
To make sausages, the proportion of salted meat is the key! 30 years old method to you, oily and fragrant, full of wax flavor

author:Big Mouth Chef

Homemade sausages, salt meat ratio is the key! 30 years old method to you, oily and fragrant, full of wax flavor

Hello everyone, thanks for reading the article I shared, today I want to say to you: 'Homemade sausages, salt meat ratio is the key!' 30 years old method for you, oily and fragrant, full of wax flavor!'

To make sausages, the proportion of salted meat is the key! 30 years old method to you, oily and fragrant, full of wax flavor

Bacon and sausages are indispensable for Chinese New Year's eve, and the flavor of bacon represents the taste of the New Year, usually pickled in the waxing moon, but the cold and dry weather after the winter is also very suitable for pickling.

In the past 2 years, the price of pork has risen a lot, and if anyone's balcony is full of bacon, it is definitely a rich family.

However, although the price of pork is high, there are always people who love to eat, and they can't afford to pickle 50 pounds, and it is always okay to pickle 5 pounds. I prefer to eat sausages more than bacon, which is rich in oil and flavor, steamed with rice, and the rice becomes fragrant. Dachshunds, also known as sausages and enemas, are named for filling casings with mixed meat when they are made.

To make sausages, the proportion of salted meat is the key! 30 years old method to you, oily and fragrant, full of wax flavor

China began to make sausages before the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and it was first seen in the "enema method" contained in the Northern Wei "Qi Min Zhi Shu", and its method has been passed down to this day.

The sausages are different in different places, mainly Cantonese sausages and Sichuan-style sausages, Cantonese sausages are sweet, and Sichuan-style sausages are spicy. The sausage is simple, almost everyone knows it, but it is not easy to make it delicious.

To make sausages, the proportion of salted meat is the key! 30 years old method to you, oily and fragrant, full of wax flavor

My mother has been pickling sausages for more than 30 years and has a lot of experience, and I am also the pickled sausages I learned from her. Mom said that the sausage is not good or not, the key is a point: how much meat to put how much salt, remember the proportion of salt and meat, 10 days can eat, full of flavor, oily and fragrant, put 1 year will not be bad, the following I will share the experience to everyone.

The longer the sausage is left, the stronger the flavor of the sausage, and there are still 3 months to go before the New Year, so let's pickle it.

【Rural Earthy Sausage】

1. Choose the right pork.

Fresh pork should be used to make sausages, not frozen pork. In terms of meat quality, it is necessary to use fat and lean pork belly or front leg meat, and the ratio of fat and lean meat is 3:7, which is the best taste. Not too thin or too fat, it will affect the taste.

To make sausages, the proportion of salted meat is the key! 30 years old method to you, oily and fragrant, full of wax flavor

2: Wash and chop.

Like making bacon, pork belly cannot be washed, otherwise the sausage is easy to rot and smell. Pork belly liquor scrubbed clean, and then cut into diced meat, home there is a meat grinder can be directly twisted into meat filling, but do not grind into meat paste, a little granular taste is good. When I was a child, my mother was very tired by cutting by hand.

3. Marinate the minced meat

Through pickling, the sausage will be flavored, the flavor is strong, you can add spices according to your personal taste, salt is the most important.

To make sausages, the proportion of salted meat is the key! 30 years old method to you, oily and fragrant, full of wax flavor

Salt less taste is light, can not play a role in sterilization and antiseptic, easy to break; salt more taste salty, can not eat at all. Remember this ratio that has been used for more than 30 years, meat: salt = 1 (kg): 8 (g), the dosage is just right.

10 pounds of meat stuffing add 80 grams of salt, and then add an appropriate amount of 30 grams of five-spice powder, 20 grams of chicken essence, 60 ml of extremely fresh flavor, 120 ml of high liquor (more than 50 °), stir well with a tool, cover the lid or plastic wrap, marinate for 2 to 4 hours, in order to thoroughly taste. All utensils should be water-free and oil-free, and the addition of liquor has the effect of increasing fragrance, sterilization and antiseptic.

To make sausages, the proportion of salted meat is the key! 30 years old method to you, oily and fragrant, full of wax flavor

4. Wash casings

Casing is made of large intestine or small intestine of pigs, cattle and sheep, and soaked in soda water when cleaning to enhance elasticity, it is not easy to break.

To make sausages, the proportion of salted meat is the key! 30 years old method to you, oily and fragrant, full of wax flavor

5. Pour in the minced meat

After the casing is washed, tie a dead knot at one end and then put the other end on the sausage filling tool, which can be purchased online or made from a clean mineral water bottle and cut off the lower half.

Put the meat stuffing into the tool, stuff it down with chopsticks, stuff it for about a long time, close the tiger's mouth and stroke it to the end, fill a casing according to this method, and then divide the whole sausage into small pieces, a section is the amount of a meal, twist a few times or tie it with a rope. Next, use a needle to make several small holes in each sausage to facilitate ventilation.

To make sausages, the proportion of salted meat is the key! 30 years old method to you, oily and fragrant, full of wax flavor

6. Dry in a cool and ventilated place

After the sausage is filled, many people do it directly to hang up to dry, which is wrong and will make the casing dehydrated and thus cracked.

The filled sausage should be placed in a basin, marinated overnight, and then hung in a cool and ventilated place to dry, can not be directly placed in the sun to expose, will also make the casing crack. After 10 days, the sausages were ready.

To make sausages, the proportion of salted meat is the key! 30 years old method to you, oily and fragrant, full of wax flavor

【How to eat】

The sausages are made of raw meat, so they cannot be eaten directly, so they are washed and steamed in a pot for 20 minutes before they are cooked. It's nice to take it out and slice it into thin slices, or stir-fry it with other ingredients.

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