
High blood pressure can't come down? It may be related to these few misunderstandings

author:Family Doctor Newspaper

『 Ask a Question 』

Hypertension is a disease

You are no strangers

Once an increase in blood pressure is found

The first thought

It is to take antihypertensive drugs

Can be present in china hypertension patients

Hypertension control rate

Compliance rates are low


『 Answer 』

Here's why

That is, the patient is in the process of antihypertensive therapy

There are many myths

High blood pressure can't come down? It may be related to these few misunderstandings

Myth 1: High blood pressure but no symptoms, no need to take medicine

It is wrong to think that high blood pressure does not need treatment as long as there is no uncomfortable feeling. As long as blood pressure rises, whether there are symptoms or not, it will affect our heart, brain, kidneys and other organs, and it needs treatment.

Myth two: young people can not take medicine

Many young patients are diagnosed with high blood pressure and are reluctant to take medication, fearing that taking the medication too early will lead to drug resistance, which is very wrong. Antihypertensive drugs do not develop resistance, and the earlier blood pressure is controlled, the earlier it can protect blood vessels, prevent complications, and reduce the risk of disease, and the better its long-term effect.

Myth three: once you take the medicine, you will have dependence, and the side effects will be larger

Antihypertensive drugs are non-addictive drugs, and the side effects of antihypertensive drugs are minimal compared to the harm of high blood pressure. Patients who have been diagnosed with hypertension cannot stop the drug at will to prevent the rise in blood pressure and the harm caused by hypertension after stopping the drug.

High blood pressure can't come down? It may be related to these few misunderstandings

Myth four: take medicine when blood pressure is high, stop the drug when your blood pressure is normal, and don't insist on it

Hypertension is a chronic disease that usually requires long-term or even lifelong medication to control blood pressure. Excessive fluctuations in blood pressure after discontinuation of the drug can cause complications such as myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, and renal insufficiency. The effect of antihypertensive drugs is not only to lower blood pressure, but also to maintain stable blood pressure and avoid more organ injuries. The adjustment of hypertensive drugs should follow the doctor's advice.

Myth 5: If blood pressure is found to rise, it should be quickly reduced to normal

Unless a sharp increase in hypertension leads to danger, such as aortic dissection, hypertensive crisis, etc. require rapid antihypertensive, antihypertensive therapy needs to master the principle of slowness and stability, and the target value is reached 4-12 weeks after medication. Blood pressure drops too quickly and too low, and is prone to stroke accidents, especially in the elderly.

Myth 6: Take medicine for a long time without regularly checking in the hospital

After taking drugs for a period of time, even if the blood pressure is stable, you should regularly go to the hospital for follow-up to observe whether the drugs have side effects and whether they have adverse effects on target organs such as the heart, brain, kidneys or whether the dosage is insufficient.

High blood pressure can't come down? It may be related to these few misunderstandings

Myth Seven: Copying other people's experience and taking drugs without authorization

The etiology of hypertension is complex, there are many clinical types, everyone's physical fitness and underlying diseases are different, copying the experience of others, following the trend of taking medicine is easy to produce drug safety risks. Patients with hypertension should adhere to drug therapy under the professional guidance of a doctor.

Myth #8: No need to change your lifestyle

The occurrence of hypertension is associated with a variety of factors. Such as smoking, drinking, heavy taste diet, obesity, long-term staying up late, mental stress, lack of physical activity, etc., will lead to increased blood pressure, affecting blood pressure control. Lifestyle changes can lead to better blood pressure control and smoother drug outcomes.

Myth Nine: The elderly can have high blood pressure

China's latest hypertension guidelines recommend that the diagnostic criteria for hypertension are recommended for the elderly aged 65-80 years, as long as they can tolerate treatment, blood pressure exceeding 140/90mmHg should start drug therapy.

High blood pressure can't come down? It may be related to these few misunderstandings

Myth 10: Traditional Chinese medicine, health care products to reduce blood pressure

At present, the first-line antihypertensive drugs are widely used in clinical practice after a large number of basic and clinical studies, and the efficacy is clear and the safety is high. Some patients blindly listen to the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine and health care products exaggerated by some merchants, and delay the timing of antihypertensive treatment, and even aggravate the hypertension condition.

In the long course of treatment of hypertension

It is recommended that everyone follow

Six steps to a healthy lifestyle

Limit salt, lose weight, exercise more

Quit smoking, quit drinking, have a flat mind

At the same time, follow the doctor's instructions for long-term medication

Monitor blood pressure regularly

Thus achieving scientific bucking

Improve the quality of life

Expert referrals

High blood pressure can't come down? It may be related to these few misunderstandings

Pei Zhaohui

Chief of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine II, Deputy Chief Physician

Double postdoctoral doctoral supervisor of Sun Yat-sen University

He went to the Cardiovascular Center of la Rochelle University in France for exchange studies and studied at the Hypertension Center of Beijing Fuwai Cardiovascular Hospital. He is currently a master tutor of Southern Medical University, Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Nanchang University. He is a member of the Cardiovascular Professional Committee of the Chinese Geriatric Health Care Association, a member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Hypertension Society, a member of the Standing Committee of the Cardiovascular Branch of the Jiangxi Association of Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, and the chairman of the Nanchang Microcirculation Society. He has presided over a number of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and is now a review expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and a review expert of the Beijing Natural Science Foundation. He is a reviewer for core journals and SCI journals, and the first author has published more than 20 SCI-included papers, and the first and corresponding authors have published more than 30 core journal papers.

In June 2009, he participated in the compilation of a chapter in the "Hypertension Therapy" published by the People's Medical Publishing House, the first author; in January 2011, he participated in the editing of a chapter in "Cardiovascular Basics and Clinical" published by the Higher Education Press, the first author; "The Effect and Mechanism of Infrasound on the L-type Calcium Channel of Rat Cardiomyocytes" was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30400091) in 2005-2007, and the project leader; in 2006, The effect and mechanism of infrasound on the sodium channel of rat cardiomyocytes was funded by the 39th China Postdoctoral Fund (20060390744), and the project leader was the project leader; in 2008, "Research on the Effect and Mechanism of infrasound on left ventricular remodeling in chronic hypoxic rats" was funded by the 43rd China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (20080430805), and the project leader was supported by the 43rd China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (20080430805); "Research on the Effect and Mechanism of Infrasound on Ventricular Remodeling in Rats with Myocardial Infarction" was specially funded by the First China Postdoctoral Science Foundation ( 20081266), Department of Project Leader; "MicroRNA-29a Regulated TGF/Smad Signaling Pathway in Low Pressure Level Infrasound Therapy in Rat Myocardial Fibrosis" was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (8126293) in 2013-2016, and was the project leader of the Department.

Specialist Clinic: Saturday Morning (Fuhe Campus)

General Outpatient Clinic: Monday and Tuesday all day (Fuhe Branch)

High blood pressure can't come down? It may be related to these few misunderstandings

Song Guoliang

Deputy Director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine II Deputy Chief Physician

He is a member of the Cardiovascular Branch of the Research Society of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in Jiangxi Province, and a director of the Jiangxi Electrophysiology Association, who is good at the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, especially in the interventional treatment of coronary heart disease and pacemaker placement.

Specialist Clinic: Thursday morning (Fuhe Campus)

General Outpatient Clinic: All day on Wednesday (Fuhe Campus)

Author: Xiong Xiaoying, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Nanchang Third Hospital

Correspondent: Ren Wei Hu Jia

Editor: Huang Menglin, Liu Zhenghui

Reviewer: Xie Tao

Issued: Wan Hongxin

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