
Tibetan Science Popularization | Unforgettable diving adventures in La Paz

author:Knowledge is Power Magazine
Tibetan Science Popularization | Unforgettable diving adventures in La Paz

Written by / Chen Fenjie

This article is from the magazine Knowledge is Power

Tibetan Science Popularization | Unforgettable diving adventures in La Paz
Tibetan Science Popularization | Unforgettable diving adventures in La Paz
Tibetan Science Popularization | Unforgettable diving adventures in La Paz

The city of La Paz is the capital of Southern California, located in the southeastern tip of boot-shaped Lower California, facing the Gulf of California, with a population of about 250,000, mainly supported by diving, fishing, and planting. Due to the desert climate and economic underdevelopment, the land of La Paz appears relatively barren, but the Gulf of California (the Gulf of California) is another colorful world – the Gulf of California attracts people from all over the world every year with its unique diving scenery.

Tibetan Science Popularization | Unforgettable diving adventures in La Paz

La Paz is located at the southwestern tip of the Sea of Coles, to the right of the half-moon inner bay

The Sea of Cortez – the aquarium of the world

The Gulf of California is also known as the Sea of Cortez. In terms of species diversity and the diverse composition of ecosystems, the Sea of Cortez is a true marine paradise.

The formation of species diversity in the Gulf of California is inseparable from its diverse marine habitat, complex marine environment and geographical evolutionary history. The northern shore of the Gulf of California has a number of terrestrial freshwater injections, the seabed is volcanic due to plate movement, the climate is relatively warm all year round, the bay is full of islands and reefs, and the active tide mixture is the reason for the high species diversity in the area.

La Paz Bay – an unforgettable beneath the sea

La Paz Bay is the domain of the California Sea Lion, also known as the California Sea Lion. California sea lions, also known as loud men, are found from southeastern Alaska in the north of North America to the Galapagos Islands in South America.

Tibetan Science Popularization | Unforgettable diving adventures in La Paz

Close contact with sea lions – left hand "bitten" by sea lions

Among the various underwater coral fish, the scaly pufferfish are particularly eye-catching. As a common local species, the scaly pufferfish covers many species, but the appearance is very similar - the diamond-shaped body shape plus the protruding upper and lower dorsal fins. Different from the general fish using twisting the body plus tail fin to promote the march, the scaly puffer more rely on the dorsal fin and fin fan superimposed pectoral fin forward, because the fin is wide plus the movement mode restriction, its movement speed is slower, but the controllability is good, can easily advance and retreat (general fish are more difficult to achieve retreat), or even hover somewhere, flexibility like hummingbirds.

Tibetan Science Popularization | Unforgettable diving adventures in La Paz

Scaly pufferfish looking around for food inside coral reefs

Tibetan Science Popularization | Unforgettable diving adventures in La Paz

Dried scaly pufferfish on the shore

La Paz – responsible and sustainable living

Diving in the beach waters of La Paz or the surrounding waters, you rarely see a trace of trash. La Paz is an advocate and implementer of environmentally sustainable concepts, and local diving activities are responsible diving practices. What is responsible diving? That is, to respect the rights of marine life and to ensure that the impact of human arrival on living creatures is minimized.

Tibetan Science Popularization | Unforgettable diving adventures in La Paz

Drones photograph juvenile whale sharks coming to inshore for food

Tibetan Science Popularization | Unforgettable diving adventures in La Paz

The behemoths of the sea swim past the divers

On land, La Paz has also practiced the concept of sustainable environmental protection with practical actions, advocating local consumers to recycle various types of daily necessities, reduce the use and dependence on plastic products, save the use and recycling of water resources, guide people to volunteer to participate in local nature conservation work, etc., and teach people to jointly protect the beautiful environment owned by La Paz.

Tibetan Science Popularization | Unforgettable diving adventures in La Paz

A bird's-eye view of bath city, the rustic features of the desert are very different from our common reinforced forest cities

La Paz has also returned to nature in urban development. Unlike many cities with wide roads and high-rise buildings, many of La Paz's buildings are still low-earth yellow houses, some areas of the city are still pristine, and many infrastructure is still sufficient but not up-to-date. As we continue to promote urbanization and modernize our lives in China, the development model of La Paz allows us to see another possibility.

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