
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?

author:Blue willow

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?

The mountains in my childhood were verdant, the water in my childhood was clear, and I remembered the mountains of my hometown, and there were countless wild fruits in autumn. Xiaobian picked and recorded a group of wild fruits from the mountains, I don't know if you know? Do these red wild fruits evoke memories of your childhood?

1. Schisandra

Schisandra is a magical wild fruit, its skin is sweet and sour, the core is spicy, bitter, salty, and complete, so it is called schisandra. Li Shizhen said that "the five tastes are now divided into north and south, and those born in the south are red, and those born in the north are black." Northern Schisandra is more prolific in the Yellow River Basin, and the author has not seen it personally so far. The main areas common in the mountains of the Southern Yangtze River Basin are Kadsura longipedunculata and Schisandra sphenanthra. Southern Schisandra leaves are leathery, oval lanceolate, polymeric fruit spherical; Central China Schisandra leaves are papery, oval-shaped, and polymeric fruit follow-up; the two are easy to distinguish.

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?

Southern Schisandra

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?

Central China Schisandra

Schizandra fruits can be eaten raw and have a sour taste. In addition, Schizandra is a valuable Chinese herbal medicine, with brain calming, nourishing and strengthening effects, and is gradually widely used in winemaking, fruit juice making, etc., with high economic value, and the development prospects are very broad.

2. Hanging hook subclass

Rubus is the largest of wild fruits, and most species are edible. The most representative of these are R. hirsutus and palm-leaf raspberry (R.chingii). With 3 to 5 small leaves, the fruit is large and sweet, widely distributed, and has an excellent taste, which is the favorite of foodies. When it comes to raspberries, almost everyone knows that Mr. Lu Xun once mentioned in "From the Hundred Grass Garden to the Sanwei Bookhouse" that "if you are not afraid of thorns, you can also pick raspberries, like small balls made of small coral beads, sour and sweet, and the color and taste are far better than mulberries." "The raspberry here obviously refers to the palm leaf raspberry, and its leaves are usually palm-shaped and 5-lobed, which is easy to distinguish from the puffy.

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?


The fruit of the bulbous and palm-leaf raspberries is sweet and sour, can be eaten raw, and has a great taste. It can also be soaked in wine. The whole plant and root are medicated, which has the effect of anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, clearing heat and anti-alarm, invigorating blood and dispelling rheumatism.

3. Golden Sakura (Rosa laevigata)

Also known as prickly pears, mountain pomegranates, sugar pots. Evergreen shrub. Leaflet 3. The flowers are at the apex of the solitary lateral branches, white, 5 to 9 cm in diameter, and the rose fruit is nearly spherical or inverted ovate, 2 to 4 cm long, with fine spines. The flowering period is from May and the fruiting period is from September to October. Distributed in central China, east China, south China, southwest China and other places.

The golden cherry fruit has a unique flavor, honey flavor and fragrance, and its nutrient content is extremely rich, especially the high content of vitamin C and reducing sugar. It can be eaten raw or made into wine. The root skin is used to make quercus gum; the fruit is medicinal, diuretic and tonic; the leaf has the effect of detoxification and swelling; the root is medicinal, which can activate blood and disperse stasis, pull out poison and astringent, dispel wind and dampness.

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?

Golden Cherry Blossoms

4. Crataegus cuneata

Also known as mountain red, mountain fruit. Deciduous shrub. Densely branched, usually with fine spines. Leaves are mutually biological. The flowers are white. The fruit is red when ripe, and the fruit is small, spherical, and about 1 cm in diameter. The flowering period is from May to June, and the fruit period is from August to October. It can be seen all over the country except the northwest region.

Compared with the hawthorn sold in the market, the flesh is thinner, the taste is very sour, but with the atmosphere of the mountain, autumn mountain climbing to pick a few, unique flavor. In addition, it can be made into wine, jam, and of course, processed into rock sugar gourd is also a good choice. The fruit is put into medicine, which has the effect of strengthening the stomach and eliminating the accumulation of food. Young leaves can be used as tea.

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?

Wild hawthorn

5. Akebia quinata

Also known as August fried, prescient, etc. Deciduous wood winding shrubs. Palmate compound leaves, small leaves 5, full margin. Short, inflorescence axillary, unisexual, hermaphroditic; flowers are dark purple. Fleshy, berry-shaped, oblong-oval, or slightly kidney-shaped, about 8 cm long, 2 to 3 cm in diameter, purple and soft when ripe. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruit ripening period is August. It is mostly distributed south of the Yangtze River Basin.

Mutong fruit can be eaten raw, has a sweet and sour taste, is rich in sugar, vitamin C and 12 kinds of amino acids, and is a superior wild fruit. The fruit is called "prescient", which has the effect of relieving liver and rational qi, activating blood and relieving pain, and diuresis.

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?

Wooden pass

6. Kiwi fruit

Also known as peach, vine pear, foreign countries often call kiwi fruit or kiwi fruit. The genus Actinidia is mostly a large wooden vine. Common in the wild are Chinese kiwi fruit (Actinidia chinensis), actinidia eriantha, large seed kiwi fruit (Actinidia macrosperma) and so on. Chinese macaque peach blossom is white at the beginning of the blossom, and then turns yellow, the fruit is densely covered with short hairs, yellow-brown when ripe; the woolly flower kiwi blossom is purple-red, and the solid is densely covered with white fluff; the large seed kiwi peach blossom is white, the fruit is hairless, no spots, orange when ripe, spicy, and the raw food taste is poor; the three are easy to distinguish.

Kiwi fruit can be called a rare wild fruit, its fruit is juicy, fragrant and delicious, sweet and sour, comprehensive nutrition, vitamin C content is extremely high, is worthy of the king of fruits. In addition to fresh food, it can also be processed into fruit juice, jam, fruit wine, canned sugar water, dried fruits, preserved fruits, etc. The fruit is medicinal, with the effect of clearing heat and quenching thirst, and stomach reversal, and quenching thirst.

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?

Chinese kiwifruit

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?

Woolly kiwifruit

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?

Large seed kiwifruit

7. Rhodomyrtus tomentosa

Aliases mountain calamus, dang pear root, barley tree. Evergreen shrub up to 2 meters tall. The leaves are raw and leathery. The flowers are often solitary, purple-red, and when they bloom, they are brilliant and colorful, and they are as bright as red. The berries are ovate and pot-shaped, purple-black when ripe. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruit period is from May to October. It is found in the southern provinces of China; it grows mostly in hilly shrublands and barren mountain meadows

Ripe fruit can be eaten raw or wined. It is used for landscaping, ecological environment construction, and is an evergreen shrub with hillside re-greening and water and soil conservation. The whole plant is used for medicinal purposes, and has the effect of activating blood circulation, astringent and stopping diarrhea, replenishing deficiency and stopping bleeding.

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?


8. Aka nan (Syzygium buxifolium)

Also known as mountain wuzhu, small leaf peach, fish scale wood. Evergreen shrub. The leaves are raw and leathery. The inflorescence is apical or axillary, and the flowers are white. The berries are ovoid in shape, 6 to 10 mm in diameter, purple-black. The flowering period is from June to August, and the fruiting period is from September to November. It is widely spread from southern China and Guizhou to Hubei and southern Anhui. Grows in hilly shrubland or on the edge of a forest.

The fruit can be eaten raw, tastes sweet and sour, and can also be brewed. The young leaves of Akane turn red in spring, which is extremely beautiful and is an excellent spring color tree species. Coupled with its lush foliage, it is most suitable for garden ornamental flowers and trees.

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?


9. Melastoma dodecandrum

Also known as ground tomato, ground pomegranate, paved brocade. Creeping subshrub. Leaves are raw. The flowering period is from May to November. The flowers are purple-red, and 1 to 3 flowers are born at the top. The flesh is fleshy, purple-black when ripe. It is distributed in the hillside hilly areas of southern China and south China provinces.

Ground lettuce can be eaten raw and has a slightly sweet taste. What is even more gratifying is that its distribution is extremely wide, and wild mountaineering can go all the way, pick all the way, and eat until you are full. Whole herb into medicine, with the effect of activating blood and stopping bleeding, clearing heat and detoxification, tonifying the spleen and benefiting the kidneys.

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?


10. Four-photo flower (Cornus kousa subsp. Chinensis)

It is named after the fact that there are two pairs of large yellow-white petal-like bracts outside the inflorescence, which shine brightly. Also known as mountain lychee, wild lychee, stone jujube and so on. Deciduous trees, leaf pairs. Peanuts are planted at the top of the branches and bloom from April to May. The fruit is spherical, droopy, red when ripe, very similar to a lychee, and the fruit period is from October to December. It is distributed in all provinces and regions of the Yangtze River Basin in China.

Fruit food and medicinal food dual use, can be eaten fresh, sweet taste, and no astringency. It is also possible to make wine. The medicine has the effect of warming the stomach, passing through the menstruation and invigorating the blood. Four flowers in spring and summer white flowers full of trees, such as jade butterflies flying; autumn red fruits, a harvest scene, is an extremely beautiful flower viewing, fruit garden greening trees, in China's gardens worth vigorously developing and applying.

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?

Four shots of flowers

11. Mt. Dusa japonica (Maesa japonica)

Aliases mountain eggplant, water hemp leaf, wild pepper, etc. Evergreen shrub. The leaves are leathery, oval or lanceolate. The inflorescence is general or conical, the flowers are white and long bell-shaped. The fruit is spherical in shape, about 5 mm in diameter, and fleshy. It flowers from March to April, and the fruiting period is In October or May of the following year. It is mainly distributed in East China, South China and other places.

The fruit of Dujing mountain is slightly sweet and edible. The rhizome is medicated, which has the effect of dispelling wind and evil, detoxifying diseases, and reducing swelling. In addition, du stem mountain is shade tolerant, and the garden is most suitable for planting in the lower shade of the forest.

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?

Du Stem Mountain

12. Ficus erecta

Also known as milk milk, mountain milk, etc. Deciduous small trees or shrubs. Its branches , petioles , leaves and cryptophylla are all hairy. The leaves are alternate, and the fig fruit is a single leaf axillary. The fruit is edible when ripe. The flowering period is from April to August. It is mainly distributed in South China, Southwest China, East China and other places.

Song Qi's "Fang Wu Zan" Yun: "There are descendants of branches, not flowers but real, thin words, taste honey", it can be seen that the taste of Tianxian fruit is sweet and delicious. The fruit can be used in medicine to slow down and moisten the intestines; its stems and leaves are medicated as milk firewood, which can replenish the qi, strengthen the spleen and wetness, and strengthen the bones. Its root into the medicine, it will cure the fatigue and so on, so it seems that Tianxian Guo is still a good tonic.

Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?
Autumn on the tip of your tongue – have you ever seen a common wild fruit?

Celestial fruit