
Admit that Jesus was black or I would have killed everyone? Racial equality should be viewed rationally

author:Chengdu is anti-cult

"Unless you admit that Jesus was black, I will kill everyone on board!" Last year, a video captured the horror of a U.S. flight.

The British "Daily Mail" reported in July 2020 that on July 11, the American Alaska Airlines flight departed from Seattle and was scheduled to fly to Chicago, but was threatened by a passenger's safety 20 minutes after take-off, and the flight was forced to return.

In the video, a man wearing a face shield on board suddenly became emotional, got up and walked through the cabin aisle and shouted threats, demanding that the passengers on board "admit that Jesus was black" or "kill everyone on this plane."

The man shouted "Accept it" and "Die in jesus' name" as he walked past the panicked passengers in his seat. The man was followed by a flight attendant and three passengers, including a law enforcement officer. Subsequently, the four joined forces to subdue the man who caused the incident.

Admit that Jesus was black or I would have killed everyone? Racial equality should be viewed rationally

According to an Alaska Airlines spokesperson, the man "became extremely aggressive and aggressive during the plane's climb after takeoff." ”

After the flight returned, the passenger on board took another flight to the destination. The man in charge was taken off the plane by Seattle police and detained in king county prison, where he cooperated with the police operation.

At present, the man has not been charged, but is under investigation for alleged harassment, and his motives are unclear.

It is worth mentioning that after the "death of Floyd" triggered anti-racist protests, "black" was added a touch of racist symbolism, which also made many people "talk about black change". At the end of June, the well-known cosmetics company L'Oréal announced that it would stop using words such as "whitening", "whiteness" and "bright white" to describe products; even Colgate said it was considering "perfecting" the brand name of "black toothpaste"; in Australia, some people even questioned the alleged racial discrimination of "white chess first" in chess.

From a human rights perspective, all history of brutality, killing, and bullying against blacks and people of color should indeed come to an end once and for all, which is the bottom line of human morality and ethics.

Admit that Jesus was black or I would have killed everyone? Racial equality should be viewed rationally

Despite the hype around "all men are created equal," racial discrimination in the United States has led to an infuriating discrimination against millions of Minorities in the United States. About 58 percent of Americans believe that "race relations in the United States are very bad," and more than half of African-American respondents believe that "racial equality in the United States is unlikely." The Floyd incident fully shows that today, when the whole American people work together to prevent and control the epidemic, racial discrimination is still a stubborn disease that cannot be cured in American society.

But many believe that this wave of anti-racial discrimination that has spread around the world has been overcorrected.

Gone with the Wind is one of the most popular films in American history, but in terms of content, it also has a part of the description of slavery and racism, so black Americans think that the film is "too toxic" and demand that the masterpiece be banned on the grounds of "ignoring the horrors of slavery and staying on the grounds of perpetuating some of the most painful stereotypes of people of color".

Admit that Jesus was black or I would have killed everyone? Racial equality should be viewed rationally

Told about life on the Plantations of Atlanta before, during and after the American Civil War, Gone with the Wind won eight Oscars and two honorable mentions, it was also the highest-grossing film in U.S. history. The film has endured for decades because of its wide range of romantic colors, epic visuals, and emotional performances.

If the demand to ban "Gone with the Wind" is because of its racist content and can be justified, then the demand to ban "black toothpaste" is completely like a farce, reflecting political naivety.

Admit that Jesus was black or I would have killed everyone? Racial equality should be viewed rationally

"Black Toothpaste" is a product of Hollywood Chemical Company in China, and it got its name because the teeth of black people appear whiter relatively speaking, and there is no meaning of discrimination against black people. But many blacks think that this toothpaste is discriminating against black people, and even includes Chinese in the category of racial discrimination, which is a bit funny.

Admit that Jesus was black or I would have killed everyone? Racial equality should be viewed rationally

In the 1930s, The Hollywood Group used natural mint and natural flavor recipes to blend black toothpaste with a uniquely cool taste, which sold well in Asian and Southeast Asian countries. In 1985, Colgate acquired 50% of the shares of black toothpaste for $50 million, and black toothpaste began to be sold to Europe and the United States. Since then, the Toothpaste has been called "Darlie" in English, but Chinese has always used the name "Black Toothpaste".

Many Chinese are puzzled by this, in fact, our country is relatively friendly to black people, and almost no racial discrimination has happened. After using black toothpaste for so many years, it is incredible that it can be related to race!

Admit that Jesus was black or I would have killed everyone? Racial equality should be viewed rationally

Even more jaw-dropping is the fact that in the past few weeks, some have criticized Johnson & Johnson's products for advertising "whitening skin tones," sparking resentment among blacks. In desperation, Johnson & Johnson could only stop the whitening products.

Uncle Ben's, a famous American rice brand, also recently announced that it will redesign the outer packaging of the product to replace the African-American avatar on the packaging.

Google has also said that it will replace the user's browser with terms such as "blacklist" and "whitelist" by modifying the code, because it also represents racial discrimination. Google is going to replace "blacklist" and "whitelist" with phrases like "disable list" and "allow list."

Admit that Jesus was black or I would have killed everyone? Racial equality should be viewed rationally

At this point, the anti-racism movement has reached this point, and one has to ponder whether some of the measures have been overcorrected.

We don't think whites are superior to blacks, and we don't necessarily say that "white" is the only criterion of beauty.

If you think about it, these superficial things will not play any role in promoting the status of black people. Can racial discrimination in the United States, which has long been rooted in and deep-rooted, pursue racial equality, so that it can be achieved on the surface? (Source: Observer Network, Sohu Network)

Admit that Jesus was black or I would have killed everyone? Racial equality should be viewed rationally

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