
One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

author:Halo looks at history
One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

As we all know, there are three founding heroes under Liu Bang's account, namely Xiao He, Zhang Liang, and Han Xin, the former two in charge of politics, and the latter in charge of military affairs. The three are also known as the "Three Masters of the Early Han Dynasty".

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

On the other hand, Liu Bang's rival, Xiang Yu, who is the capable minister under the account?

Speaking of this, everyone will definitely think of Fan Zeng. Let's talk about Fan Zeng's strength today.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > First of all, I want to say that Fan Zeng is a contemporary guide, a fire in the cold. </h1>

We all know that Chen Sheng and Wu Guang led an uprising against the Qin Dynasty, and after they rose up, many forces in the world responded to the call. Among them was the team of Xiang Yu Xiangliang of the Chu Kingdom.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

However, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's rebel army was later chaotic within itself. Wu Guang was poisoned by his own people, and this person was also Wu Guang's subordinate Tian Zang, and the reason given by Tian Zang was also very magical, saying that Wu Guang could not use soldiers, so he killed him. After Chen Sheng knew, his reaction was even more bizarre, and he actually promoted Tian Zang and let him sit in Wu Guang's position.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

So I guess that the mastermind behind this incident is Chen Sheng.

Then after encountering the Qin army, Tian Zang's team was defeated.

Now that the leading rebel army will not be able to hold on. Seeing this, many other rebel armies began to waver. After Chen Sheng was killed, the anti-Qin forces in the world were even more chaotic.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

Seeing that the anti-Qin flame was about to be extinguished, an old man stood up at this time, and he was Fan Zeng.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

Fan Zeng locked his eyes on Xiang Liang Xiangyu's team, thinking that this team might be a dark horse. After finding Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng pointed out a few points, which instantly sobered Xiang Liang, who was confused:

First, the defeat of Chen Sheng and Wu Guangbing was expected, because the foundation of the team was unstable, and some people casually claimed the title of king, which naturally caused dissatisfaction among some people, which also led to subsequent civil unrest. The team of your Xiang family is different, the discipline is very strong, and the people under you are also obedient to the master.

Second, your Xiang family has been a famous general of the Chu State for generations, although it is now lonely, as long as the general raises his arms and shouts, it is inevitable that everyone in the world will come to defect. Didn't xiang Yan, the general of the previous generation of your family, say before he died, "Although Chu has three households, qin will be chu when it dies." The people of the world are still very fond of your Xiang family.

Third, you now need to find the descendants of the King of Chu and make him king, and as long as the people of Chu see that their king is still there, they will inevitably rekindle their hope and confidence; not to mention that the resentment of the Chu people towards Qin is very heavy, because the King of Chu Huai was deceived and died in a foreign land. As long as you establish your king and announce the world, your ranks will surely grow even stronger.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

After Xiang Liang listened, he felt that Mao Sai suddenly opened up, and did what Fan Zeng did, and sure enough, the strength of the team became stronger and stronger day by day.

Seeing that his power was getting stronger and stronger, Xiang Liang drifted, feeling that he could fight a battle with the Qin army, at this time Fan Zeng quickly stopped it and said, although you are very powerful now, but compared with the Qin army, it is still a lot worse than the Qin army, and the Qin army can organize a large-scale attack, once at that time, the current strength alone can not compete with it.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

But Xiang Liang did not listen

In this way, under the leadership of Xiang Liang FanZeng and others, the Xiang family army fought many battles with the Qin army and won many battles.

In 208 BC, Xiang Liang defeated Zhang Handan at Dong'a, and in the same year he took the Qin army at Dingtao, and in the same year, Xiang Yu also won a victory on the battlefield of Yongqiu.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

Xiang Jiajun has also slowly become a proud soldier, as the saying goes, the proud soldier will be defeated, and sure enough

As Fan Zeng said, the Qin army launched a large-scale counterattack, hundreds of thousands of people surrounded Dingtao, and Xiangliang was killed.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

After that, Xiang Yu worshipped Fan Zeng as his second father. How proud Xiang Yu was, with his nature, it was difficult to look at a few people, but he was willing to worship Fan Zeng as his sub-father, which showed Fan Zeng's strength.

Later, in order to save the Zhao kingdom, King Huai of Chu felt that Xiang Yu was too young, so he sent Song Yi as the commander and led the army to the rescue. However, after Marching for a period of time, Song Yi did not leave, and was stationed in place, and Song Yi was even more greedy for pleasure. For more than forty days, the army did not move further.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

This concept, for the precarious Zhao Guo, the reinforcements arrived a moment early, and there was a little more hope. For the rescue team, solving it early and going back early is also the hope of every soldier. Song Yi did this, and the giant deer of the Zhao state was surrounded by the main force of the Qin army, and the rescue army was also demoralized.

At this time, Fan Zeng once again stood up and told Xiang Yu that he needed to solve Song Yi by hand. Still the same as when xiang liang was told about the situation in the world, Fan Zeng also analyzed the situation for Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu listened and killed Song Yi.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

But the strange thing is that killing the commander will theoretically make the military chaotic, and it will also provoke a mutiny. However, Xiang Yu's move not only did not have any bad results, but on the contrary, it greatly invigorated the military's heart and made a name for itself in the entire Chu state.

Therefore, relying on Xiang Yu alone, it is simple to kill Song Yi, but the aftermath may not be able to handle well. And it was precisely because of Fan Zeng, who planned in advance and united with the generals, that Xiang Yu's position was raised again.

Behind that is the battle of the giant deer that everyone knows, Xiang Yu defeated the Qin army. The victory in the Battle of the Giant Deer can be said to be the best result of the alliance between Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng. One article and one weapon, it is really an invincible combination in the world.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="74" > see through Liu Bang</h1>

At that time, Fan Zeng had one more thing, reflecting his unique vision

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

Liu Bang's army in The Legend of Chu Han

At that time, Liu Bang's team was not very conspicuous, they were all grass, there was no systematic training, there was no good equipment, so no one would notice Liu Bang. But only Fan Zeng noticed, and the reason was it

First, Liu Bang is actually not a "righteous gentleman", he is also greedy for money and lustful, but after entering Xianyang, he will not cause trouble in the harem, and will not accumulate wealth

Second, the only thing Liu Bang took away was some archives of the Qin Dynasty and the like.

Third, in Guanzhong, "three chapters of the covenant law" to win people's hearts

Therefore, Fan Zeng realized that Liu Bang was likely to compete with Xiang Yu in the future. Instead of thinking about how to fight Liu Bang at that time, it was better to take advantage of the fact that Liu Bang did not have any power now, and quickly extinguished this flame. So there was the Hongmen Feast behind. However, such a good opportunity was still missed by Xiang Yu.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

The combination of Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng also made Liu Bang also a headache, especially the "Battle of Pengcheng", Liu Bang had more than 500,000 horses and lost to Xiang Yu 30,000 people, which was called a "miracle", so it proved that as long as Fan Zeng was there, Liu Bang could not come out.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

So Liu Bang made a divisive plan, and we all know what Kind of Brain Xiang Yu has, this trick is easy to be deceived, so he drove this contemporary Haojie away.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

In the end, Fan Zeng passed away on the way home with sorrow. When Xiang Yu reacted and chased back Fan Zeng, there was only a cold corpse, remembering how remorseful Xiang Yu had been in the past close cooperation between the two.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

Without the help of Fan Zeng, Liu Bang also had the "Three Masters of the Han Dynasty", and Xiang Yu could not resist at all, and soon fled to Wujiang and committed suicide.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="76" > my idea</h1>

It can be seen from this that Fan Zeng's strength should not be underestimated, and he cleared the situation for the rebel army led by Xiang Liang just after his birth, and later assisted Xiang Yu, which can be said to be invincible, and the Qin army was quickly overthrown; and Liu Bang was beaten to the ground with several times the difference in troops.

One person against the Han Chu Sanjie, but can not move the Western Chu Overlord, Fan Zeng's strength in the end I want to say first of all, Fan Zeng, is the contemporary guide, a fierce fire in the cold. See through Liu Bang's thoughts If Xiang Yu did not drive away Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu?

It was a pity that a generation of top strategists, the only one who could resist Xiao He, Zhang Liang, and Han Xin at the same time, was actually dissuaded by a divisive plan. Without Fan Zeng, Xiang Yu's power was quickly destroyed.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="77" >If Xiang Yu did not drive out Fan Zeng, but continued to join forces with Fan Zeng, do you think Liu Bang still has a chance to defeat Xiang Yu? </h1>

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