
God and the devil are one


Nietzsche said: I am the sun! Everyone says that he is crazy, and who can see and understand the fiery and radiance in his heart? The sun burns itself, dedicates its light and heat to all things in the world, illuminates them, warms them, constantly exhausts its own energy, and overdrafts its own life! Nietzsche, too, used his thoughts to glimpse the mystery of the universe in his heart and selflessly gave it to mankind, so God gave him madness!

Who am I? What did I come into the world for? I will die, definitely! But what is life? I kept looking for this answer, came into contact with many people, experienced the test of death, and was in a coma for three days and three nights, only to find that the most feared death was nothing more than that, maybe my destiny was not over, and the heavens were destined to do something for me? So I began to look for the future direction from the vast history, from the traces left by the great saints and great men of ancient and modern times, from the same places where they have been passed down for hundreds of years or some stinking for thousands of years, and from the rise and fall of dynasties and the replacement of dynasties, I finally understood something, and suddenly became enlightened, Buddha: Buddha, Jueye! This means: a Buddha is an enlightened person! What about me? After going through a thousand books, I finally found a similar answer in Lao Tzu's "Qing Jing Jing", which I can understand at this stage, that is: although the name is tao, there is nothing to gain, in order to transform sentient beings, it is called the tao!

Things are clustered, people are grouped, and the same type of people can be attracted together, so this is also doomed to my loneliness, phoenix nirvana, rebirth from the fire, if you don't burn yourself, why be reborn? If you don't care about the world, and become one with all things in the natural universe, how can you be ~~~~

Who am I? A man who fights alone for the ideal of freedom, a man who defends his dignity, a man who fights all his life in search of truth until death! Growing up, others have been laughing at me for being stupid and stupid, and in the eyes of others, I laughed shamelessly: Crazy, haha! Yes, I am a madman, a man who is crazy enough to think that he can change the world, a person who has been following the rules since childhood, timid and afraid of things, and constantly breaks through himself and breaks himself, a person who wakes up from a pool of mud and constantly fights the devil in his heart every day! I am a warrior, fighting for life!

Someone once said that when you want to get a new thing, like a cracked bottle, the best thing to do is to break it, break it completely, and reshape it to be closer to perfect! So, as Nietzsche said, like a phoenix, Heaven gave me a cruel test, and killed the cowardly, timid, and unruly LWJ in a sense, and then very difficult and painful to shape me now! I am a phoenix, unscrupulous branches do not perch, I am a phoenix, for the happiness and peace of mankind into the raging fire to burn, from the fire to get eternal life!

Who am I? An incarnation of God and the devil, I am me, but I am not me, everything is true and false, like a dream! Everything is empty, this is not true, I do not belong to a person, now, the future is also, I belong to the public, do not seek no fault, but seek no regrets, do things brightly, be a person worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth, this is my principle of being a man, the bottom line of being a man! No one can cross it, and I am not afraid of the provocation of anyone in the world! People who laugh at me, I despise being with you! People who can't understand me, who can read me, can't be friends in the true sense of the word, so where are you who can get close to the depths of my soul so far? I am Pisces, and everyone only sees the one floating on the surface of the sea, but who can see the one that sinks deep into the seabed?

God and the devil are one! A life full of contradictions and one with everything in the natural universe, a child who slowly groped forward in the long night between heaven and earth...

This article is written for yourself, this article is for you, who are you? I don't know, but I would like to use this literature to give people who can see the essence through the surface and can produce new energy in the spark of the collision of ideas!

God and the devil are one