
Step into lang creek in summer

author:Wu Meifu

After all, in the middle of July in Langxi, the scenery is not the same as the four hours. Langxi was called Jianping in ancient times, and the county was established in 1033. Located in the southeast border of Anhui Province, the western edge of the Yangtze River Delta, the junction of Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, it is known as the "Thoroughfare of the Three Provinces" and has a superior location. It is close to Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, Nanjing, Hefei, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other large and medium-sized cities. Langxi, with mild climate, fertile soil and rich products, is known as the "hometown of fish and rice" and "natural botanical garden", and is an important production area of grain and oil and silkworm cocoons in Anhui Province, and a national commodity grain base county. The 80,000 mu of tea gardens in the territory are undulating, stacked with greenery, and more than 30 kinds of national and ministerial famous teas are overflowing with fragrance, and have been awarded the "Hometown of Green Tea in China" and "National Demonstration Base County for Pollution-free Use of Tea Plant Crops" by the Ministry of Agriculture. There are historical teas "Seocho Kui", "Gu Nanfeng" rice wine, golden silk dates, Yaocun stuffy sauce, goose goose, silver fish, green shrimp, crab, turtle and so on. The customs and cultural characteristics of Langxi. Customary cloud: "Go out for three or five miles, one place and one country style", "Ten miles of different winds, a hundred miles of different customs". The same goes for Lang Xi. Bounded by the Langchuan River, the folklore of the two townships is very different. It can be said that the main theme of Nanxiang customs is Wuyue culture, as well as Jingchu culture and Hui culture. In the countryside of Lingdi, Langxi County, the sky is clear and the sun is shining. At the invitation of Wu Longzhi, chairman of Zhejiang Longda Education Group, I walked into Langxi, Anhui Province, and came to the Shijian Chun Homestay built by Wu Huanzai, chairman of Zhejiang Taizhou, Xinhe Village, Cross Town. Stepping into the taimen of the homestay, a stone screen stands in the middle, and the eye-catching words on the screen come into view

Step into lang creek in summer

A poetic weathering rain-like charm rippled in my heart. In the evening, dr. Wu Wenfu from Fujian Zongxian, Wu Lixing, chairman of Jiangsu Wuxi Southern Brake Parts, Wu Renshan, chairman of China Hanging Basket Council, Wu Ruixian, executive dean of Anhui Zhide College, Wu Bo and Wu Yuehui of Jiangxi Zongxian, Wu Meifu, director of Wu Cultural Research Center of Jiangxi Gan northeast, and local leaders and main representatives of local Wu villages attended the event. Wu Huanzai, chairman of Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, hosted a feast and welcomed him with an affectionate speech.

Step into lang creek in summer

Everyone felt very kind, and an atmosphere that resembled family affection pervaded the atmosphere, and the thick emotions traveled between the inches and spread and sublimated. Everyone tea and wine staggered, frequently raised a glass, and prayed that everyone's tomorrow would be better. The next morning, we followed the dust trail of historical fireworks and came to the place where Wu Zixutun's soldiers were trained. In a misty drizzle, standing at the foot of Wuyuan Mountain, looking up at the top of Wuyuan Mountain, I seem to have traveled through more than 2500 years ago, the uniform shouts of Wu soldiers lined up to train in front of my ears. One of Tang Yin's praises to Wu Zixu's chanted in his heart: The white horse once rode on the tide of the sea, and Wu said that the former dynasty; there were many uneven things in front of him, and he was willing to borrow a sword from the general. The mountain in front of me was like a dark blue cello lying on the horizon. Vehicles driving on the S202 Langxi Lingdi section, looking around, the slopes on both sides of the road planted with green tea trees, due to the completion of this provincial road soon, the loess at the foot of the mountain is faintly visible next to the road, which is a road opened from the mountain, connecting the Yangji Expressway, from Langxi to Liyang S202 Lizhang Road Lingdi to the provincial boundary section was built, this new road with a total length of 8.1 kilometers cost 130 million yuan and was designed in accordance with the technical standards of the secondary highway. This newly opened road has greatly shortened the driving time to Su Xichang and is an important passage from Langxi to Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and Langxi County is determined to turn this section into Tongqu Avenue. The road is repaired, the transportation is convenient, and the villagers will naturally benefit from it. S202 Provincial Highway Lizhang Road is a fast track for Langxi to integrate into the Yangtze River Delta region, and it is also a new window for the outside world to understand Langxi. Subsequently, we visited many of Wu Zixu's ruins.

Step into lang creek in summer

After that, we moved to XiaWu Village. Xiawu Village is not large, but it has a long history, and you can see the old base of the ancestral hall of Xiawu Village and many antiquities that have been demolished. Give me a deep intuition, Xiawu Village is very simple, relatively primitive, not much contact with the outside world, closed, backward, poor, is the need for caring people from all sides to help solve some practical problems. A basic marxist idea is that labor creates mankind and creates history. While creating society, history and culture, laborers have also created rich and colorful cultural splendor. At that time, Langxi was the territory of the Wu Kingdom, and the people at that time made due contributions to the rise of the Wu State, and it is worth the insight to excavate history and explore its due value and status. Especially listening to chairman Wu Huanzai's introduction, the remnants of ancient canals and ancient city walls in Langxi have aroused a kind of longing and desire for history and culture in my heart. History has always been a continuum of space-time culture, and the aspects it contains are extremely rich. Due to the reasons of immigration, Langxi has a phenomenon of fewer indigenous people and more miscellaneous and more guests, which also makes the history of Langxi rich and colorful.

Step into lang creek in summer

Traditional Chinese culture, with a long history and rich connotations, condenses the ethical feelings, life consciousness, aesthetic tastes and home conditions of the Chinese. In the afternoon, everyone spoke freely and talked freely in the conference room of Chairman Wu Huanzai, and there was a common consensus, that is, around the history and culture of Langxi, we should attach importance to it, dig it well, and carry it forward.

Step into lang creek in summer

In this regard, Wu Huanzai, chairman of Zhejiang Taizhou, has a unique vision, is ahead of the curve, and has invested in cultural industries in the land of Langxi, which is worth learning from.

Step into lang creek in summer

Even if you find it in every way, through a dream, it is sad and indescribable. In the evening, I stayed at Grand Waldo International Hotel. The lights outside the city are brilliant, but the layers of pavilions in the city are quiet under the shadows, after the vicissitudes but on the wall stones are finely carved, blooming beautiful smiles, this is the real secret of Langxi Ancient City, wuyuan dust traces, but also part of Langxi. In the morning, I used to walk alone on the damp and cool bluestone pavement, looking at the sunlight leaking from the tiles, reflecting the city walls and the shining tiles of the roof, although the historical doorposts have been corroded, there are still traces of cultural planks, Wuyuan Mountain needs to be covered with dust, but it cannot hide its former glory, the shadows that once shone with the glory of wu. The sound of footsteps echoing in the city, making people feel clear and strange, can't help but look back, see is still the old city of history, the years have made here ancient and numerous legends, but also mixed with many people and things, the years slowly flowed, but also consumed the essence of the ancient city, those inner ancient and fragrant breath, people are incomparably moving, once lost in the city of red lights and wine green, come here, only the sound of nature. Langxi, Erjin, is hidden in the thick history and the green mountains and rivers of today. Langxi takes off, it is not far away!