
Boom! What other unknown conspiracies are there in the U.S. nuclear submarine accident?

Source: Yangguang Military

USS Connecticut nuclear submarine

A collision occurred in the South China Sea on October 2

It's been a month now

The U.S. military has been hiding and keeping secrets

Speculation continues

A U.S. website was disclosed on October 22

Satellite photos of the submarine after the collision

What did the Connecticut do in the South China Sea

What the U.S. military wants to hide

How terrible is the risk of a nuclear accident in the United States

Today is the beginning for you


Photos of the Connecticut satellite are public

There is this intention behind it

On October 2, the US nuclear submarine "Connecticut" collided with an unknown object in the South China Sea and then sailed to the US military base on Guam for evaluation and repair.

Boom! What other unknown conspiracies are there in the U.S. nuclear submarine accident?

So far, the U.S. Navy has been reluctant to say what the nuclear submarine hit in the South China Sea and the damage it caused. On October 22, a U.S. website published an article publishing satellite photos of the Connecticut nuclear submarine after the collision.

Boom! What other unknown conspiracies are there in the U.S. nuclear submarine accident?

Wei Dongxu, a military commentator, believes that the US Navy may deliberately leak the wind, just to prove to the outside world that even if an underwater collision accident occurs, the "bones" of the US nuclear submarine are still tough, and the "Connecticut" can return to its home port with its own power.

Boom! What other unknown conspiracies are there in the U.S. nuclear submarine accident?

U.S. nuclear submarines came to the South China Sea

Want to eavesdrop on military exercises

Regarding the COLLISION accident of the US nuclear submarine, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference on October 8 that the US side, as a party, should clarify the relevant circumstances of the accident in detail.

Li Yaqiang, a military expert, said that once a nuclear submarine collides, even if it is only a pipeline leak, it may cause nuclear pollution. The United States has been flaunting the so-called "freedom of navigation" and respecting the order of navigation in international maritime areas all day long, but after the accident, it has not publicly stated that this is an irresponsible "double standard" style.

Boom! What other unknown conspiracies are there in the U.S. nuclear submarine accident?

Why does the United States hide its secrets and not explain the truth?

Experts believe that this is the US Navy's "ghost in the heart", "Connecticut" is likely to play a "spy" role, want to collect intelligence, or close to sensitive waters, this action is ulterior.

So, what exactly does the Connecticut want to do when it comes to the South China Sea?

Experts believe that one possibility is to send attack nuclear submarines outside the port to track the other side's ballistic missile nuclear submarines in a one-by-one method; the other may be to collect hydrometeorological data and perform reconnaissance tasks.

Boom! What other unknown conspiracies are there in the U.S. nuclear submarine accident?

The Connecticut may also eavesdrop on military exercises in the South China Sea underwater, record the participating submarines in the surrounding areas, mark their identity information, and even look for underwater ambush positions in the vast sea areas, with underwater sneak attack attributes.

Click on the video to see the specific analysis


Experts believe that the accident of the "Connecticut" caused more than a dozen injuries in the submarine, indicating that the impact is not small. So the object hit will not be too small. If it really hits the island and reef, it means that the submarine's "espionage" activities are blocked.

What did the nuclear submarine collide with

The United States develops nuclear weapons

But it brings the risk to the world

There have been several nuclear accidents in the United States. According to media reports, from 1965 to 1983, there were 233 nuclear weapons accidents in the United States, and nuclear management loopholes were the reason for the frequent occurrence of nuclear accidents.

Boom! What other unknown conspiracies are there in the U.S. nuclear submarine accident?

The U.S. Navy and Air Force have deployed huge nuclear forces overseas, and due to mismanagement and operational errors, there have been many accidents such as the loss of nuclear weapons, the fire of nuclear weapons, and the collision of nuclear submarines.

According to public information, between 1946 and 1958, the United States conducted 67 nuclear weapons tests in the Marshall Islands, leaving a painful memory on the ground.

In particular, the 1954 U.S. test of a hydrogen bomb on Bikini Island caused the worst nuclear contamination incident in the Pacific. Because the US military did not notify the nearby residents to evacuate in time, nor did it evacuate the fishing boats of various countries operating in the nearby waters in advance, many people were caused by various physical diseases due to nuclear radiation.

Boom! What other unknown conspiracies are there in the U.S. nuclear submarine accident?

In addition, from 1946 to 1982, the United States, Britain and other countries also dumped a large amount of nuclear waste into the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The United States is even more "far away", transporting 130 tons of nuclear contaminated soil after the nuclear test in Nevada to the Marshall Islands for dumping. These nuclear tests and nuclear wastes have seriously damaged the local ecological environment and brought deep disasters to the countries and peoples of the region.

Boom! What other unknown conspiracies are there in the U.S. nuclear submarine accident?

Experts believe that the United States has always liked to attack others, and throughout its international actions, the United States has become increasingly irresponsible. Its use of nuclear submarines in the South China Sea for various activities is far from being able to be covered up by the phrase "freedom of navigation." A large number of facts have proved that although the United States has always prided itself on being the "leader of international nuclear non-proliferation efforts", it is itself the biggest source of risk to international nuclear security.

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