
The general Qin Qiongwei Chi Gong, why did the descendants regard the two as door gods? The Spring Festival is coming, come and raise knowledge

author:Alice loves history

Hello, we all know that every New Year's Day, grandparents in the home paste couplets are a lot of stickers are sticking door god pictures, speaking of door gods are indeed many, Wenmen god, martial door god, blessing door god. The Wenmen God draws some civilian officials dressed in imperial clothes, such as Tianguan, Fairy Boy, Liu Hai Toad, and Lady Sending Sons. Wumen god is the image of military attaches, the most common is Qin Qiong, Wei Chigong, there are four forms, 1 vertical golden melon door god 2 vertical whip door god and vertical hammer door god 3 riding whip door god 4 sitting prayer door god, some students will ask, speaking of military officers, is the representative of the martial saint not Guan Yu? Why not stick to Guan Yu, today I will talk about why these two are regarded as door gods by posterity.

The general Qin Qiongwei Chi Gong, why did the descendants regard the two as door gods? The Spring Festival is coming, come and raise knowledge

First of all, let's talk about Qin Qiong, Qin Qiong, everyone knows Qin Shubao, sui and Tang heroes in the biography, the late Sui and Tang dynasty famous generals, who served under the accounts of Lai Hu'er, Zhang Sutuo, and Pei Renji, were known to the world for their bravery and good fighting, and then defected to Li Mi, the leader of the Wagang Army, and after the destruction of WagangZhai, they were ready to defect to Wang Shichong, but they learned that Wang Shichong was sinister and cunning, and then he and the Chaoshi Demon King Cheng bit Jin to defect to Li Tang, Li Tang followed Li Shimin, and then followed Li Shimin in the southern conquest of the northern war, and made a lot of meritorious achievements. Qin Qiong was a brave general who could take the first rank of the enemy general in the Wanma Army, and many people said that Qin Qiong fought Guan Yu in this absurd cross-time battle, but according to records, Qin Qiong was indeed a warlike general, and he was loyal, and it was Qin Qiong's excellent character that made him a door god.

The general Qin Qiongwei Chi Gong, why did the descendants regard the two as door gods? The Spring Festival is coming, come and raise knowledge

According to the Journey to the West, the old dragon of Jinghe near Chang'an made a bet with a fortune teller and violated the Heavenly Rule, and the Jade Emperor sent Wei Zheng to supervise the beheading of the old dragon at three o'clock in the afternoon. The day before, Lao Long pleaded with Tang Taizong to intercede for him, and Tang Taizong agreed with a full mouth. The next day, Emperor Taizong of Tang declared Wei Zheng into the dynasty and left Wei Zheng behind to play Go with him. Unexpectedly, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Wei Zheng dozed off and dreamed of slaying the old dragon. The old dragon resented Tang Taizong for not believing what he said, and his ghost did not disperse, and he came to the palace every day to make trouble, which made Tang Taizong's six gods uneasy. Wei Zheng knew that the emperor was frightened, so he sent Qin Qiong and Wei Chigong, two generals, to guard the palace gate to protect them, and sure enough, the old dragon did not dare to make trouble. Tang Taizong remembered their hard work at guarding the door at night, so he asked the painter to paint the portraits of the two and paste them at the palace gate, and the results still worked. As a result, this move also began to circulate in the folk, and Qin Qiong and Wei Chigong became door gods.

The general Qin Qiongwei Chi Gong, why did the descendants regard the two as door gods? The Spring Festival is coming, come and raise knowledge

Let's talk about Wei Chigong again, the word Jingde, the word Jingde, and the People of Mujiao under Pinglu in Shuozhou. A famous general of the Tang Dynasty, an official to the Right Wu Hou Grand General, the Duke of Feng'e, was one of the twenty-four meritorious men of Lingyange, Wei Chigong was simple and loyal, brave and good at war, a lifetime of fighting horses and horses, conquering the north and south, galloping on the battlefield, repeatedly making military achievements, helping Li Shimin to seize the throne during the change of Xuanwu Gate, to some extent, it can even be said: Without Wei Chigong, there would be no Li Shimin, and there would be no later Tang Dynasty, with superb martial arts, he risked saving Li Shimin from danger many times, made immortal merits, and since he returned to Li Shimin, he has never had two hearts. In "Xue Dingshan's Conquest of the West", Wei Chigong, in order to save Xue Rengui, whipped the forbidden door, broke the steel whip, remembered the master's words "the whip is in the person, the whip is dead", and committed suicide by hitting the pillar. His simplicity, his lack of intentions, was praised by the world as a door god.

The general Qin Qiongwei Chi Gong, why did the descendants regard the two as door gods? The Spring Festival is coming, come and raise knowledge

According to the "Biography of Sui and Tang Heroes", there was a period when Tang Taizong Li Shimin was in a very bad mood, and when he slept at night, he often heard bricks and tiles thrown outside the bedroom, and the ghost called, making the harem restless at night. He was so frightened that he told the king about it. The general Qin Shubao said: "All his life, he kills enemies like cutting melons, and collects corpses like ants, so why be afraid of ghosts?" The courtiers are willing to be firm and sharp with Jingde and guard the palace gate. Li Shimin agreed. Nothing happened that night. Since then, the second general has been sent to guard the night. Later, Li Shimin felt that the two were hard, so he ordered the painter to paint the full body portrait of the two guards as usual hanging at the door, and the evil spirit disappeared from then on. If there is something good on the top, the next will be imitated, so the door god has been passed on to the folk, and the door god posted by the people so far has the image of Qin Qiong and Jingde.

The general Qin Qiongwei Chi Gong, why did the descendants regard the two as door gods? The Spring Festival is coming, come and raise knowledge

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