
An in-depth look at Psychic Journey: What are we missing in order to define the meaning of life?

author:The traction of the heart
An in-depth look at Psychic Journey: What are we missing in order to define the meaning of life?

Brushed up on "Spiritual Journey" twice. At the end of the first time, I was alone in the theater crying before leaving. At the end of the second time, wait for the daughter to finish crying before leaving. There are more and more spiritual movies, and I feel more and more messengers of light working on earth, especially grateful!

Where to start?

Let's start with the goal. Ironically, the goal comes from Western culture – success studies! Today, Western movies that encourage people to pursue utilitarianism are talking about the way of confucianism and Zhuangzi! It seems that the world is becoming more and more diverse.

Joey Gorna didn't want to die because he felt his life had just begun— he had the coveted opportunity to play at the best jazz club in New York. On the brink of life and death, he entered the Academy of Spirituality and became a mentor by mistake.

A common phenomenon is that many people's souls wake up quickly after experiencing depression, experiencing serious illness, experiencing despair, and experiencing near-death experiences. They seem to understand the meaning of life better, why they live, and how they want to live.

An in-depth look at Psychic Journey: What are we missing in order to define the meaning of life?

Joey had thought that as long as he achieved his goals and realized his dreams in life, his life would be very different! This is the importance of success studies that has always been promoting goals. I've been setting goals since I was a teenager, and I'll admit that I have a strong sense of purpose. Perhaps, because of this, I have obtained some career results, some learning results, and perhaps the envy of others. But, at the same time, I missed a lot of things. Just like Lang Lang also missed his childhood.

As my spirituality grew, I became more and more aware of my proud sense of purpose, but in fact I was living more in the future. Project the past lack and failure into the future, and fantasize about success in the future. So, the success of many people has always been in the future, always on the road.

How many people, like Joey, always feel that if I did something, if I made enough money, I could live, and my life would be different! And when Joey's dream came true, he found that life was not as different as he had expected. The story of the little fish looking for the sea in the sea may be somewhat enlightening to the "Joeys".

How many people, like Joey, believe that music is the spark of his life, that something external is what he is struggling to pursue, and how many people secretly say to themselves: I must succeed on this platform. Whenever I ask, "What's the difference between success here and success in other areas?" "When, often dumbfounded.

And when Joey became a cat and watched from the perspective of a bystander as another soul would live out a state he had never been able to do with the same body, he was stunned. The barber's previous dream was to be a veterinarian, but he failed to do so, so he became a hairdresser. But he didn't feel any reluctance or regret, and he could find out the enthusiasm and meaning that he could enjoy whether he took a scalpel or a barber.

When Number Twenty-Two and the barbershop people truthfully shared his unique and authentic experience, everyone gathered around, deeply attracted, and felt how real and interesting this soul was! The hairdresser said the conversation was fun and that Joey's mouth could have something other than music.

An in-depth look at Psychic Journey: What are we missing in order to define the meaning of life?

Music is a part of life, it's just that you define it as the whole of life. What about you? Wealth, success, career, marriage, children, enlightenment? Which one was defined by you by me as what it is all about my life?

How many years have we been taught that life is meant to be in control, not to experience?

I still remember saying with emotion: There are two kinds of loss in this world, one is lost in the material world, and the financial broker in the movie is represented; the other is lost in the spiritual world, and the twenty-second number is represented.

Just staring at that future success, not living in the present moment, is lost. Number Twenty-two is only willing to stay in nothingness, resisting the challenges of real life, pursuing "stability", and is dead and silent inside. There was no fire. It also seems to know everything, and what is alive and free is that the truth is understood a lot, and it is still not a perfect interpretation of this life. Do you know?

An in-depth look at Psychic Journey: What are we missing in order to define the meaning of life?

I was watching the twenty-second segment, and I was just biting a chicken leg hamburger when Mother Teresa appeared and yelled at number twenty-two: I love everyone but you! My chicken thighs squirted out! Hahahahaha!

How many masters, how many great men can not awaken a soul that rejects life, see? Speaking the truth? Fart! Life needs to be lived out by your own experience! The realm of the master has nothing to do with you!!!

The Master could not arouse the fighting spirit of twenty-two, and a Joey who lived the most mediocre and meaningless life could.

Seeing this, I am also relieved. I used to think that I had to live an extraordinary life to ignite the enthusiasm of more people's lives. It turns out that there are some people you can't wake up, not because I'm not good enough, it may be because I'm not bad enough! Hahaha!

Number twenty-two made Joey feel the color and fragrance, and the person without the body did not feel it at all. This is very important. This is what the Heart Sutra says: no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, no color, sound, fragrance, touch. We experience the world through the different senses of the body, it is our instrument on earth, without which the soul cannot experience it. Unfortunately, we come to think that the tool is ourselves, which also hinders our connection to the essence.

An in-depth look at Psychic Journey: What are we missing in order to define the meaning of life?

When Twenty-Two finally had a body, the experience really began. Like a newborn baby, all the senses are so acute, no intention, no fear, no distinction between pure and impure, no past, no future, pure experience, living completely in the present. It is the state of enlightenment. At this time, he will find that life is so beautiful!

The process of life is experience—whether it's a good feeling or a bad feeling. I am a good jazz musician without attachment, and I am not afraid of the attacks of others. He knows very well that he is a soul, experiencing life through a body, Joey is not him, the body is not him, the identity is not him... He is merely a being. He's not a jazz musician, he doesn't know jazz, but he lives out the spirit of jazz – authenticity, fluidity, freedom!

An in-depth look at Psychic Journey: What are we missing in order to define the meaning of life?

This is the state of no self-grasping, no "small self", I no longer project, other people's so-called ugly words can not hurt you at all. Because there is no defined "you" at all, what else does it hurt? What desireless is just, see this scene, find no self is just ah!

We, too. Our presence is also nameless, not even numbered. It is existence that experiences all this through the body.

An in-depth look at Psychic Journey: What are we missing in order to define the meaning of life?

Twenty-two's originally pure soul came to Earth and was also lost. Countless negative hypnosis is polluting its mind, making him full of criticism of himself again and again, thinking that he is not good enough, not good enough, no goal and no ambition is wrong!

When number twenty-two identifies with those voices, when he wants to live as those voices demand, he loses himself. Our spiritual light is obscured by a dark, thick haze. He couldn't see his own beauty, and he was in pain and couldn't extricate himself. How many of us want to live what others say is good, while living in deep pain?

Not everyone has to be a musician, not everyone can be successful in business, but everyone can be themselves. You don't have to do a big cause to have a fire, live in the moment, experience even if a fallen leaf brings you feelings, even if it is the touch of your feet and the earth, there will be fire, can ignite your enthusiasm for life, can let you find the meaning of life. After all, meaning or happiness is purely subjective.

Being lost is not terrible, it is just an experience. The soul never leaves, and the fallen leaf that Joey lifts can remind the lost twenty-two of the awareness that was living in the present, and awareness is always there, even if you are lost, it is there.

An in-depth look at Psychic Journey: What are we missing in order to define the meaning of life?

When we pull the mind back from the outside back to the inside, awareness connects us to the soul, and the light of awareness dissolves the fog and illusions in an instant.

From confusion to enlightenment, the key is to live in every moment with the experience of awareness; from confusion to enlightenment, it is considered to have completed the evolution of the soul. Experience earth through the mist, upgrade, and go home.

So, I was thinking about my daughter, do I dare to let her experience it painfully and vividly? Do I dare to allow her to live a mediocre, adventurous life?

——This article is written by the columnist of "The Traction of the Heart", Teacher Fu Huijie, welcome to reprint, please indicate the source and author

An in-depth look at Psychic Journey: What are we missing in order to define the meaning of life?

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