
Zhang Guishuo ‖ 100 Questions on Language Theme Learning(88)

author:To hear to read
Zhang Guishuo ‖ 100 Questions on Language Theme Learning(88)

88. How to use "Happy Reading"?

The unified edition of the primary school Chinese textbook "Happy Reading" column, once or twice a semester. "Happy Reading" is arranged like this: the second grade book "Language Garden I", "Happy Reading", "Reading Fairy Tales". The contents are: "Little Carp Jumping Dragon Gate", "Crooked Head" Wooden Stake", "Lonely Little Crab", "Puppy's House" and "A Cat Who Wants to Fly".

The third unit of the third grade book, "Happy Reading", "In that wonderful kingdom", prompts say: In the fairy tale kingdom, the little tadpole looks around for its mother, the little gecko is anxious to borrow tails from other animals, the snow child and the little white rabbit play together, and the prince and princess live a happy life... There, everything can happen, everything is wonderful.

It is recommended to read the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen's "Andersen's Fairy Tales", where there are "little girls who sell matches", "kind thumb girls", "determined tin soldiers", "ugly ducklings who have suffered hardships"...

Unit 4 of the fourth grade book, "Happy Reading", "Once Upon a Time", the prompt says: How did the world originate? How did humans come into being? How do gods and heroes live? Our ancestors had a strong curiosity about many of the world's problems, and they tried to give explanations in mythological ways and relied on oral accounts to make them represented. It is recommended to read China's pharmaceutical work "Materia Medica", which is said to be written by Emperor Yan, so Emperor Yan is also known as the god of medicine.

Zhang Guishuo ‖ 100 Questions on Language Theme Learning(88)

The third unit of the fifth grade book, "Happy Reading", "Once Upon a Time There Was a Mountain", the prompt said: Once upon a time there was a mountain, there was a temple in the mountain, and there was an old monk in the temple telling stories to the young monk. What is the story told? Once upon a time there was a mountain...

When you were very young, your grandparents may have told you this story. There are many more familiar folk tales like this, so let's take a look at it.

Have you read it? Tian Luo Girl, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Eight Immortals Across the Sea... They are all classics in our folktale. People's expectations for a better life have been turned into folk tales, you tell, I listen. I speak, he listens. It was passed down by word of mouth, and it still attracts us to this day.

Reading fragments of Tian Luo girls today and reading folk tales of our country, you can not only appreciate the moving plot, but also know many wonderful characters, such as the witty Xu Wenchang and the clever Qiaogu. "Bubble Language": Folk tales carry people's simple wishes; the righteous but weak protagonist can always defeat a strong opponent, and the poor with a good heart will eventually have enough food and clothing to live a happy life...

The fourth unit of the sixth grade book" "Happy Reading", "Laughter and Tears, Experience and Growth". The tip says: We have embarked on a journey of growth since we were born. Many writers' works tell the story of growing up, and the protagonists of these stories are children of the same age as us. Their lives range from laughter and joy to tribulations and pains. These sweet or bitter experiences teach them to move forward step by step and face the future bravely.

Have you read it? "Childhood" is a novel by the Soviet writer Gorky, the protagonist of the story Alyosha lost her father at the age of three, and then ran to her maternal grandfather with her mother. My grandfather was rude and selfish, often beating children and beating Alyosha unconscious. In addition to your grumpy grandfather, there are two uncles in this family who argue and fight all day fighting over property. Alyosha was often frightened and uneasy, but fortunately, his kind and kind grandmother comforted him and protected him.

"Childhood" tells the story from the perspective of a child, casting a layer of innocence and romance on this story full of pain.

My grandmother's love, like a beacon in the darkness, illuminated Alyosha's heart. In addition to his grandmother's kind, optimistic, and compassionate "Little Tsugaon", the loyal and honest old worker Gregory, the intellectual "Good Deeds" dedicated to science, and the many other good people Alyosha met, he felt the warmth and beauty of the world, and let him maintain courage and confidence in life in the face of suffering.

I believe you can read more books: the stories of growing up are different, but they also bring us feelings. It is recommended to read the writer Guan Hua's "Little Hero Rain Comes", and the Italian writer Amicis's diary novel "The Education of Love".

Each time the unified version of the textbook arranges a certain reading type, such as children's stories, fairy tales, fables, folklore, popular science books, and so on. Let students be exposed to various genres, have basic stylistic knowledge, stimulate their interest in reading various types of reading, and consciously let them master some reading methods. This column should not be handled as a general textual learning, the teacher can give an example and talk about a little related reading knowledge, including the type of book and reading methods, but mainly to arouse interest, let students find books to read by themselves.

Zhang Guishuo ‖ 100 Questions on Language Theme Learning(88)

Construct a reading system and implement strategic reading. "Happy Reading" is a series of lessons. (1) Exciting guided reading lesson before reading, aimed at stimulating students' interest in reading. (2) Reading guidance class when reading, so that students can learn some basic reading methods. (3) The debriefing class after reading aims to let students feel the joy of reading and open up students' horizons for reading.

For example, the unified edition of the second grade book "Happy Reading" is "Reading Fairy Tales". The contents are: "Little Carp Jumping Dragon Gate", "Crooked Head" Wooden Stake", "Lonely Little Crab", "Puppy's House" and "A Cat Who Wants to Fly". "Bubble Talk" 1, every time I get a book, I have to look at the cover of the book, looking for the title and author.

The second book of the second grade, "Happy Reading", is "Reading Children's Stories", and recommends four children's stories: "Ma Liang", "Seven Colored Flowers", "Big Head Son and Small Head Dad" and "Wish Fulfillment". Then, taking the book "Big Head Son and Little Head Dad" as an example, the cover of the book and part of the table of contents are presented, aiming to guide students to learn to read the table of contents of the book, understand the main content in the book, and know which page to read.

The "Happy Reading" column is not a lesson that can be completed, it should be a series of reading activities throughout the semester, and the reading process should be promoted according to the stage. "Happy Reading" incorporates extracurricular reading into classroom teaching and becomes an organic part of the language curriculum.

At the same time, you can also link to the recommended articles of the "Language Theme Learning Series", take a good "whole book reading class", such as: the fourth unit of the sixth grade book "Happy Reading", recommended reading Gorky's "Childhood". There is also the sixth unit of the sixth grade book" "Happy Reading", which recommends the whole book to read "Journey to the Center of the Earth".

"Journey to the Center of the Earth" is to skillfully intersperse knowledge in the plot of the novel and the portrayal of characters, in the description of a magical underground world to the reader, showing the twists and turns of the vivid and interesting plot at the same time, but also let the reader learn a wealth of scientific knowledge, feel the strong will of human beings to conquer nature, full of legendary science fiction. Reading point 1, master the method of reading science fiction; 2, make a reading plan, love science.