
Is the case of Xiao Guanyin, a talented woman who stole love, a slander of a traitor?

author:Interesting history

Xiao Guanyin was born in 1040 and was a famous female poet of the Liao Dynasty and the first empress of the Liao Daozong Yelü Hongji. So what is the life of Xiao Guanyin?

Is the case of Xiao Guanyin, a talented woman who stole love, a slander of a traitor?

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Xiao Guanyin began to learn all kinds of knowledge at a very young age, especially in writing poetry and music. Because she was born into an aristocratic family, her fate at that time was to be sent to the imperial palace, and she naturally became the wife of the emperor at that time. When she was the empress of the emperor, she dressed very plainly, and once she saw a concubine in the palace, saw her dressed very beautifully, and told her that she had become a woman's family dressed so beautifully, because this sentence caused the emperor at that time to feel very unhappy, and it was also for this reason that the emperor began to alienate her, so she began to write poems to express the sadness in her heart.

But the effect of this is actually very small, so she feels very sad all day, one of the poems she wrote is called "Huixinyuan", which is very well written, so she invited a very talented court musician at that time to come over and want him to write a song for himself, this person's name is called Zhao Wei, and Zhao Wei is very satisfied with the music she wrote for her, so she often interacts with Zhao Wei. But Xiao Guanyin at that time did not realize that the crisis was approaching her.

Until one day there was a rumor that there was a private affair between the empress and a musician in the palace, the emperor was greatly angered after hearing it, and felt that it was detrimental to Long Yan, so he executed Xiao Guanyin without giving his empress a chance. However, it is said that Xiao Guanyin and the court musician Zhao Wei at that time were framed by others, but these seem meaningless now. Xiao Guanyin's life ended like this.

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How Did Xiao Guanyin die

It is understood that most of the ethnic minorities are rough and heroic, only good at dancing knives and guns, but they are not very good at ancient books of Ink Poetry, however, there is an exception in history, a generation of talented women, of course, is also the first talented daughter of the Khitans, she is Xiao Guanyin. So what kind of story does history have about her? And how did Xiao Guanyin die?

Is the case of Xiao Guanyin, a talented woman who stole love, a slander of a traitor?

Xiao Guanyin is from an aristocratic background, whether it is the mother's family or the husband's family, she is at the top of the society at that time, and she is even more noble after a generation of favors, her husband loves, the children are top-notch, she was once envied by the world, and she should be the happiest woman in the world, a good wife, and a good mother. However, the good times did not last long, and the good feelings were also broken, because Liao Daozong was once addicted to playing and hunting, and Xiao Guanyin, as his wife, repeatedly advised him, and Liao Daozong was disgusted, coupled with the performance of the prince in the government at that time, so that Liao Daozong felt the crisis and wanted to eradicate this thorn in the eye.

Liao Daozong alienated her, and even more favored the woman who had just entered the palace, and she had to borrow poetry books in the deep palace all day to vent her sorrows, and invited zhao, a musician in the palace, to compose music for her, hoping to change her husband's heart. However, this became an opportunity for adultery, because the ten incense words were topped by the name of fornication, and it was helpless for a generation of peerless beauties to disappear.

How Xiao Guanyin died once made historians disagree. Women are all emotional, and when liao daozong snubbed her, he happened to meet Zhao Wei, who had the same talent as himself, and such a thing was also very likely to happen. And some people said that this was just a trap, Xiao Guanyin wrote a desperate word before she died, crying about her grievances, how could such a woman happen like this? Without pursuing the truth, The Daoist Sect directly ordered Xiao Guanyin to hang herself and not remember the old feelings, how ruthless this was.

To sum up, Xiao Guanyin was hanged by order of Emperor Daozong of Liao. But although she died tragically, her talent, her beauty, her dignity remained forever, the first talented woman of the Khitans, she was absolutely unique.

Xiao Guanyin's poetic works

Xiao Guanyin was a very famous female poet in history, she was once the empress of Yelü Hongji, but later because she was framed for adultery, she was sent back to the Xiao family after her death. She was very fond of reading poetry at a very young age, but also came into contact with many other books, after growing up, her face is more beautiful and dignified, she is very accomplished in poetry, although Xiao Guanyin's poetry works have not been handed down much, but her talent has been recognized by many people. So what are Xiao Guanyin's poetry works?

Is the case of Xiao Guanyin, a talented woman who stole love, a slander of a traitor?

Xiao Guanyin's poetry works include "Fu Hu Lin Ying System", "Huixinyuan" and so on, because it is more influenced by Han Chinese culture, so Xiao Guanyin's works have a high cultural literacy, and "Huixinyuan" is the most widely circulated word in all her works. When creating these ten words, he was full of the deep friendship of Emperor Gaiyu Wangdi, and at that time, because Yelü Hongji fell in love with hunting and was deeply trapped in them, he could not extricate himself, so Xiao Guanyin created these ten words, hoping to show his gratitude to the emperor.

In addition, Xiao Guanyin's poetic works "Huixinyuan" also has many very rare features, first of all, these ten words describe the small details of daily life, repeated chants from all aspects, so that these ten words are perfectly linked, and the sincerity expressed is very clear, that is, I hope to regain the emperor's favor, this intention is very urgent, and the emotional description is very delicate. The most important thing is that many complex feelings are inadvertently revealed, obviously knowing that "the silver lamp is as bright as the light", but also thinking that "Jun Lai sheng is dizzy", this sharp contrast between before and after, the feelings trapped by love in Xiao Guanyin's body jumped on the paper.

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