
What you don't know about history is that Liu Chan is not a dimwitted king

author:Qin Shi Huang was at large in 123 Terracotta Warriors

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms written by Luo Guanzhong at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty makes us deeply entrench a character image in our minds, that is, Liu Chan, the Emperor of The Dark. Liu Chan (阿斗, 207–271), also known as Emperor Huai of shu Han,zi gonghei,jingzhou jiangling man, was the second emperor of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period, the son of Liu Bei, emperor of Shu Han Zhaolie, and his mother was Empress Gan of Zhaolie. Liu Bei entered Shu after the establishment of Yizhou, and after the establishment of Shu Han, he was made crown prince. After Liu Bei's death, in 223, he succeeded to the throne as emperor and became the lord of the Shu Han Dynasty, and changed his name to Yuan Jianxing.

What you don't know about history is that Liu Chan is not a dimwitted king

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Chan, as the lord of the Shu Han Dynasty, although he was assisted by a number of able ministers such as Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun, because of his fainting and incompetence, the Shu state never developed, and eventually the country was destroyed. Therefore, people use "unsupportable Adou" to describe him. And in real life." The phrase "A Dou who can't be supported" is also used to describe people who are weak, incompetent, and have no intention of struggling.

But those who are familiar with history must know that Liu Chan was the emperor for 42 years, the longest reigning monarch during the Three Kingdoms period, and if it is really "ADou who cannot be supported", then why can he hold the dynasty for forty-two years in the year of turmoil in which the army is full of fire and the masses are divided? What is the unknown history behind this? Let me lead you into history and re-acquaint yourself with this Shu Han Emperor.

I think there are three bases for Liu Chan's non-fainting, the first of which is Zhuge Liang's praise for Liu Chan. In the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, there is a description that Zhuge Liang praised Liu Chan for Shejun (whose identity is untestable), and Shejun told Liu Bei about it, and Liu Bei was very happy. "Saying that The Minister sighed qing's wisdom, and greatly increased his cultivation, too much hope, and judged it to be so, why should I worry?" Mian Zhi, Mian Zhi. The meaning of this passage is that even Zhuge Liang praised Liu Chan for his "great wisdom", smarter than imagined, what else do I have to worry about? Show encouragement. According to the records of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, we learned that Zhuge Liang would not be flattered, Liu Bei would not be ignorant, and Chen Shou would not be deceitful, so we have reason to believe that Liu Chan was not the fainting incompetence described in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

What you don't know about history is that Liu Chan is not a dimwitted king

The second point is the Book of Zhuge Liang written by Zhuge Liang, which is recorded in the Collection of Zhuge Liang, the Collection of One Hundred and Three Famous Families of the Six Dynasties of Han and Wei, the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, and the Complete Works of Zhuge Kongming. In the "Book of You Du Wei", there is such a passage: "The imperial court began to be eighteen this year, gifted and benevolent, corporal Ed. The people of the world, simu Han, want to be with the King, the Heavenly Shunmin, supplement this Ming Lord, with the merits of Long Jixing, and the merits of Zhu Shuye. Thinking that the wise and the foolish do not conspire against each other, they cut themselves off, and they only keep their labor, and do not try to take it upon themselves. In this passage, "imperial court" is a synonym for the emperor, that is, Liu Chan, the lord of the Shu Han Dynasty. And this passage is to praise Liu Chan's benevolence and wisdom, and to love the corporal. If Liu Chan fainted, then how could Zhuge Liang praise him so much?

The last point, which is also the point that makes all of us deeply believe that he is a dimwitted king, is the allusion of "happy not to think". Let us first revisit this allusion: it is said that during the Three Kingdoms period, after the death of The Shu lord Liu Bei, his son Liu Chan ascended the throne, and was historically called "Shu Hou Lord". This Liu Chan was incompetent, and despite his full assistance from Zhuge Liang and others, he was still unable to revitalize the Shu kingdom. After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan trusted the eunuch Huang Hao, and the government became increasingly corrupt, and was eventually destroyed by the State of Wei. However, in the state of Wei at that time, the Wei lord Cao Yi was only a nominal emperor, and all the power was in the hands of Sima Zhao, who accepted Liu Chan's surrender, and forced his family to leave Chengdu in the Shu state and move to Luoyang, the capital of Wei, and reprimanded Liu Chan greatly, and then named him "Duke of Anle", gave him a residence, allocated expenses, and raised him.

When Liu Chan was reprimanded by Sima Zhao, he was so frightened that he was afraid that he would be executed, but instead of being killed, he was sealed, so he let go of his heart. The next day, Liu Chan personally went to Sima Zhao's mansion to give thanks, and Sima Zhao also set up a banquet to entertain him. At the banquet, the song and dance of the Wei state was performed first, and the officials of the former Shu state felt embarrassed, and only Liu Chan was very happy to see it. Sima Zhao also called for the performance of the song and dance of the Shu kingdom, and the Shu officials shed tears when they saw it, while Liu Chan laughed freely and did not have the slightest hatred for the subjugation of the country. When Sima Zhao saw this, he said to a minister of the State of Wei: "Man is ruthless, even so!" Even if Zhuge Liang did not die, he would not be able to support such a monarch for a long time! So he asked Liu Chan, "Do you still want to shu guo?" Liu Chan replied, "I'm very happy here, I don't want shu country!" ”

When the Shu officials saw him like this, they were naturally very anxious and sad. After a while, Liu Chan got up and left the table to go out to urinate, and the former ShuGuo's "secretary Lang" Hao Zheng immediately went out with him. In the corridor, he secretly said to him: "How can Your Majesty say, 'Don't you miss the Shu Kingdom?' If Sima Zhao asked you again if you wanted to think of the Shu Kingdom, you should cry and say, "I really don't want to miss the Shu Kingdom for a long time." In this way, we may still have hope of returning to the Shu kingdom. Liu Chan firmly remembered Hao Zheng's words and returned to the banquet. Sima Zhao asked Liu Chan again if he wanted to return to the Shu Kingdom. Liu Chan said it again according to Hao Zheng's words, and although Liu Chan tried his best to pretend to have a sad look, he did not have a single tear, so he had to close his eyes. Sima Zhao guessed that it must be Liu Chan who was teaching Liu Chan, so he deliberately asked, "How can your words be exactly the same as what Pi Zheng said?" Liu Chan was shocked to hear this, so he opened his eyes and said, "You are right, it is exactly what Hao Zheng taught me to say." Sima Zhao and the people next to him couldn't help but laugh. It was also because of this incident that Sima Zhao completely determined that Liu Chan was indeed a confused person and would not pose a threat to himself at all, so he did not kill him. such. Liu Chan spent the rest of his life happily in Luoyang.

Looking at this story alone, we do all see Liu Chan's cowardice and incompetence, but why not think differently, as a prisoner of the order, Liu Chan, in order to save his own life, must let Sima Zhao feel that he is cowardly and incompetent, not enough to worry about, and "here is happy, do not think about Shu" is a smokescreen released by Liu Chan, so as to leave Sima Zhao with a good impression of "I am carefree" and successfully saved his life. Perhaps in the depths of his heart, he was also thinking about reviving the country and thinking of revenge and hatred every moment, just like the Yue King's lying down!

In summary, Liu Chan was not weak and incompetent, and he was a faint prince.

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