic of #StopAsianHate on social networks also received a warm response.

"Racial discrimination is the virus!"

"Stop Asian hate!"

"I'm proud to be Asian!"

Many Asian celebrities have taken to the streets or spoken out on social media to inject more cohesion into the massive anti-racism movement.

Wu Yanzu: "Can't stand it, we must take action to resist"

Since the outbreak of various acts of violence against Asians, Chinese movie star Wu Yanzu has been speaking out on social media, calling on everyone to fight discrimination against Asians.

In early 2021, a 91-year-old Chinese-American elderly man in Auckland's Chinatown was suddenly pushed from behind by an African-American man for no reason.

Subsequently, Wu Yanzu and Asian actor Kim Dae-hyun issued a reward of 25,000 US dollars to collect clues from the perpetrators.

During the Spring Festival, Wu Yanzu personally rushed to Chinatown in Auckland to attend an Asian rally and give a speech calling for unity.

He also visited shops in Chinatown and gave blue whistles to shop owners. If there is another attack on Asians, you can blow the whistle and seek help from your neighbors.

In addition, he designed a T-shirt with "StopAsianHate" to raise donations online to support campaigns against Asian discrimination.

In addition to personally helping Asians, Wu Yanzu also gave an interview to the local media CBSN in the United States to express his anger at discrimination against Asians and call on the Asian community to take action; on social media, he actively responded to the actions of Asian-American groups in Oakland, calling on the masses to volunteer or donate money to keep the Elderly Asians safe.

On March 31, the NBA Warriors officially announced that they would launch a charity auction of players' landing jerseys to support the campaign against Asian discrimination, and Wu Yanzu also forwarded the message and said: "It is a pleasure to see my home team participate in it and stop Asian discrimination!" ”

Jeremy Lin: "Despite fear and anger, there is still hope"

After the Atlanta shooting, Jeremy Lin, a Chinese star currently playing for the Santa Cruz Warriors in the NBA Development League, was invited to publish a signed article in Time magazine titled "Despite Fear and Anger, There Is Hope," calling for racial equality and unity.

In the article, Jeremy Lin details the injustices and neglects that Asians have suffered as "invisible people" in American society, and reflects on how much he did not break down barriers for the next generation during the "Lin Madness".

Long before that, Jeremy Lin had repeatedly spoken out on social media about anti-discrimination, "Fighting ignorance and ignorance will make us get nothing." He believes that if you want to really help, go directly to the Asians who need help.

Recently, Jeremy Lin gave an online interview to takeline, a local media outlet in the United States, to express his opinions on a series of discrimination and violence against Asians, in solidarity with Asians against discrimination.

Sandra Wu: "I am proud to be born Asian"

Sandra Oh, a Korean-American actor who became famous for the American drama "Killing Eve", recently appeared at a "stop hating Asians" rally in Pittsburgh, USA.

Wu Shanzhuo held a horn in the rally, and the video of standing in the crowd shouting was on the hot search on the same day, which made the blood of many netizens boil.

"I know a lot of people in our community are feeling scared right now, and I understand that. One way to drive away fear is to unite with the community. At the rally that day, she called on everyone to stand up against the atrocities.

"If you see something like this happening, will you help me?" If you see that our siblings need help, would you be willing to lend a hand? As Asian-Americans, we have to understand that we just have to reach out to our brothers and sisters and tell them , 'Help me, I'm here.'" ”

In the end, Wu ended the street speech with "I was proud to be Asian in my life."

In addition, there are also these celebrities who have also spoken out:

Wang Ziyi, a Chinese-American director of the film "Don't Tell Her," wrote on social media about the Atlanta shooting: "I know these women. They worked hard so that they could send their children to school and have money to send back to their hometowns. It's so sad to do that I don't know what to say. ”

Olivia Marne, an actress in the American drama "Newsroom" and half Of Vietnamese Chinese descent, appealed on social media: "These violent attacks and murders continue to occur, please help us." Help us stay safe in our country. ”

Kim Dae-hyun, a Korean actor who has been actively speaking out for Asians, also dissected on social media: "Crimes against race are not just isolated incidents. If you already have hatred planted in your heart, then you are part of the problem. And those who are able to help but stand by and watch, your silence is aiding and abetting abuse. ”

Mindy Kaling, an Indian-American creator of the American drama "The Office," said on social media, "Enough, enough!" Atrocities targeting Asian siblings are disgusting, but it's not surprising to look at the bizarre Asian-hating speeches of recent years. ”


Earlier, Bruce Lee's daughter Li Xiangning had said on social media about the "Chinese virus" and "kung fu flu" and other remarks: "You think that is just a joke, we don't have to be too real." But it is someone who will be provoked into hatred and xenophobia, fueled by violence. ”

Chinese movie star Liu Yuling and some other Asian celebrities from all walks of life have also posted a video calling for an end to hatred against Asians. Liu Yuling said in the video: "We must unite, and together we will be stronger! ”

An Asian netizen living overseas had this to say about the Atlanta shooting:

"I'm here to tell you why all Asians are mourning for other people's mothers. Because we know that our parents don't live for themselves, they live for us. They left their parents, worked until they couldn't move, ate our leftover food, and they gave us everything. However, the mothers who died in these shootings, their lives are over before they even begin..."

We only hope that the loved ones, friends and lovers around us will no longer be plagued by racial discrimination and violence.

(Source: China News Network, People's Daily Overseas Edition, Overseas Network, The Paper, etc.; Author: Zeng Xiaowei; ID: Qiaowangzhongguo)

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