
Wang Yi met with Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Ahmad

Source: Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Wang Yi met with Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Ahmad

On July 16, 2021 local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Ahmed in Tashkent.

Wang Yi said that Kuwait was the first Gulf Arab country to establish diplomatic relations with China. The two sides have always insisted on treating each other as equals, regardless of size, and have always firmly supported each other on issues involving their respective core interests. The relations between the two countries have gone through 50 years of international changes and tests, and the two sides have forged an unbreakable friendship. China firmly supports The Kuwaiti side in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and stability, and is willing to make joint efforts with the Kuwaiti side to promote the sustainable development of China-Kuwait relations. China will continue to support The Kuwaiti side in fighting the epidemic, and is willing to strengthen the docking of the "Belt and Road" initiative with the "2030 Vision" of Kuwait, build a strategic energy partnership for the whole industry chain between the two sides, and continuously open up new areas of cooperation such as information technology, artificial intelligence and network security. The Chinese side appreciates the unique and constructive role played by Côte d'Ivoire in regional affairs and hopes to work with Kuwait to restart the China-GCC free trade agreement negotiations as soon as possible and promote more results in the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

Ahmed said that Kofangxi took the opportunity of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kuwait and China to formulate a trade and investment cooperation plan for the next five years to inject new vitality into the development of Kuwait-China relations. Thanks to China's strong support for The Fight against the epidemic, Kuwait hopes to strengthen medical and health cooperation with China and deepen cooperation in the fields of food security, education, information technology, artificial intelligence and cyber security. The Kuwaiti side appreciates the positive role played by China in mediating differences within the GCC and is willing to make positive efforts to restart the GCC-China FTA negotiations. The Kuwaiti side is willing to actively participate in the construction of the Arab-Chinese Cooperation Forum and hopes to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with China on African and Asian affairs.

Wang Yi met with Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Ahmad

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