
CCTV 15 years, Chongqing sister Shi Xiaonuo "set off again"

author:Upstream News

Even though 15 years have passed, Chongqing sister Shi Xiaonuo still remembers the "interview" broadcast on CCTV in the summer of 2002. "Wang Lifen is here, and the deputy director of the channel is also... I remember that after the broadcast, Teacher Wang Lifen smiled very brightly. Since then, I have been the host of CCTV's financial channel "Economic Information Network". At that time, the "Economic Information Network" was still in the initial stage of the "Economic Information Network" had a total of three hosts, and Shi Xiaonuo was the only one selected from the local station.

CCTV 15 years, Chongqing sister Shi Xiaonuo "set off again"

Shi Xiaonuo

15 years passed in a flash, and in 2017, when CCTV host Shi Xiaonuo picked up a pen and began to write about himself and the program, this scene came back to mind like many scenes in his mind, and finally converged into this "40 and Standing, Not Too Late". From the young announcer Shi Xiaonuo in Chongqing TV in the minds of Chongqing audiences to the producer of "Meet the Big Coffee" who has visited Pan Shiyi, Wang Jianlin and Liu Qiangdong, what has Shi Xiaonuo experienced and how much has he grown? Upstream News - Chongqing Morning News reporter exclusive dialogue with her on the 2nd to reveal the answer.

Liu Qiangdong's "face blindness" originated from her hand

"I'm a face blind person, and I can't tell who is beautiful or not... I wasn't with her because she was pretty, because I had no idea if she was pretty or not. Last year's Spring Festival, Jingdong founder Liu Qiangdong's famous "face blindness" became a hit after the CCTV financial channel's documentary "Meet the Big Coffee" appeared. The producer of this show is Shi Xiaonuo, a Chongqing host.

Her first book, "40 stands, it's not too late" this time, is also closely related to this show. "First, I think I can record the original intention of the "Meet the Big Coffee" program for three seasons, why I chose to do this, the difficulty of doing it, how to grind each episode of the show, the tempering of my personal and team, these fine things that are likely to be forgotten in the future." Shi Xiaonuo laughed and said that Liu Qiangdong's "face blindness" became popular, which is also one of the important reasons why he touched himself to record the daily life of the program by writing books.

Shi Xiaonuo told reporters that he had two considerations when writing the book, "Moreover, there is still a very important part of the content in the book, and what just fits with the title of the book is that forty years old for people, it may be just a half past, for women, there are those who choose to return to the family, more small, and there are also those who start again." I chose the last one. ”

The reporter noticed that in this "40 and Standing, Not Too Late", there are both the birth process of "Meet the Big Coffee" and the details of the self-black life of "fat to 121 pounds and do not know how to lose weight". "Everyone thinks it's inspirational chicken soup, it's my self-blackening joke, it's really happening, so the book is more meaningful." 」

CCTV 15 years, Chongqing sister Shi Xiaonuo "set off again"

Shi Xiaonuo in his youth

Pan Shiyi opened her brain hole of "entrepreneurship"

This first book was written by Shi Xiaonuo for half a year. She said that she wrote it completely with a pen, and it was also coincidental that at the launch of the new book, the other two guests she invited to the dialogue: Bai Yansong and Pan Shiyi still retained the habit of writing books by hand. Why invite them, Shi Xiaonuo also has his own considerations.

"First of all, Pan Shiyi, as a guest of the first season of our show, can be said to have opened up a new way of thinking for our later shows." Shi Xiaonuo said that after he interviewed Pan Shiyi in the first season of the show, he had an idea: to go to his hometown of Tianshui to see. "Later, we went to Tianshui together, saw his hometown and father, and photographed a lot of material. I was also inspired by the fact that later shows used a lot of follow-up content for the bosses, not just interviews. Shi Xiaonuo explained that he likes to do "Meet the Big Coffee" as another "entrepreneurship" on CCTV.

The follow-up interview with Pan Shiyi made the "Meet the Big Coffee" that everyone sees now have a new form of presentation. "All the boss stories are fleshed out and break the constraints of interviews." For Shi Xiaonuo and the show, this is tantamount to opening a new "brain hole".

As for another guest, Bai Yansong, Shi Xiaonuo felt that he was also a teacher and a friend. "In the process of 'starting a business' alone (referring to becoming a program producer), I have asked him many times from time to time, and he knows the context of the birth of the program."

Went to CCTV after Wang Lifen's name

Back in the summer of 2002, the news of being transferred to CCTV reached Shi Xiaonuo's ears after the news came one day. "I remember when I was the producer of that show and said to me: You're probably going to Central. The first reaction in my heart was still very surprised. Shi Xiaonuo recalled that Li Jiaming, who had gone to CCTV not long ago, returned to Chongqing and mentioned this matter to himself.

Shi Xiaonuo said that sure enough, within a week, the people of the central second set at that time found themselves. "What I was told at the time was to make a new program , Economic Information Network " , each 50 minutes , and the producer was Wang Lifen. It's she who has a crush on you. Shi Xiaonuo was moved.

"It was indeed Teacher Wang Lifen (then the chief producer and host of CCTV's "Dialogue" column) that attracted me." Shi Xiaonuo said that before that, CCTV ten sets (documentary channel) and twelve sets (western) had opened favorable conditions and hoped to join themselves. "But none of them are as specifically attractive as Mr. Wang Lifen."

Shi Xiaonuo's impression was that the "Economic Information Network" was broadcast in early August. In June, she went to the central stage for her first and only audition. "It's a live broadcast without a 1-second delay... I remember that Teacher Wang Lifen was there, and the deputy director of the channel was also there. After watching my performance, Teacher Wang smiled brightly. About a month later, Shi Xiaonuo officially entered CCTV and became one of the three anchors of CCTV's second set of "Economic Information Network" that began broadcasting in early August.

"I became the only one of the three anchors to go from the local station, and the only new force. I felt that they had high hopes for me.

CCTV 15 years, Chongqing sister Shi Xiaonuo "set off again"

Cover of Shi Xiaonuo's new book

There are two things that can't be put down in Chongqing

Perhaps from the perspective of outsiders, going to Beijing alone is equivalent to "drifting north", but Shi Xiaonuo said that when he first went to CCTV in 2002, it was not so "difficult". "I still remember that I rented the Space Bridge at that time, in fact, I only needed to cross the Yuyuantan Park to get to Taili." Shi Xiaonuo's impression was that the first slight sense of loneliness was that his family was not around, "More than two years later, my daughter came to Beijing, and her family gradually came to join me, and I was settled in Beijing." Of course, even after 15 years of "north drifting", Shi Xiaonuo did not let go of his hometown.

"No matter how much so-called success I have achieved and how famous I am, I am very grateful to Chongqing Tv." Shi Xiaonuo said that it was too precious for him to be able to give great support and opportunities when he was still particularly immature and did not have [that ability].

"Before doing 'Meet the Big Coffee', I usually went back to Chongqing once every two or three months, after all, I still have my family here." Shi Xiaonuo said that there are two things that must be done when he comes back. "The first thing is definitely to eat, you have to go out for breakfast and eat a noodle." There are also two girlfriends I must see when I come back, and every time I come back for afternoon tea or coffee, it is inevitable. We are also super positive energy, full of passion for work and life. ”

Shi Xiaonuo's impression is that Chongqing's soft landscape and humid air have a sense of intimacy for him.

CCTV 15 years, Chongqing sister Shi Xiaonuo "set off again"

Shi Xiaonuo talked with Pan Shiyi and Bai Yansong

Dialogue with Shi Xiaonuo: At the age of 40, I wanted to do something that I could dominate

Q: After 15 years of entering CCTV, from anchor to producer, what do you think this platform has given you?

Shi Xiaonuo: When I entered CCTV, the TV was still very popular. In such a big environment, it is the national television station that can give me a program that broadcasts in the most prime time and has a full 50 minutes of program as an anchor, which is first of all a great affirmation for me professionally.

Secondly, the business has improved me too much. Like the leaders of various ministries and commissions, to experts and scholars in various fields, to the elites of the industry... There are also Yu Minhong, the "Latent" crew and other people whose names can only be seen in magazines and television before to give us lectures. We are really like sponges, constantly absorbing the nutrients of knowledge.

And these can be applied immediately in the work of learning. For example, when I did "Meet the Big Coffee", I have been a financial news anchor for 10 years, which has given me great convenience in contacting interviewees and laid a very solid foundation for me to get to where I am today.

Q: What is your current working life status?

Shi Xiaonuo: Now it can be said that "Meet the Big Coffee" is the center of all my possessions. Except for the news broadcast required by the station to be broadcast three days a week, I spent almost the rest of the time around "Meet the Big Coffee", talking with the public relations and communicating with the boss of the show. I am the kind of person who manages it very carefully (laughs), what they have to say in the program, recorded materials, including advertising, and offline activities in various cities to strengthen the IP of the program, I have to watch and talk about.

Q: The topic of "my 18 years old", which has been very popular these two days, reminds you of what it was like to be 18 years old?

Shi Xiaonuo: My 18-year-old is definitely not the same as the 18-year-old who says goodbye to the 18-year-old now. Today's children know too well what they want, and I was completely ignorant at the time.

At 18, I was actually very bad. Except for the decision to enter the Beijing Broadcasting Institute at that time, everything else was dizzy. I took the exam twice before I was admitted, and at that time, there was also an idea that I really couldn't get into the teacher training, anyway, I only knew that I was admitted to college.

Upstream News - Chongqing Morning News reporter Qiu Jinyi

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