
Today I would like to talk about one of the most touching things in my life during the Wuhan epidemic

author:Hilarious flower cat dQ

That was in February 2020, the epidemic in Wuhan was very serious, the buses, subways were all closed, the community was also closed, they couldn't go out, people's lives were restricted, what to buy could only be bought online, there was no transaction offline, there was no salary card for those of us who were older, we could only go to the bank to withdraw money, but we couldn't go out of the community, what to do? After thinking of a lot of ways, I finally called the staff of the bank, the staff answered the phone and told their manager about this matter, the manager did not know what the last name was, personally called us to contact us to agree on a time, the place was waiting for us at the door of the bank, and personally withdrew money for us, so that our lives were guaranteed. Where are the well-meaning managers now? Thank you!