
Running on the road of green development Liaocheng Xinxian Ancient town to create a modern ecological cycle of agriculture efficient One person can manage 90,000 chickens of high quality A tomato variety breaks into the market green An industrial chain to achieve a virtuous cycle

author:Shandong City Information
Running on the road of green development Liaocheng Xinxian Ancient town to create a modern ecological cycle of agriculture efficient One person can manage 90,000 chickens of high quality A tomato variety breaks into the market green An industrial chain to achieve a virtuous cycle

Workers at the Aijia egg breeding and processing base in Shandong Province transport eggs

Running on the road of green development Liaocheng Xinxian Ancient town to create a modern ecological cycle of agriculture efficient One person can manage 90,000 chickens of high quality A tomato variety breaks into the market green An industrial chain to achieve a virtuous cycle

Workers at the modern agricultural demonstration base in ancient towns work in greenhouses

  In the thirteenth year of Ming Hongwu, the Yellow River broke through, and the former county seat of Fan County was destroyed by water, and it was moved 10 kilometers north from the south of the Jindi River to rebuild the county seat north of the Jindi, which is now the ancient town of Xinxian County.

  In recent years, this ancient town born of the Yellow River has explored the development path of modern ecological circular agriculture by deepening the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, implementing the rural revitalization strategy. In the ancient town green circular agricultural industrial park, the two projects of modern agricultural demonstration base and layer breeding and processing base are closely linked by the "planting cycle", and the agricultural virtuous cycle development pattern has initially taken shape.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > efficient One person can manage 90,000 chickens</h1>

  "At our base, each chicken coop can breed 90,000 chickens, and only 1 staff member is needed to complete the management work." On October 21, at the Shandong Aijia egg breeding and processing base in the industrial park, Wang Zijie, general manager of Aijia Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Development Co., Ltd., said.

  In August 2020, the first batch of chicken chicks were transported into the breeding and processing base, and the base was officially put into operation. At present, the base has 1.02 million chickens in stock, which can produce 690,000 eggs per day. Wang Zijie introduced that after the base was put into operation, it actively played a leading role in the industry and promoted the upgrading and healthy development of the aquaculture industry. "In the traditional breeding greenhouse, one person can manage up to 3,000 chickens, and the quality of eggs is difficult to guarantee, and the management risk is relatively large." The construction of standardized chicken coops in the base provides a 'five-star home' for chickens and realizes intensive, large-scale and intelligent breeding. Prince Jay said.

  On the monitoring platform of the base, the reporter saw a chicken coop that was worlds apart from traditional breeding: the chicken coop was clean and tidy, some eggs were scattered on the egg belt, and the material truck occasionally came along the track to add some material... But I didn't see the staff.

  Wang Zijie told reporters that the temperature, humidity, light, feeding, and dung cleaning of each chicken coop have achieved intelligent control, and the staff only needs to patrol regularly. In order to ensure the safety of the chickens, they installed 3 sets of alarm equipment, once the high temperature, high humidity and other situations, the staff's mobile phone will receive an alarm to ensure that the first time to regulate.

  At present, the second phase of the project is accelerating construction, including 8 chicken coops and egg banks, air conditioning warehouses, feed processing and organic fertilizer processing workshops, and after all production and effectiveness at the end of the year, 1.2 million layer chickens can be realized, with an annual output value of 170 million yuan.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" > high-quality Tomato variety breaks into the market</h1>

  In the modern agricultural demonstration base, the "Busan 88" small tomato is a fist product.

  In 2017, Gucheng Town accelerated the pace of industrial restructuring and began to build a modern agricultural demonstration base, choosing the "Busan 88" small tomato variety imported from South Korea. In that year, the base planted 300 acres (1 mu about 666.7 square meters) of small tomatoes, and achieved obvious economic benefits, and the sales price of small tomatoes was about 36 yuan / kg. Subsequently, the base applied for a trademark to further expand the planting area and promote the development of the vegetable industry.

  The high standard solar greenhouses that escort vegetable production are the site's high standards. Walking into the base, two rows of high-standard solar greenhouses are neat and spectacular. Li Cunyu, director of the Office of Rural Revitalization of Ancient Towns, introduced that the base construction is an inorganic fiberglass solar greenhouse, which is a patented product of the town, which can effectively ensure the yield and quality of vegetables, and the yield of small tomatoes per mu can reach 10,000 kilograms. With the maturity of the base planting technology, the yield of small tomatoes is gradually increasing.

  To grow well, you need to sell well. The base implements a sales model that combines direct supply and e-commerce, on the one hand, it connects with large-scale sales platforms and chain supermarkets such as Baiguoyuan, Dingdong selling vegetables, hema fresh food, etc., on the other hand, it actively develops e-commerce and Internet celebrities with goods, broadens the sales channels of agricultural products, and this year's e-commerce sales volume can account for 1/3 of the total sales.

  In recent years, with the continuous expansion of the planting area of "Busan 88" small tomatoes, the price has gradually declined, but it is still higher than other varieties in the market. "This year's market price of small tomatoes is 16-18 yuan per kilogram." Li Cunyu said.

  In order to ensure healthy development, the base also actively explores the output of small tomato planting technology, and has successfully docked five or six surrounding parks to provide technical guidance.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="25" > green An industrial chain achieves a virtuous circle</h1>

  Modern agriculture and layer breeding and processing seem to be unrelated, but they are closely linked by the "breeding cycle". According to the staff, the breeding mode is a composite circular agricultural economic model with planting, aquaculture and processing industry as the core, relying on the recycling of agricultural resources, extending the value chain, and promoting the development of characteristic agriculture.

  In the industrial park, the new chicken manure fermentation equipment has been put into use. "The melon seedlings, straw and chicken manure produced by the greenhouse are processed after 7-15 days of decomposition and processing to form organic fertilizer, which can be directly sold to greenhouse growers as the bottom fertilizer for greenhouse melon and vegetable planting." This can not only reduce agricultural non-point source pollution, but also improve the soil, improve the quality and yield of agricultural products, and truly achieve the promotion of planting and breeding, cost saving and efficiency. Prince Jay said.

  The green ecological circular agriculture model has brought real changes to the ancient town, and last year alone, the industrial park brought 1.58 million yuan in dividend income to 67 villages, driving more than 700 people in the surrounding areas to employment. In the next step, the ancient town will vigorously explore and innovate, on the one hand, continue to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation; On the other hand, focus on industrial development, expand the scale, extend the chain, let the masses continue to increase income, and strive to build a modern agricultural demonstration garden and a rural revitalization demonstration town.

Source: Liaocheng Rural Revitalization Bureau

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