
Contributing to the realization of the dream of a strong country and a strong army - General Secretary Xi Jinping presented the flag to the armed police force and delivered a speech that triggered a warm response from all walks of life

author:Xinhuanet client
Contributing to the realization of the dream of a strong country and a strong army - General Secretary Xi Jinping presented the flag to the armed police force and delivered a speech that triggered a warm response from all walks of life

On January 10, the Central Military Commission held a flag-awarding ceremony to the Armed Police Force at the Bayi Building in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, presented the flag to the Armed Police Force and delivered a speech. This is Xi Jinping presenting the flag to the armed police force. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang

Beijing, 12 Jan (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, president of the people, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently presented the flag to the armed police force and delivered a speech, which not only aroused strong repercussions in the People's Liberation Army and the armed police force, but also aroused enthusiastic repercussions from all walks of life. Everyone said that General Secretary Xi Jinping presented the flag to the armed police force and delivered a speech to boost morale and inspire people. The centralized and unified leadership exercised by the party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission over the armed police force is of great and far-reaching significance to realizing the party's goal of strengthening the army in the new era, promoting the modernization of the state governance system and governance capabilities, and realizing the long-term peace and stability of the party and the state. The people of the whole country will unite and struggle to contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream and the dream of a strong army.

Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech that the Party Central Committee has decided to adjust the leadership and command system of the Armed Police Force, the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission to implement centralized and unified leadership over the Armed Police Force, and the Implementation of the Central Military Commission-Armed Police Force-Troop Leadership and Command System.

"The armed police force is an important force in maintaining national political security and social stability. The centralized and unified leadership of the cpc Central Committee and the Central Military Commission over the armed police force is a major political decision that conforms to the requirements of the new era and a major measure to improve and develop the socialist military system with Chinese characteristics. Wang Qing, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Bayi District, Nyingchi City, Tibet, said, "As grassroots political and legal cadres, we resolutely support and support this decision, will always consciously obey the party's command, and make due contributions to safeguarding national security and ensuring the happiness of the people." ”

Ejin, a demobilized cadre of the former Shanghai Armed Police Corps' Third Detachment, has been paying close attention to the reform of the armed forces. "The reform of the leadership and command system of the armed police force embodies the eternal military soul of upholding the party's absolute leadership over the army, and also points out the direction for the future reform and development of the armed police force." Ejin said: The armed police force undertakes multiple important tasks, and the smoothing of relations after centralized and unified leadership is more conducive to the armed police force faithfully performing its duties and missions.

"This is a major political decision to strengthen the party's absolute leadership over the people's army and ensure the country's long-term peace and stability." I believe that under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the armed police force will certainly be able to achieve the goal of strengthening the army and better escort the happy life of the people. Wang Qingfang, a cadre stationed in Aokichuan, Ningqiang County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, said that as a cadre of an organ, he will consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the party Central Committee, fully support the development and construction of the army, and consciously safeguard the water conditions of the military and the people.

Xi Jinping stressed that the armed police force is an important part of the people's armed forces under the leadership of the party and shoulders major responsibilities in safeguarding national security and social stability and defending the people's beautiful life.

Zhang Anwu, political commissar of the People's Armed Forces Department of Xinxian County, Henan Province, said: "Whether it is in the frontline of flood fighting and disaster relief, or the frontline of earthquake landslide rescue, as long as the state and the people have needs, there are armed police forces rushing to the rescue for the first time." The people's trust in the armed police force stems precisely from the passing on of the red gene and fine work style of this unit. General Secretary Xi Jinping presented the flag to the armed police force to boost morale and morale, and believed that the armed police force will certainly live up to its mission and live up to its trust. ”

Li Jinjun, a veteran of the Nagqu Brigade of the Tibet Forestry Corps of the Armed Police, worked in Nagqu at an average altitude of more than 4,500 meters for 15 years. "The centralized and unified leadership of the party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission over the armed police force will further strengthen the party's absolute leadership over the armed forces and is an inevitable requirement for socialism with Chinese characteristics to enter a new era." Li Jinjun said, "Although I am now discharged from the army, no matter where I am, I will keep in mind that 'retirement will not fade', and I will always carry forward the glorious tradition of 'obeying the party's command, being able to win battles, and having a good work style' in any post, and make contributions to the party and the country." ”

Xi Jinping stressed that "we must adhere to the strictness of the law, fully implement the requirements of managing the army according to law and strictly administering the army, and carry forward the glorious traditions and fine work style" and "gather strong positive energy and strive to write a new chapter of the era in the glorious history of the armed police force."

Zhong Zhifeng, former vice president of the Fuzhou Command College of the Armed Police force and current director of the Ninth Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Quanzhou City, Fujian Province; and Song Xiaofeng, former head of the Quanzhou Detachment of the Armed Police Force and head of the discipline inspection team of the Quanzhou City Discipline Inspection Bureau in Fujian Province, said that the centralized and unified leadership of the armed police force by the party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission is of far-reaching significance to managing the armed police force according to law and strictly administering the army, and will certainly purify the political ecology of the armed police force, shape a loyal, clean, and responsible armed police contingent, and better carry forward the glorious traditions and fine work style of the armed police force. Better perform the sacred duty of the party and the people as loyal guardians.

Sun Hui, director of the Xindu Branch Bureau of the Chengdu Municipal Public Security Bureau in Sichuan Province, said that the grass-roots public security organs will resolutely implement the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party in their future work, be loyal to the party, serve the people, enforce the law justly, and have strict discipline, and contribute their strength to the dream of a strong country and a strong army. Kong Lingpeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Duolun County CPC Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and political commissar of the County People's Armed Forces Department, said that in the future, the Ministry of People's Armed Forces will actively do a good job in tasks such as service guarantees, communication and coordination, and ensure that the armed police force can effectively perform its duties and missions.

"The armed police force is the loyal guardian of the party and the people and has made great contributions to the development of national construction, and I am full of confidence in the future better performing its duties and missions of the armed police force, and I believe that under the centralized and unified leadership of the party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, the armed police force can play a greater role in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!" Xu Hui, a demobilized military cadre in Wuhua District, Kunming City, said.

Contributing to the realization of the dream of a strong country and a strong army - General Secretary Xi Jinping presented the flag to the armed police force and delivered a speech that triggered a warm response from all walks of life

On January 10, the Central Military Commission held a flag-awarding ceremony to the Armed Police Force at the Bayi Building in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, presented the flag to the Armed Police Force and delivered a speech. This is Xi Jinping's speech. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang