
Bring together the world's "strongest brains"! The 4th World Top Scientists Forum opened

author:Pudong release

On the morning of November 1, the 4th World Top Scientists Forum was grandly opened in Lingang New Area. Including 68 Nobel Laureates, 131 of the world's top scientific award winners, dozens of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 132 top young scientists from various countries, guest representatives from all walks of life and hundreds of "small scientists" representatives attended the meeting, and the specifications and scale of the conference reached a new high.

Wan Gang, chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech, Xu Yanhao, vice chairman of the Ninth National Committee of the China Association for Science and Technology, presided over the opening ceremony, Wu Qing, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and vice mayor, Zhu Zhisong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the district party committee and director of the management committee of Lingang New Area, Chen Mingbo, deputy secretary general of the municipal government, hang Yingwei, deputy secretary general of the municipal government, deputy secretary of the district party committee and mayor of the district, attended the opening ceremony.

Bring together the world's "strongest brains"! The 4th World Top Scientists Forum opened

The dingke business is highly consistent with the goal of building a science and technology innovation center in Shanghai

On behalf of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Government, Wu Qing welcomed all the scientists and guests attending the forum. He said that more than 130 scientists participated in the forum online and offline, of which 6 attended the forum in person under the strict epidemic prevention policy, and its scale was rare in recent years, which fully demonstrated that global scientists attach great importance to international scientific exchanges, high recognition of the world's top scientists forum, and high support for Shanghai's science and technology innovation cause.

Roger Kornberg, president of the World Association of Top Scientists and winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, once again made a special trip to Shanghai to attend the meeting after quarantine. In his speech, he said that he participated in every world's top scientist forum and witnessed the development of the top science cause. The construction of the world's top scientist community is a solid step forward for the cause of Dingke. The World's Top Scientists Association and Forum will continue to practice the three missions of "promoting basic science, advocating international cooperation, and supporting the growth of young people" to support young scientists in China and around the world.

Bring together the world's "strongest brains"! The 4th World Top Scientists Forum opened

Koenberg said that the cause of Dingke is highly consistent with the goal of building a science and technology innovation center with global influence in Shanghai, and is willing to contribute to it.

Bring together the world's "strongest brains"! The 4th World Top Scientists Forum opened

Focusing on the theme of "Science, Technology and Innovation Oriented to Globalization", Wan Gang respectively took China's artificial intelligence development, cross-border synergy trend, and green and low-carbon practice as the starting point, expounded the opportunities, challenges and missions faced by all countries in the world today, and called on the global scientific and technological community to jointly advocate the spirit and concept of open science without borders, barrier-free and non-discrimination, and to work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind with effective actions at a high level of openness and cooperation.

Bring together the world's "strongest brains"! The 4th World Top Scientists Forum opened

100 overseas top award winners who were unable to attend the conference offline will watch the live broadcast of the opening of the conference in the form of online video, and will contribute wonderful speeches and discussions in different sub-forums within three days.

Top Chinese and foreign scientists are enthusiastically discussing the construction of an open innovation ecosystem

At the opening ceremony, Michael Levitt, vice president of the World's Leading Scientists Association and winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, on behalf of the World's Top Scientists Association, released the Open Science: Building an Open Innovation Ecology initiative to the world, advocating for open science and encouraging actions that support open science because "it provides a path to a better future." ”

Bring together the world's "strongest brains"! The 4th World Top Scientists Forum opened

"There are many challenges facing the world right now, so there is a need for global solutions, and open science is extremely important in this context." Levitte said, "To achieve good scientific research results, you must stand on the shoulders of giants, which requires an open system, and at the same time needs the right tools to verify who is the original creator of the idea, establish originality, and protect the originality." ”

Bring together the world's "strongest brains"! The 4th World Top Scientists Forum opened

In the keynote session after the opening ceremony, Michael Levitt and 1986 Turing Prize winner John Hopecroft delivered keynote speeches entitled "Major Fundamental Discoveries Require Open Basic Science" and "Open Science: Science Communication and Talent Development".

Bring together the world's "strongest brains"! The 4th World Top Scientists Forum opened

Roger Kornberg, 2019 Lasker Prize winner Michael Shepard, Chinese Academy of Sciences academician Yang Wei, and 2018 Eni Prize winner Wang Zhonglin also held roundtable discussions on open science topics.

Text: Chen Shuo

Photo: Ni Zhuxin

Editor: Zhu Shaoyu

* Please indicate from the official WeChat released by Pudong

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