
When it was cold, there was a bowl of hot spicy rice noodles, a mouthful, spicy and fragrant, really relieved

author:Lazy little cook

#秋日好时光 #

Hello everyone, I'm a lazy little kitchen lady

It's time to share your food with everyone again, have you all eaten?

When it was cold, there was a bowl of hot spicy rice noodles, a mouthful, spicy and fragrant, really relieved

I haven't eaten spicy rice noodles for a long time, and I have been hungry for a lot of food at home these days, especially this spicy rice noodles. Took a look at the refrigerator, there is something to eat, so I decided to make a rice noodle to eat today, the heart is not as good as action, let's take a look at it with the small chef!

When it was cold, there was a bowl of hot spicy rice noodles, a mouthful, spicy and fragrant, really relieved

First of all, let's prepare the ingredients, the tofu skin is cut into silk, the kelp shreds are washed, the pork belly is cut into cubes, the dried tofu is cut into cubes, the small green vegetables are washed and cut into segments, not to mention the onion, ginger and garlic, before preparing a hot pot base for later.

When it was cold, there was a bowl of hot spicy rice noodles, a mouthful, spicy and fragrant, really relieved

Start the pot to burn the oil, more oil, put the diced tofu into it and fry it slightly, fry it until it is golden and crispy to fish out the oil control, leave the bottom oil in the pot, put the pork belly into it and fry, then add the onion, ginger and garlic to fry the aroma, and then add some cooking wine to go fishy, add a spoonful of watercress sauce to fry out the red oil, put the dried tofu into it after putting it in the hot pot base, stir-frying.

When it was cold, there was a bowl of hot spicy rice noodles, a mouthful, spicy and fragrant, really relieved

Then add the right amount of water, half a spoonful of dark soy sauce, a little salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, sugar, pepper powder, pepper, thirteen spices, cook for two or three minutes, the sauce is ready. Then there's the soup bowl, a spoonful of sauce that has just been fried, plus some salt, soy sauce, chicken essence, pepper, pepper powder, sesame oil, pepper oil.

When it was cold, there was a bowl of hot spicy rice noodles, a mouthful, spicy and fragrant, really relieved

Boil the water, the water will be boiled in advance of the powder, as well as green vegetables, tofu skin shreds, kelp shreds put together to cook, and then after the water boils, the soup will be put out of some in the bowl, stir well and then the rice noodles and vegetables fished out in the bowl, sprinkle some green onions and stir evenly to eat.

When it was cold, there was a bowl of hot spicy rice noodles, a mouthful, spicy and fragrant, really relieved

The spicy rice noodles of this are super delicious, and the friends who love to eat hurry up and act, I am a small chef, a small kitchen lady with personality!

When it was cold, there was a bowl of hot spicy rice noodles, a mouthful, spicy and fragrant, really relieved

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