
I want you to meet me, at my most beautiful time

author:The hooves of the horseshoe drip
I want you to meet me, at my most beautiful time

Wen Jie and Ying Zi, both are college classmates, after graduation are working in a city, Ying Zi in the training institution of the teacher, Wen Jie is a programmer, they have been together after graduation work has been two years, although the family has been urging them to get married, but the adult marriage can be so easy, Wen Jie family situation is not rich, parents for their marriage basically can not help much, Ying Zi family is a very traditional family, if married will definitely require a wedding room and bride price, Wen Jie is a good man in order to buy a house to live a very frugal life, He loves Hideko and wants to give Heriko a perfect wedding, but after working very quickly, how can a house and car bride price be a year or two for a programmer who eats on salary. Wen Jie is a person who is cheerful on the surface and giggles all day long, but he knows this embarrassment in his heart. And some rich second generation or some people with well-off families, they will have these things as soon as they are born, but for Wen Jie, he needs to fight for many years, he knows himself very well, and he will work hard for it.

I want you to meet me, at my most beautiful time

In the blink of an eye, it was Valentine's Day, that night Wen Jie and Ying Zi went to eat Western food together, watched the movie "Return to 20 Years Old", Ying Zi and Wen Jie came out of the theater very happy, passing by the jewelry counter in the mall, Ying Zi stopped and looked at the diamond ring in the window, and whispered softly in his mouth: "Such a beautiful ring", Wen Jie laughed: "Oh, this is a diamond ring for marriage, Oh, "Haha Xiao Ying Zi, you want to marry me." Ying Zi immediately glanced at the salesman and was embarrassed to hit Wen Jie a few times and ran away. Wen Jie was thinking in his heart: Ying Zi had not bought her any decent expensive gifts for several years, and a plan was silently emerging in his heart...

I want you to meet me, at my most beautiful time

After going back, Wen Jie did not mention the ring again, but when Wen Jie got off work the next day, he ran to the jewelry store, bought the small diamond ring for Ying Zi, let the salesman pack it and carefully put it into his chest pocket, happily walked out of the mall door, when Wen Jie walked through the intersection, suddenly a fast truck rearview mirror wiped down Wen Jie, and the rear wheel was crushed from Wen Jie...

In the hospital, the police handed Over Wenjie's relics to Ying Zi, and when Ying Zi saw the ring, she froze and slowly crouched down holding the ring, tears flowing but her throat could not say a word.

I want you to meet me, at my most beautiful time

Three years later, Ying Zi met Ming Hua, Ming Hua saw Ying Zi's first glance and liked the girl with a hint of melancholy in this look, they fell in love and married very smoothly, Ming Hua can give Ying Zi everything she wants, their diamond rings are very big and beautiful, but Ying Zi has no longer the kind of vision of seeing the diamond ring for the first time, after marriage, Ying Zi also gave birth to a beautiful daughter, Ying Zi has rarely thought of Wen Jie, Only the person who saw the diamond ring that Wenjie finally gave her could remind her of those good times and the good old days.

We will all encounter many people and many things in the experience of life, and with the passage of time, we can only think of the people and things related to this item from some of the long-term items left behind, and I also wish everyone to meet and cherish their most precious things.

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