
King Jing of Zhou did not understand the principle of "unity of purpose", which caused five years of civil unrest in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

author:It's like the first snow

The Eastern Zhou Dynasty was ji gui, the twelfth-generation tianzi of Zhou Jing, who during his reign (524 BC), prepared to cast two sets of giant chimes, one without shooting (pronounced yì) and the other in Obayashi. He intended to hang the two sets of chimes up and down together to play them.

King Jing of Zhou did not understand the principle of "unity of purpose", which caused five years of civil unrest in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty


Shan Mugong persuaded, "Your Majesty, you can't do this!" The minting of large sums of money has already taken away a lot of the wealth of the people of Li, and the king wants to cast a big bell, which is equivalent to increasing the burden of the people, so how can the people live? ”

"The great bell that Your Majesty is now casting cannot hear the sound to the ear, the size does not conform to the regulations, the harmonious sound cannot be heard in the bell, the specification exceeds the prescribed standard, it is not conducive to the performance of the instrument, and it wastes the manpower and property of the people.

For twenty-three years, the king will cast no shots and become a great forest. Shan Mu Gong said, "No." Heavy coins were used to eliminate the people's capital, and large bells were minted to keep them alive. Now the king is the bell, listening to the abundance, compared to the degree, the bell can not know the peace, the system can not be out of the festival, it is not beneficial to enjoy and the people's wealth, will be used! ——" Shan Mu Gong Cambodia King Casts a Big Bell"

King Jing of Zhou did not understand the principle of "unity of purpose", which caused five years of civil unrest in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

The playing of chimes

King Jing was very angry at Shan Mugong's advice and asked Si Le Dafu Lingzhou Jiu.

Lingzhou Jiu, the Master of Sile, also replied: "If there is harmonious and pleasant music in the world, it can make all things multiply and multiply and increase wealth." This music is ethical, and so is the chant. ”

"Morality, like rhythm, can be used to communicate with the gods if there is no mistake, and the gods are therefore at peace, and the people are able to obey and settle, and then the world is stable and prosperous."

If one consumes money and goods and makes the people work as coolies to indulge one's lustful desires, the sound that enters the ears cannot be harmonious, and the music played is also legitimate, which is not only not conducive to enlightenment, but also hurts the hearts of the people and provokes the consequences of the gods, which is not something that the courtiers can know. ”

King Jing of Zhou did not understand the principle of "unity of purpose", which caused five years of civil unrest in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

Image from the web

King Jing still did not listen to the advice and insisted on casting a large bell.

In the twenty-fourth year of King Jing, the big bell was cast, and the musicians who tried to play came to report that the music was harmonious.

King Jing was very happy to hear this, so he said to Lingzhou, "You all say that the bells are not harmonious, isn't this harmony?" ”

Lingzhou Jiu replied, "Your Majesty, maybe you still don't understand the reason." ”

King Jing said, "For what reason?" You say come and listen. ”

King Jing of Zhou did not understand the principle of "unity of purpose", which caused five years of civil unrest in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

Big clock

Lingzhou Jiu said: "The musical instruments made by the king can make the people very happy, which is harmony." Now a great deal of money has been spent, many labourers have been expropriated, the people have lost their property and they have been exhausted. The people were resentful, and the subjects did not think that this was harmony.

There are very few things that can make the people like them unsuccessful; but if they are things that the people hate, there are very few things that do not fail. Therefore, there is a proverb that says: All wills are united, and all mouths are shoveled. ”

King Zhou Jing said angrily, "Hmm, I see you're old and confused!" After saying that, the Buddha sleeved away.

King Jing of Zhou did not understand the principle of "unity of purpose", which caused five years of civil unrest in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

In the past three years, King Jing of Zhou has plundered the people's fat, and the people have not only minted big money but also made big bells, causing the people to complain and many people to revolt.

As a result, King Jing died of a heart attack the following year, and the Zhou Dynasty also broke out into a five-year-long civil unrest.

Unity of purpose, later often used for military and civilian unity to overcome difficulties.

For example, in the recent sudden rainstorm in Henan, the governments and people of various parts of Henan have "united as one" and united as one to fight floods and provide disaster relief.

And during the epidemic period, Chinese people have given full play to the spirit of "unity of purpose and unity", obeyed commands, abided by regulations, and set an example for people around the world in the prevention and control of the epidemic.

【A Daily Idiom Story: Unity of Purpose】

[Interpretation: All as one, as indestructible as a strong wall. The metaphor is united and powerful. 】

[Source: "Chinese • Zhou Yuxia": The hearts of the people are city, and the mouths are shoveled. 】

(Note: The picture in the text is from the Network)

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