
Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?

author:Tan Song said
Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?

Today, November 1st is Halloween, yesterday is Halloween Night, and it is also a night of celebration.

Halloween is also called All Saints' Day, and to celebrate Halloween, Western children will dress up as all kinds of cute ghosts and knock on the door door to house, asking for candy, otherwise they will make trouble. At the same time, it is said that on this night, all kinds of ghosts will also dress up as children and mix into the crowd to celebrate the arrival of Halloween, and humans will dress up as various ghosts in order to make the ghosts more harmonious.

Halloween is not a traditional festival in China, just a festival in Western countries.

Nowadays, however, the festival is popular in the entertainment industry.

Yesterday, many celebrities posted their Halloween outfits.

Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?

Ouyang Nana posted her two different sets of Halloween outfits on Weibo. One group is a white hat with rabbit ears, posing a cute action and expression, this outfit does not look like a ghost, does not scare people, but has a very cute feeling.

Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?

Another set of photographs was slightly out of place, with a small scar suit drawn on the forehead and a scar suit 5 cm long on the right cheek.

One of the photos is a little scary to turn a blind eye to.

Zhang Ziyi also sent a picture of a family of 5 people halloween, in which Zhang Ziyi was dressed up, wearing a white hair hood on his head, plus some colored hair, and there was a rhino horn on the top of his head, which did not look scary, but a little strange.

Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?

Wang Feng did not dress up, just wore a pair of sunglasses, with a group of photos, in fact, their children did not dress up specially, just played together in the parent-child restaurant.

Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?

Yang Chaoyue's Halloween photos are not dressed up by himself, but are made using mobile phone software.

Two bat horns were made on the head, plus two rabbit ears, black blood was drawn up and down on the left mouth, and the photo was surrounded by spider webs, which looked a little scary.

Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?

Celebrities dress up halloween is not only these three, but also Yuan Yiqi, Gan Wangxing, Chang Huasen, Duan Xingxing, etc., have a lot of fun!

Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?

Yet they seem to have forgotten whose holiday halloween it is? This is just a traditional festival in Western countries, not a traditional festival in China, and it is a festival of playing a ghost, and there is not much profound cultural connotation.

But how do they treat traditional Chinese festivals?

Take the Dragon Boat Festival, for example.

The Dragon Boat Festival is due to the legend that Qu Yuan, a poet of the Chu state during the Warring States period, committed suicide by jumping on the Miluo River on May 5, and later people also regarded the Dragon Boat Festival as a festival to commemorate Qu Yuan.

Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?

The Dragon Boat Festival, together with the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, is known as the four traditional festivals in China.

But what are they doing this day?

June 12-14 this year is China's Dragon Boat Festival holiday, and Ouyang Nana did not post any news about the Dragon Boat Festival on Weibo these days.

Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?

On the 12th, she sent a series of latest photos of herself, one of which was particularly conspicuous in red.

Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?

What about Zhang Ziyi? In the past three days, there has been no Dragon Boat Festival program dynamics, even if it is not a forwarding link. On the 12th, the same series of personal photo photos was posted, and the caption said "Fat? 49.2 kg".

Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?
Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?

Yang Chaoyue did not post Weibo dynamics in these three days, but posted a video about food on June 15, saying that "cumin grilled lamb skewers, crispy grilled fish, and seafood barbecue, garlic grilled oysters!" Oysters are fresh and sweet, garlic is spicy, potato chips are thin and crispy, and triple taste buds enjoy, as if you are right away at the beach! ”

Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?
Sublime? Ouyang Nana Zhang Zi Yi Yang beyond the enthusiasm for Halloween, but not the Dragon Boat Festival?

It should be known that the Dragon Boat Festival has a thousand-year-old cultural tradition, which has been officially approved by UNESCO to be included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, while Halloween has not been included in anything, let alone our traditional culture.

However, now this kind of sublime and charming thinking is prevalent, and what is even more frightening is that these stars take the lead in pursuing foreign festivals, such as Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc., not that these festivals are not good, but while pursuing these festivals, they forget their own original festivals, such as the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Chongyang Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, etc., which is a terrible cultural loss.

Celebrities, as public figures, are publicizing Western festivals in a wide range of publicity, which is probably a bit inappropriate!

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