
At the graduation ceremony of Wuhan University, the principal sang "Goodbye", more than 10,000 teachers and students sang red songs in unison, and the luxurious tutor group topped the scorching sun

author:Jimu News

Jimu news reporter Ke called Wang Yuan

Correspondent Wu Jianglong

Photograph: Huang Shifeng

Tens of thousands of people sang red songs, the luxurious mentor group plucked spikes, and the principal sang in person... On the morning of June 23, Wuhan University held the 2021 Graduation Ceremony and Degree Conferment Ceremony in the 912 Playground of the University, attended by 11,000 graduates. Teachers and students waved the small national flag in their hands and sang red songs such as "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party" and "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China" to present gifts for the party's centennial birthday.

At the graduation ceremony of Wuhan University, the principal sang "Goodbye", more than 10,000 teachers and students sang red songs in unison, and the luxurious tutor group topped the scorching sun

The headmaster sings "Goodbye"

"I still remember that four years ago, the first batch of new students I came to see at Wuhan University were your undergraduates, and the first opening ceremony I attended at Wuhan University was your opening ceremony." At the graduation ceremony, Academician Dou Xiankang, president of Wuhan University, was full of emotions.

Dou Xiankang reviewed the development process of Wuhan University in light of the history of the struggle of the Chinese nation and the century-long stormy journey of the Communist Party of China, listed the deeds of Li Da, Li Hanjun, Dong Biwu, Chen Tanqiu and other sages of Wuhan University, and encouraged the students to seek enlightenment for life development from history, and to move forward without forgetting the road they had traveled and why they set out.

Dou Xiankang sent a message to the students to bear the motherland in mind, go to the places where the country develops and the people need it most, integrate the small self into the big self, and integrate the ideal pursuit into the cause of the party and the country;

We must have the courage to innovate, go to the forefront of the changes of the times, face difficulties, bravely climb the peak, and take the initiative to undertake the mission of the times of building a scientific and technological power; we must look at the world, go to a more challenging grand stage, actively participate in international competition and cooperation while actively serving the national strategy, and actively participate in solving major global problems facing mankind.

"Tomorrow I will leave the familiar place with you, I will firmly remember your face, I will cherish the thoughts you give, these days in my heart, will never be erased." 」 At the scene, Dou Xiankang, who laughed at himself as "incomplete in five tones", sang a "Goodbye" to the graduates, expressing his reluctance to the students.

"The first person to report the epidemic situation" message

At the graduation ceremony, Zhang Jixian, the "first person to report the epidemic situation" in Hubei and an alumnus of Wuhan University in 1989, returned to his alma mater to celebrate graduation with his students. She recalled the discovery and reporting of suspicious cases at the end of 2019, and told the process of fighting the frontline of the fight against the epidemic with other Wuda people in 2020.

Zhang Jixian encouraged the students to be strivers of the new era, practitioners of the new journey, and bearers of the new mission. She said that no matter what major you study and what kind of career you choose in the future, you must use your own determination and ability to turn uncertainty into possibility, assume social responsibility, and realize the value of life.

The most exciting part was the tapping session by a luxurious tutor group composed of more than a dozen academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, senior professors of humanities and social sciences and other professors. There were 80 rows and 150 rows of seats for the graduates on the playground, and each column had a tutor to give the students a bunch of spikes, and then the exclusive photographer took photos.

At the graduation ceremony of Wuhan University, the principal sang "Goodbye", more than 10,000 teachers and students sang red songs in unison, and the luxurious tutor group topped the scorching sun

The reporter found 82-year-old "double material" academician Li Deren in the crowd, who would shake hands in front of a student first, and then ask with concern "Where are you from" or "Where are you going to graduate".

This year's wuhan university graduation ceremony finally did not meet the rainy day, but the summer sun is not a small test for many old professors. After Academician Li Deren gave 150 students a spike, he smiled and said in an interview with reporters, "This weather is fine, there is wind, and I don't feel hot." Asked what he most wanted to say to the graduates, he raised his voice and said, "I wish all the graduates a bright future." ”

At the graduation ceremony of Wuhan University, the principal sang "Goodbye", more than 10,000 teachers and students sang red songs in unison, and the luxurious tutor group topped the scorching sun

Graduates came to the ceremony in wheelchairs

At the graduation ceremony, the reporter met a student in a wheelchair, he was Guo Zhixing, a 2017 drama and film performance student of the College of Arts, who had just undergone orthopedic surgery half a month ago, and his left foot could not be forced. "I was looking forward to this day four years ago, and I certainly can't miss it." Guo Zhixing insisted on coming to the graduation ceremony site, and whenever he needed to stand up, he would stand up on the shoulders of his girlfriend and classmates.

On that day, thousands of parents outside the venue witnessed the important moments of their children's lives, either holding flowers or holding mobile phones to record the whole process. Mr. Xia, a parent from Jiangxia District of Wuhan City, took his parents who were over 70 years old at 5 a.m. to go out, "We were in Shu'an Street, the farthest from the city, and it was more than 7 o'clock when we arrived at Wuhan University. ”

At the graduation ceremony of Wuhan University, the principal sang "Goodbye", more than 10,000 teachers and students sang red songs in unison, and the luxurious tutor group topped the scorching sun

"My son is a master's degree graduate and is one of the top graduates of this year." Mr. Xia proudly said that he also came 3 years ago when his son graduated from undergraduate, and this time the two elderly people also insisted on coming.

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