
"Facing giants": Life will always give all kinds of problems, to stick to their own beliefs unlucky drink cold water will be stuffed teeth True faith Your actions depend on your beliefs Face giants, and do not give up the summary:

author:Ah Cai said entertainment

There is a wall in everyone's heart that makes our emotions fluctuate when we face the uncertainty of the unknown, and this wall is the giant in our hearts.

And in life, no matter what you do, the most heard is still to insist on two words. As long as you persist, many things can be solved. And this is also an attitude, a kind of character, with persistence, in order to face difficulties.

"Facing giants": Life will always give all kinds of problems, to stick to their own beliefs unlucky drink cold water will be stuffed teeth True faith Your actions depend on your beliefs Face giants, and do not give up the summary:

"Facing giants" tells such a story, in the face of difficulties and failures, do not be afraid, you must continue to try, there will be good results.

The film also focuses on the story of a coach who has been there for 6 years to regain his confidence and courage and defeat fear with faith.

"Facing giants": Life will always give all kinds of problems, to stick to their own beliefs unlucky drink cold water will be stuffed teeth True faith Your actions depend on your beliefs Face giants, and do not give up the summary:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > unlucky drinking cold water will stuff your teeth</h1>

At the beginning of the film, it shows the failed life of a high school football team, Taylor Coach, whose team has repeatedly lost. Good players have to transfer schools, many want to kick him out of the team, the family's house is in disrepair, he drives a classic car that may break down at any time, and his wife wants a child to check that there is something wrong with him. When people are really unlucky, drinking cold water may stuff their teeth.

"Facing giants": Life will always give all kinds of problems, to stick to their own beliefs unlucky drink cold water will be stuffed teeth True faith Your actions depend on your beliefs Face giants, and do not give up the summary:

Taylor, who had always been a man of faith, went to the Bible to find answers after a series of questions and pains.

"Lord, you are my God, and if you don't give me children, I will confess." How are you going to use me? If you have other intentions, please give me a revelation. ”

Such prayers should be done by many Christians. When we encounter problems and setbacks in life, we always hope that someone can guide us.

"Facing giants": Life will always give all kinds of problems, to stick to their own beliefs unlucky drink cold water will be stuffed teeth True faith Your actions depend on your beliefs Face giants, and do not give up the summary:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > true faith</h1>

Taylor didn't know what he could do, it was a team that had to lose, and it was distraught. But he rethinked, what is the significance of the team? The point of the team is not to win, but to do everything in its power to glorify God. He began to lead his own team with such belief.

"Facing giants": Life will always give all kinds of problems, to stick to their own beliefs unlucky drink cold water will be stuffed teeth True faith Your actions depend on your beliefs Face giants, and do not give up the summary:

He was no longer concerned with winning or losing the game, but with how to bring out a team that could glorify God. Whether you win or lose, do your best to live for Christ. This is really a living faith. He changed, and he would begin to find the source of the smell at home, care for the player's moral character on the court, help the players know how to obey God's commandments, and respect their parents. Everything has become different.

"Facing giants": Life will always give all kinds of problems, to stick to their own beliefs unlucky drink cold water will be stuffed teeth True faith Your actions depend on your beliefs Face giants, and do not give up the summary:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > your actions depend on your beliefs</h1>

Once, Taylor asked Captain Bullock to climb 50 yards with his teammates on his back, and when he heard the number, Bullock was obviously in disbelief. The end result was that he crawled 110 yards carrying a teammate weighing 72 kilograms, completing a seemingly impossible goal.

In the process, Taylor did not provide any technical support at all, he only did two things: the first thing was to blindfold Bullock, and the second thing was to constantly encourage, shout, and spur him on from the side.

"Facing giants": Life will always give all kinds of problems, to stick to their own beliefs unlucky drink cold water will be stuffed teeth True faith Your actions depend on your beliefs Face giants, and do not give up the summary:

Sometimes if you don't believe in yourself, all that awaits you is failure. Therefore, before doing any action, we must forget the impossible thoughts, do not be disturbed and affected by any external things, and believe that we can always believe that we can and always believe.

Many times, when we have a determination to do something, how resolute our attitude is, how strong our will is, how high the probability of success will be, this is directly proportional.

"Facing giants": Life will always give all kinds of problems, to stick to their own beliefs unlucky drink cold water will be stuffed teeth True faith Your actions depend on your beliefs Face giants, and do not give up the summary:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > face giants and don't give up</h1>

In this way, a changed coach, a changed team, from the inevitable loss, one after another into the semi-finals, rushed to the final. Even if the final opponents are three times more than them, the Giants. But they still had to do their best to fight for the glory of God. And they did, and they ended up winning the state championship by a point difference.

"Facing giants": Life will always give all kinds of problems, to stick to their own beliefs unlucky drink cold water will be stuffed teeth True faith Your actions depend on your beliefs Face giants, and do not give up the summary:

In the break room, Taylor asked everyone, "Is there anything God can't do?" ”

Every player said: "No. ”

"I want you to remember this moment for the rest of your lives."

When we are with God, anything is possible.

"Facing giants": Life will always give all kinds of problems, to stick to their own beliefs unlucky drink cold water will be stuffed teeth True faith Your actions depend on your beliefs Face giants, and do not give up the summary:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > summary:</h1>

In our growth process, it is inevitable to encounter strong opponents in work and life, and when we feel that we are not competent for one thing, we will have the idea that we can't do it and can't win others. As long as there is such an idea, the door to success is closed for a long time. Because in your own subconscious, you feel that you can't win.

Therefore, no matter how hard the process is when encountering difficulties, no matter how many setbacks you suffer, when you want to give up, you must say to yourself: never give up.

"Facing giants": Life will always give all kinds of problems, to stick to their own beliefs unlucky drink cold water will be stuffed teeth True faith Your actions depend on your beliefs Face giants, and do not give up the summary:

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