
The massacre of the Japanese army in Liaoning: 24 villagers were killed, and babies were pierced with bayonets, which was extremely cruel

author:Qiong Lancheng

In the 1930s, the world economic crisis broke out, Japan fell into extreme difficulties, and eventually led to a political crisis, in order to get rid of the predicament, the Japanese top level after strict preparations, the invasion of Southeast Asian countries, plundering resources and wealth to help Japan out of the predicament, September 18, 1931 at about 10:00 p.m., the Japanese army deliberately in Shenyang Beidaying about 800 meters south of the Wicker Lake near the south of the South Manchuria Railway bombed a section of the South Manchuria Railway, carefully forged the scene to blame the Northeast Army, so that the two armies opened fire into a state of combat, The Japanese army began a long-planned war of aggression against China, because Zhang Xueliang pursued Chiang Kai-shek's policy of non-resistance and led the Northeast Army to withdraw from the northeast, and the Japanese army occupied the entire territory of the northeast in 4 months, committing repeated crimes in the northeast.

In the whole process of the Japanese invasion of China, the Japanese army created countless tragic cases, including the Nanjing Massacre, Unit 731 and comfort women, etc., the Japanese army has no military discipline to speak of, there are massacres all over the country, they do not regard Chinese as people at all, kill as they want, on January 23, 1932, the Japanese army launched a tragic massacre in Lishuyingzi Village, Daguben Town, Fuxin Mongol Autonomous County, Liaoning Province, 24 villagers died tragically under the japanese knife. Even the swaddled baby did not escape the clutches of the Japanese army and was pierced to death by a bayonet.

Just because the anti-Japanese volunteer army had arrived here that day, a small group of Japanese troops followed and went to the village to grab the villagers to lead the way for them, and on the evening of the second day, the Japanese army returned to Lishu Yingzi Village again, and the Japanese army went directly to Zhang Ruiqing's house this time to kick the door. At this time, Zhang Ruiqing's mother was at home with a child, she held the child up and went to open the door, but the Japanese army involuntarily killed her, Zhang Ruiqing in the room saw this situation and took up a shotgun and killed the two Japanese soldiers, he then rushed into the mountains, these Japanese troops saw that it was late, and did not dare to chase them in, they could only give up, returned to the village and burned zhang Ruiqing's family's house.

On January 15, in order to deal with the villagers, the Japanese army shamelessly transferred fighters, and after a short period of low-altitude reconnaissance over the village, they began to bombard indiscriminately, and the Japanese troops originally stationed in the village all went out to pounce on the ravine where Zhang Ruiqing fled, and there was a family living in the depths of this ravine, the owner was named Wang Zhenhai, because of the Japanese bombing, many people in the village ran to their homes for refuge, but after the Japanese army entered the mountain, they continued to strafe with guns, and there were shells falling in the sky, Wang Zhenhai wanted to go out to see what was sent. But he was killed shortly after he was discharged from the hospital.

After a while, the Japanese army broke into Wang Zhenhai's home with a three-eight big cover, and all the people hiding in the house were pulled out and gathered in the courtyard by the Japanese army, the Japanese army ordered the village name to unbutton their clothes to be searched, and then the Japanese army set up a machine gun in front of these people, set fire to the house of Wang Zhenhai's family, Wang Zhenhai's neighbor's family was two old people, seeing that the Japanese army's posture was to slaughter the people, the two dared to come forward to intercede, but just halfway through, they were shot and killed by the Japanese army, and then the bodies of the two old people were thrown into the fire and burned to death. Everyone was then shot, and the houses of the three families in the ravine were burned down. After all this was done, the Japanese army returned to the village of Pear Tree Camp. Just in time to collide with Xing Liansheng, who was running outside the village, the Japanese greeted him with a bayonet. The Japanese then continued to kill in the village, killing and wounding two people each, and throwing the bodies of the victims into the fire and burning them.

The purpose of the Japanese return this time was to find three people who would show them the way: Li Deshan, Li Delin, and Qinzhu Zi. The Japanese army felt that they were not honest, did not take them to find the volunteers, so they tied up the three of them and knelt on the road, the Japanese army broke into the villagers Old Shi's house and drove all the people out of the house, because they forgot to take the children on the kang for a while, the Japanese army directly took the children out and handed them to Mrs. Shi, Mrs. Shi took the child and wanted to find something to wrap the child, the Japanese army was angry at once, directly snatched the baby in mrs. Shi's hand, directly pierced it with a bayonet, and the baby did not breathe on the spot.

The three people who led the way were directly killed by the Japanese army with machine gun strafing, the most tragic of which was Li Deshan, who was directly cut off by the Japanese army with a knife and thrown into the fire, after the Burning and Looting of the Pear Tree Camp, the Japanese army ate and drank heavily in the village, and then lifted the bodies of the two Japanese soldiers who were killed by Zhang Ruiqing before, in this bloody massacre, the Japanese army killed 24 villagers and burned more than 30 houses, which does not include the people killed by the Japanese plane, which can be said to be unbearable. This is the true face of the superficially polite Japanese, who have cruelty and barbarism in their bones, and today we must be even more vigilant against the revival of Japanese militarism and must not let the historical tragedy repeat itself!

The massacre of the Japanese army in Liaoning: 24 villagers were killed, and babies were pierced with bayonets, which was extremely cruel
The massacre of the Japanese army in Liaoning: 24 villagers were killed, and babies were pierced with bayonets, which was extremely cruel
The massacre of the Japanese army in Liaoning: 24 villagers were killed, and babies were pierced with bayonets, which was extremely cruel