
Stay the course – the peanut rice on the wine table also has a chic name

author:Keep it as it was

Are white wine and peanuts a natural match?

What is the indissoluble reason?

Today is Saturday, October 16, 2021, the eleventh day of the ninth lunar month. Also our 81st issue, titled:

In the last issue, we mainly talked about etiquette at the wine table, hoping to help everyone.

Without further ado, let's get into today's main topic. Let's take a look at the indissoluble relationship between baijiu and peanut rice, why do many people like to accompany peanut rice when drinking baijiu?

Some people say: "Baijiu and peanuts are a wonderful combination of nature", eating meat and drinking wine is just an atmosphere and heroism, and you can't feel happiness and sadness, tears and laughter in that environment. However, a bottle of old wine and a plate of peanut rice are the most suitable. The taste of wine, the thoughts of people, and the aroma of peanut rice combine to form a story.

There have been cases before, that is, some people are used to drinking and eating very few dishes, and some people are used to drinking more wine and eating very few dishes. Why? Because of the sake. If the wine is not good, I am willing to eat more vegetables and cover up. And if it is a fine wine, the lips and teeth are fragrant, the aftertaste is long, and it is definitely unwilling to eat more vegetables.

Stay the course – the peanut rice on the wine table also has a chic name

Can peanuts be said to be the "national appetizer"? This title is not a casual call. Because peanut rice is suitable for appetizers no matter how you make them. Fried, spiced, and even boiled in water. To prove this claim, there are several reasons:

The first is easy to dissolve, not easy to get drunk. Peanut rice is a large oily food, easy to dissolve, the effect is much better than Lu Xun's fennel bean effect.

Second, affordable, tasteful. Peanut rice, affordable, a plate of peanut rice, to eat one grain, a table of people from beginning to end can eat, and is a chewy food, tasteful, so that drinkers have enough time to chat.

Third, test the limit of alcohol. Why is peanut rice able to detect alcohol limits? At the beginning of the liquor bureau, we ate one by one, because at the moment we were still very sober; by the middle of the liquor bureau, most of them had begun to eat peanut rice with spoons, and at this time they were already a little drunk, unable to accurately use chopsticks to pick up the peanut rice; near the end of the liquor bureau, most of the guests had begun to grab the peanut rice with their hands and eat it one by one, regardless of the image, which could only prove that they were completely drunk at this moment. Therefore, peanut rice can also detect your alcohol consumption while acting as an appetizer.

Stay the course – the peanut rice on the wine table also has a chic name

As the old saying goes: eat delicious and drink spicy. Fragrant is peanuts, spicy is white wine. People who like to drink wine know that after the liquor is imported, the taste is very direct and rushing, and the belly is to turn the river upside down. Peanuts, especially fried, a sip of wine, a grain of peanut rice, eat crisp and mellow, can cover the spicy taste of wine. So it must be peanuts with white wine. When drinking, peanut rice is also known as "stick to the end", if the drink lasts a long time, the hot dish will be cold, and some cold dishes are also salty with vinegar or soy sauce, and the taste may be very heavy. Only peanut rice is crispy as ever, a plate can be eaten for a long time, and can withstand a long drink. Peanut rice also has a diplomatic function - hot field.

Drinking is the most feared thing, the more you drink, the colder it gets. Peanut rice is shelled, when peeling, rubbing the thin red skin, if the two eyes are a little drunk, the ears should also listen in all directions, who says interesting things, put the peeled nuts into the mouth. When it comes to interesting topics, you can also pinch the shell and throw it at him. After hiding and standing, the atmosphere gradually became active, and the field began to heat up.

Stay the course – the peanut rice on the wine table also has a chic name

Some people even call peanut rice an elixir. The Yuan Dynasty jia Mingjin's "Dietary Instructions" has a record: "Recently out of a kind of peanut, strange name immortal fruit." Peanut fruit contains protein, fat, sugar, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin K, as well as minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and spleen, is a good medicine to cure diseases and strengthen the body.

Of course, everything is a positive, when drinking liquor with fried peanuts and rice, if you eat too much, it is easy to have a sore throat, dry mouth, low-heat sweating and other phenomena. It is recommended that when symptoms of fire appear, you can eat some mung bean porridge, lotus seed soup, watermelon juice and so on. Liquor has a high degree, it is easy to feel thirsty after drinking, the throat is dry, and fried peanuts are also foods that are easy to thirst. If you mix these two things together and eat them, the feeling of thirst will be more obvious. It is best to prepare some warm water so that you can drink it at any time. Peanuts contain a lot of fat, enteritis, dysentery and other spleen and stomach function is not good, eating will make the condition worse. Peanut rice contains a pro-coagulation factor, bruises, blood vein stasis after eating peanuts, may make the blood stasis does not disperse, aggravating the symptoms of swelling and pain.

Stay the course – the peanut rice on the wine table also has a chic name

A bottle of old wine, a plate of peanut rice, a leisurely expression. Looking back on the past, it is as hazy as a mirage. Those unforgettable fragmentary memories, "great deeds through the intestines, cups of wine sink and float", along with the cup of wine and peanut rice, chewed, swallowed... People need sustenance, there are too many stories in life to be exhausted, there are too many grievances to tell, since Cao Mengde "how to relieve worries, only Du Kang" began, wine has become the spiritual sustenance of thousands of years of Chinese.

This week's sharing ends here, thank you all for your attention, we will see you next week!

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