
No. 1255: "Love Triangle" (Fantasy Novel Series)

author:Rural eloquent literature

Text/Regeneration of water mills (Hunan)

Twelve episodes



Aaron continued: "After we meet, if the wind and clouds are still in our group, then the annual Tanabata Festival is the day you meet, because every year the Tanabata Festival we poetry network will hold a large-scale song and dance, poetry recitation party." ”

Ah Feng thought that it was best to meet every year, so that I would be angry and let him regret his choice.

Aaron said amusedly, "There's a lot to say between you!"

Ah Feng said, "Yes, I want to convince him, although he can argue and love sophistry." ”

Ah Feng was very wise in her bones, and she was now meeting his former husband, and she had no sense of conjugal feelings at all, but he was really convinced.

Her husband's father had been dead for many years, and the grave had not been repaired, but last year Ah Feng asked him to repair it, and he repaired it on the Qingming Festival this year. He liked to listen to Ah Feng's words and believed that Ah Feng was a good person and smarter than in the past.

Aaron said, "You're good, you care about him, and you haven't destroyed his family."

Ah Feng said: "We don't have to repair graves in this generation, and now everyone in the countryside has to be cremated." Speaking of the two words "cremation", Ah Feng was cold from the top of her head to the heart of her feet, because the previous generation had almost gone, and it was our generation's turn to go to the crematorium, how unwilling and anxious she was! Because Aaron and Afeng are all sent by God to live with people, they have a mission.

The Catholic Patriarch Jesus prophesied: "A woman of the South will rise up with that generation." This is the mission that God has given to Aaron and Ah Feng. The so-called rise is to no longer fall down generation after generation like the predecessors, and take the grave as their home.

No. 1255: "Love Triangle" (Fantasy Novel Series)

God certainly wants humanity not to die so quickly. The Catholic Church believes: "Man is created by God in his own image." "Scientists have found that there are human-like microorganisms in the human body, and this microorganism is produced in the human body, which is equivalent to artificial.

Some scientists believe: "The universe is only a cell of God, and we humans exist in the universe, aren't people the microorganisms in God's body?" It is equivalent to being produced in God's body, and it can also be said that It was created by God. Otherwise, is there a better explanation for where people come from?

The longer man lives, the longer God's life span, just as every cell and element in the human body lives healthily and long, and man certainly lives long. Therefore, human beings should not mistakenly think that human life is in heaven, and heaven wants people to die and have to die!

Man dies mainly because he himself is lazy and gives up his life. When you are young, you work hard and hard for life, and when you are old, your living conditions are good, you don't need to be tired, you enjoy it, many of the activities experienced by your body in the past have been abandoned, and that ability to move will also degenerate, that is, the more you refuse to move your body, the more you can't move, only until your heart can't move!

As long as a person believes in the existence of a God with infinite life, and calmly listens to God and feels God, he may live in harmony with heaven.

Shakyamuni traveled around seeking the path of eternal life, and there was nowhere to be found! When he was starving and fainting under the Bodhi tree in despair, when it was really quiet to the extreme, he suddenly realized the path to eternal life, thus becoming the founder of Buddhism and a generation of masters. This is the most crucial step in man's evolution into a god or a Buddha.

As we all know, there was originally no living thing on the earth, just water, under the illumination of the sun, began to derive simple creatures from water, and then evolved from simple to complex, and then derived from marine life to terrestrial creatures, and terrestrial organisms continued to evolve to higher levels, and then evolved into human beings. Doesn't evolution move as a human being? This is impossible, evolution is never stopping, and man is bound to evolve into a god or a Buddha.

No. 1255: "Love Triangle" (Fantasy Novel Series)

In fact, more than five hundred sages on earth have cultivated into immortals or Buddhas. They are on or near the earth, and have been paying close attention to and controlling the changes and developments of mankind, because the fate of mankind and their destiny are closely linked, just like God's connection with mankind.

In recent thousands of years, they have allowed religion to take root in humanity and have made religion a bridge between God and mankind. They constantly exhort people to be good and become Buddhas.

"How many things, never urgent..." Ah Feng received a notice from the school, and today he went to the school to sign an agreement, agreeing to be cremated after a hundred years to receive various subsidies.

After signing the agreement in the school's moral education office, Ah Feng smiled and said to the teachers in the office: "Now it is the turn of our generation to meet Marx, it is really glorious!" What burns with fire is glory, isn't it? Everyone laughed.

Back at home, Ah Feng thought to himself, now the horizontal and vertical are facing death, not to do it can only wait for death, dry and there is still a fight. Rush out! Like twenty-six years ago, no matter how lost it is, it is also to meet a confidant, form an indissoluble relationship, and fight side by side until now, twenty-six years, and the two sides have never given up this kind of love that has never been shared in the world. Continue to fight now, at least in these two years, and maybe really lead this generation to stand up, fly out of the earth, open up a new home, and create a new way of life, as Jesus predicted. Because Ah Long had already clearly told Ah Feng twenty-six years ago: Let the sun and moon move!

No. 1255: "Love Triangle" (Fantasy Novel Series)

Note: The image comes from the Internet

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