
Where exactly is the dialect

author:Nana Zha home textiles

Must 1. Well: Pronounced mà. What does it mean. It is often said: Eat? Why?

Must 2. Whoa: gén. It's interesting, fun, fun. Example: NikoKoshi A.

Common dialect:

1. Shangliangzi: Refers specifically to the glass window above the door.

2. 齁 : Pronounced hōu. Means too sweet or too salty. Example: Today this dish put too much salt, and I was killed.

3. Fold: pronounced zhě liē. It refers to people looking for stubble for no reason (but there is no meaning of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, just "cracks").

4. Horizontal: Pronounced héng. In fact, it is the conjunction pronunciation of "possible". Example: How did you get a color on your face? Cross to the wife to hit.

5. Instigated honey: This is relatively simple, which is the name of sweets such as lollipops. Another: instigated, that is, licking, containing the meaning.

6. Snacks: Refers to snacks.

7. Sneezing: pronounced tì fēng. Normal people say "sneezing", but when I got to Tianjin, somehow, it was called "sneezing", and I played "sneezing" for more than 20 years, and I actually found this strange name a few days ago, and when I was a child, I thought it was called "sneezing".

8. 恁(么): Pronounced něn. In fact, it should be "how", but Tianjin people say "Gong Mo", and often followed by "Tender (so)", for example: Are you tender and crooked?

9. Youhulu: Actually, it is probably "oil gourd", which refers to an insect similar to crickets (that is, "crickets"), and there is a similar kind, commonly known as "three tails (pronounced yǐ) ba cavity".

10. Nih: "You" or "You" is called, for example: Nihon, why is this going? (It should actually be "What are you doing here?") According to the standard Tianjin dialect, it is "Ni JieSi why (softly)?" ”

11. 288: This is the classic Tianjin dialect, which means general level or medium level, which is about the same as "two knives". Example: So narrow road, that is, you old driver can pass, to change a two-eight-eight, quasi-Kana. (Also: the word "ka" is pronounced qiǎ or qiá in Tianjin)

12. 孬 (fish): Pronounced nao. It's "boiling". Boil the fish.

13. rǒng: with. forever. brave. swim. common. Chung...... Anyone pronounced as yǒng is rǒng, and the vowel changes and the tone does not change. Example: Long (forever) living in our hearts.

14. Shun: Pronounced shún. unsightly. lose face. Bad meaning. Example: You say he fell for me in front of so many people, I shún! Example 2: You introduce the child to grow up and shún.

Also: Collapse: pronounced kuǎ. Synonyms for shún refer specifically to too sharply contrasting colors or too bright colors. Example: Your dress is too "broken".

15. Come: Pronounced lǎi. The meaning of dragging. Example: You don't come (lǎi) me.

16. Can't pick up : Describe exhaustion. Example: Let me lie down and rest for a while, I'm so tired that I can't pick up.

17. Shuzi: The Tianjin name of the comb.

18. Sugar Pile : Sugar gourd.

19. Dry rice: Rice. For example, Ma Sanli once said in a famous passage: "I don't even know how many bowls of dry rice I eat myself."

20. Cabbage: the scientific name cabbage, some places called cabbage, Tianjin people mostly call it cabbage.

21. Sister-in-law: The name of soap, and so on, soap is called "xiang aunt".

22. There are two ways to pronounce it: first, duī gu (soft), which refers to the body spread into a ball; for example, he was dizzy at that time, and immediately piled up there. Two, duǐ gu (soft), refers to the mixing of liquids. Example: You don't duǐ, so that Sprite is not Sprite flavor, Coke is not Coke flavor.

23. Score: Pronounced fèn. It may have evolved from some kind of game or game in which points are won or lost by points, referring to the high degree of certainty of success. Example: With a level 6 certificate, if you go to look for a job, you will get points.

24. Second uncle - dumping goods. This is derived from Gao Yingpei's cross-talk "Funeral Joy", the specific situation, please download this cross-talk carefully.

25. Fast: Pronounced kuǎi. There are two main meanings: one, scratch; two, scoop. Example: 1. I seem to have let the mosquito bite on my back, help me fast (kuǎi) fast (kuǎi). 2. A little water in the upper water tank kuǎi. (Also: Tianjin dialect loves to say "go" or "to" as "on")

26. Shoe stomping: slippers, Beijing called "sloppy board".

27. Chisel: Refers to adding a little more. Example: I see that these are almost enough, just chisel it again.

28. Mat Bar: Refers to eating less before eating formally. Example: If you're hungry, let's start with two cake pads.

29. Grip: Tianjin people call "hungry" "grip".

30. Color: There are two names in Tianjin: one, silly, even pronunciation. Example: Is this a color (silly)? Ii, sǎi. Example: Color (sǎi) blindness.

31. Breaking: Tianjin people call "uncle". Similarly, "uncle" is called "great.". "Auntie" is called "Niangniang". It should be noted that tianjin's ranking of the age of relatives is contrary to many places, the smallest should be called "old", for example, my classmate hx always said how her aunt was, if it was in Tianjin, it was called "old aunt".

32. One side: "general". Example: He was older than me.

33. Cat: The name of "touch", pronounced mao, a sound. Example: You don't cat me, weird itchy.

34. Lenzi: Pronounced léng. Tianjin people often use the word to describe others, similar to "two hundred and five", according to my understanding, in many cases it is to describe people with punk spirit.

35. Thief : pronounced zèi. The reading of "this". Example: Can you catch up with this (thief, zèi) wave? (Crosstalk: Fishing)

36. Introduction: Another name for "this". Example: "Is it a ma'am?" ”

37. Big-tailed eagle: pronounced yǐ ba. The meaning of pretending to be foreign

38. Glass cover: pronounced bǒ li. The meaning of the knee

39. Pick straight: Go straight, don't turn. Example: Pick up and go straight.

40. Big neck slip: big slap, hit the back of the neck, has the meaning of slippery. When playing, slip down

41. Zou Xing: Virtue. Example: Look at your Zou Xing.

42. Big 嘚嘚, 大德德: that is, the meaning of women's breasts (when pronounced in Tianjin, read lǔ房)

43. Da Liao: Everything is in charge, presiding over the celebrant when the dead are lost.

44. Gu Qiu: Irregular chaos. Example: You're in that mess!

45. Fenqiu: The meaning is similar to Guqiu. Example: Good age, don't lie that old Fenqiu!

46. Self-contempt: It is the senseless resistance of the weak side to the strong side. Example: When he was a child, he asked his father to beat up Nenna, he was not honest and self-conscious.

47. BK: A pronoun for swearing, used in both the second and third persons. Example: Did you (second person) BK come? Example 2: The boundary is going to put me off and beat BK earlier! (Referring to the third person "he")

48. Nose, etc.: It is snot. Example: You see he is frozen, straight to the nose, etc.

49. Thinning: It's thinning.

50. Neck Geer: A gap between the neck and clothes. Example: His wife stuffed a bug in his neck.