
The first glass of water in the morning, did you drink it right? Exactly how to drink it is correct

author:Orthopedic Liu Gang

My mom is a health enthusiast and knows more about wellness than I do. Every time I lived at home with my parents, my mother would always nag me in the morning to finish brushing my teeth and quickly drink the water. When she finished saying this, a glass of warm boiling water would be placed at the head of my bed... I used to be impatient and nag my mother. Later, it was found that this cup of water was full of love and would always be obediently drunk. Savor it, with sweetness! The next time you go home, you must also prepare the water for your mother in advance, and it is also very important to get up early with a glass of water.

A glass of water in the morning, a healthy whole day. We folk have always been circulating such a saying, in fact, drinking a glass of water in the morning is really a way to benefit our health! The benefits of drinking water in the morning Let's take a look at it first!

The first glass of water in the morning, did you drink it right? Exactly how to drink it is correct

☆ Replenish hydration

We are after a whole night of rest, nervous, but our body's various organs can work seriously all night, the process of their work will consume a lot of water in the body, a whole night later, we get up early to drink a glass of water, can timely replenish the lack of water in the body, help them recover vitality.

☆ Wash the stomach and intestines

After a whole night of digestion and metabolism, there is no excess food in the stomach, and drinking a glass of water at this time can help us cleanse the stomach and intestines, take away the metabolites in the stomach, and also help flush out the stomach acid.

☆ Through the intestines run road

The first glass of water in the morning can also help us increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote the excretion of waste products, avoid the uncomfortable condition of constipation, and affect health and mood.

☆ Moisturize the skin

The first glass of water in the morning, did you drink it right? Exactly how to drink it is correct

A glass of water in the morning can help us replenish water in various parts of the body, take away waste, facilitate blood circulation, bring moisture to the skin, nourish the skin, and maintain youthful vitality.

☆ Awake brain

After a whole work of the body, the blood will also be dehydrated, timely replenishment of a cup of water, the water content in the blood increases, reduces the viscosity of the blood, the speed of cell oxygen transfusion will also accelerate, and the brain will become awake.

There are so many benefits to our body by drinking water in the morning, but some friends still don't like to drink water, they may think that water is tasteless, what is good to drink, but they want to add water to their bodies, so they have found alternatives, such as honey water, lemonade, and even juice drinks. In fact, early rise we are very unsubscribed to drink these alternatives, they will bring us harm to a certain extent.

In the morning, these kinds of water are not recommended to drink:

☆ Honey water

Some people think that getting up early with a cup of honey water can prevent constipation, but in addition to helping constipation, it cannot help us achieve the role of cleaning up the body's waste, which loses the meaning of drinking a glass of water in the morning. Honey contains a lot of fructose and glucose, the intake of these sugars need to be converted to be absorbed by the body, and drinking honey water is also easy to cause blood sugar to rise. If consumed too much, it may also cause diarrhea.

☆ Lemonade

The first glass of water in the morning, did you drink it right? Exactly how to drink it is correct

Drink lemonade early on an empty stomach, the acid in the lemon will irritate the stomach, which will lead to stomach discomfort, excessive secretion of stomach acid, easy to make us have symptoms of nausea.

☆ Drinks

Drinking carbonated drinks in the morning does not help our body to replenish water, but also increases our need for water, so that our body continues to work in the absence of water, which is not conducive to good health.

☆ Overnight tea

Overnight tea after a whole night of placement, will produce a lot of bacteria and harmful substances, not only can not help us replenish the water in the body, but also endanger our health. It seems that the saying "a pot of tea in the morning, no need to find a doctor" is definitely not true.

☆ Light salt water

Some people will think that getting up early and drinking a glass of light salt water is beneficial for the elimination of toxic substances. In fact, drinking light salt water in the morning will make us more thirsty. Not only that, the morning is the highest time period for human blood pressure, and drinking light salt water at this time will make our blood pressure become higher and harmful to physical health.

This cup of water in the morning really can't be drunk indiscriminately, so how should we drink the first cup of water in the morning scientifically?

The first glass of water in the morning, did you drink it right? Exactly how to drink it is correct

☆ Choose the right temperature

It is not advisable to drink too hot or too cold water in the morning, the temperature is 40 ° C -50 ° C, too hot water may cause damage to the esophageal mucosa. Therefore, a cup of warm boiled water is a good choice for both the elderly and young people.

☆ In the morning, you can generally drink a glass of water, about 200 ml, and do not drink too much water, excessive drinking of water will also lead to excessive body water, bringing pressure to blood pressure.

☆ Drinking water speed should not be too fast, grunting to drink water this way is not very healthy, easy to damage the spleen and stomach. The best way to do this is to drink it slowly.

Regarding drinking water, many people also drill into some water drinking misunderstandings, the following misunderstandings must be paid attention to:

☆ Overnight water can not be drunk

Some people think that overnight water or water that boils repeatedly can produce a carcinogenic factor---- nitrites. Here to our friends science popularization, we usually drink the water in the maximum nitrite content should not exceed 0.1mg / L, our human body can safely ingest 0.2 mg of nitrite per kilogram. For example, if you now weigh 100 kilograms, a one-time intake of 20 mg of nitrite is safe for you. Therefore, the water can still be safely used after a day or two. If you put it for too long, it will also breed bacteria, so friends should also pay attention to it when drinking.

☆ Drink water before exercise or drink water after exercise

The first glass of water in the morning, did you drink it right? Exactly how to drink it is correct

Many sports enthusiasts often ask, is it reasonable to add water before exercise or is it better to add water in time after exercise? In fact, we do not need to add too much water before exercise, and drinking too much water may also affect our exercise. After exercise, hydration, can not just finish exercising, just rush to drink water, this time rush to drink water, the body has not yet returned from the state of exercise, easy to affect physical health, serious cases will also occur sudden death. After exercise, take a break and drink water to replenish your water. Drink water before and after exercise to control the amount of water to drink, scientifically replenish water.

Water is the source of life, I hope we can all drink the first cup of water in the morning, every day can be scientific and healthy to replenish the body's water, to be a water spirit of the person!