
The mysterious Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

author:Let go of your mind

Hello everyone, welcome to open your mind, let's talk together, and learn about the other side of the earth.  When it comes to the most mysterious mausoleum in Chinese history, it is none other than the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin.

The mysterious Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

The Jin Dynasty has an ancient book that records the deeds of Chang'an City, "Three Auxiliary Stories", wrote such a strange thing, after the Western Chu king Xiang Yu entered the customs, he used 300,000 troops to excavate the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, and in the process of excavation, suddenly a golden goose flew out of the tomb with flapping wings, and then flew away to the south without turning back.

So is this a legend, or is it true? It is true that it is unknown, but in the "Book of Han", it is indeed recorded that there is a kind of funerary product in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, that is, the golden goose. In the "Book of Han", it is learned that mercury is the river and sea, and gold is the goose. The "Story of the Three Auxiliaries" also says that Xiang Yu wantonly plundered the treasures in the mausoleum, mobilized 300,000 troops, and moved for 30 days. This statement is indeed too exaggerated, if the move is so difficult, how did it fit in the first place? But then again, was it as early as Xiang Yu's time, was the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang stolen?

The mysterious Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

In the spring of 1974, the archaeological team found the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang in Lishan Mountain, 31 kilometers east of Xi'an City. The layout of the entire cemetery imitates the capital of the Qin Dynasty, Xianyang, and is also divided into two layers, the outer city wall is a total of 6.3 kilometers, the inner city wall is 2.5 kilometers, the entire cemetery is about 78 Forbidden City as large, and the Forbidden City covers an area of 720,000 square meters. The mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin has a total area of 56 million square meters, which is 78 Forbidden Cities, but it does not have so many buildings. There are funerary pits, funerary tombs and ground buildings in the cemetery, and the well-known terracotta pit is a part of the funerary pit, or a small part. Today, we are mainly talking about the middle of the mausoleum area, the location of this sealed earth and the underground palace, the so-called sealing soil is the mound piled up on the cemetery, which is called the tomb head for our people. In the emperor's place, it is called sealing the earth.

The sealing soil on the imperial tomb is 350 meters long and wide, 76 meters high, from the air it is a square cone, like a pyramid made of loess, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration, because it is stunned to carry more than 2,000 years of wind and rain, no weathering and shorter, what is the reason? The mystery lies in the rammed earth used to repair the mound, which is a triad of white ash, sand and loess mixed with it, and then watered with glutinous rice soup, reinforced with iron nails, so the sealing soil of this imperial tomb is not a mound to be precise, but a concrete building with complex processes. After this treatment of the rammed soil layer, it is not only not afraid of wind and rain, it is knocked down with a chisel as a hoe, and it can only knock out a small white dot, even if it is fried with explosives, it is difficult to explode. The rammed earth in the sealed mound is divided into nine layers, and the number nine implies the concept of the supreme nine-five. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period, Lao Tzu said that the ninety percent platform began from the foundation soil. It can be seen that in the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a habit of building a nine-story platform. This structure is reminiscent of a name called the Nine-Story Demon Tower, and when you first hear this name, you may think it comes from fantasy novels, tomb robbery novels, but in fact it does not really exist.

The mysterious Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

In the 1990s, an ancient tomb was discovered in Qinghai Province, which can be regarded as a major archaeological discovery at that time. This large tomb is 26 meters long from east to west, 24 meters from north to south, and the sealing soil is also divided into nine layers, from top to bottom, every other meter will be separated by cypress, which grows relatively slowly, and the cypress with a thick bowl mouth will grow for nearly 200 years. Experts estimate that it will take 10,000 people to work hard for a year to build such a large tomb, so the owner of the tomb must be super noble. Later, archaeologists initially deduced that according to the local Tibetans, this kind of tomb with nine layers of sealed soil, the town guards the demons and ghosts, they are responsible for guarding the tomb, so it is called the nine-story demon tower, and it turns out that this nine-story demon tower is indeed worthy of the name. For hundreds of years, countless tomb robbers have coveted the gold and silver jewelry in this big tomb, but they have not succeeded. Ma Bufang, a warlord during the Republic of China period, also thought about this aspect, but he only dug to the first and second layers and closed it. Legend has it that the strange resurrection of wooden birds and beasts scared the tomb robbers back. Later, the archaeological team only cleaned up the first and second layers of cultural relics in this large tomb, and it has not moved down. It is said that it is no longer actively excavated for technical reasons.

The mysterious Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

In the "Three Auxiliary Stories", it is said that the golden geese flew out of the Mausoleum of The First Emperor of Qin, which is surprisingly consistent with the legend of the nine-story demon tower, and the sealing mound of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, this nine-story structure, is also the same as the Tomb of Qinghai Blood Wei No. 1. It's just that the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin is far larger in scale and the era is even older. The mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang is the earliest known prototype of the so-called nine-story demon tower, indicating that this unique way of building a mausoleum has been passed down along a mysterious vein in the past.

So did Xiang Yu enter the underground palace? The first thing we have to figure out is how deep is this dungeon? As recorded in the "Chronicle of History", the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin is a huge project, which passes through three underground water layers, the so-called three springs. The most extreme speculation is that this dungeon is 500 to 1 kilometer deep. This statement is also more exaggerated, people at that time, should not have the ability to build underground buildings of this scale, because it is not as simple as digging mines, you still have to build a considerable scale of underground building complexes, the current recognition of the relatively high number is that the underground palace is almost 26 meters deep, 26 meters This number you do not sound much, but there are also about 10 floors high today, that era can be on the surface, repair 10-story buildings of civilization there are few, let alone underground, so it is also quite powerful.

The mysterious Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

The underground palace detected by modern instruments is 170 meters long from east to west, 145 meters wide from north to south, and the total area is about 25,000 square meters, which is equivalent to the size of two and a half football fields. On the edge of the underground palace there is a large and delicate rammed earth palace wall. There is a gallery room on the upper wall of the palace, about 30 meters above the ground, and the top is only about one meter from the shallowest part of the sealing surface, the entire underground palace is an inverted pyramid shape, and the sealing soil is a pyramid shape, which is the only double pyramid structure in our 2,000-year-old tomb history in China. The underground part of the pyramid is in turn a small top width at the bottom, and it is a mirror image structure opposite yin and yang, which is really wonderful. Modern instruments have indeed detected that there are many streams of groundwater flowing from southeast to northwest in the strata of the mausoleum area, which is consistent with what is said in the "Historical Record". It was built through the three springs, to prevent water has been the first major problem in the construction of the mausoleum, through the three springs has been very unfavorable, more unfavorable is that the mausoleum area is in the ligu valley mouth river below, to the flood season, the valley will be flooded, but scientists use mrivision, surveyed the soil layer of the tomb and the underground palace, found that they are dry, and do not contain water. So how did it happen? This is another big puzzle in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang.

The mysterious Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

Archaeologists continue to probe, guess what? As a result, a set of water conservancy projects comparable to Dujiangyan were found, which is currently known as the Qinling Obstruction Drainage Project. Qin Shi Huang was indeed a god-level being, and he was surrounded by the top scientific and technological achievements of the time. How does it block drainage? It is 1 km southeast of the mausoleum, that is, between Lishan Mountain and the mausoleum. Archaeologists have found a flood control embankment larger than 1 kilometer long called Wuling, through this Wuling embankment 1 block, so that the river that originally flowed through the cemetery was diverted, it bypassed the cemetery, turned to the northeast direction to flow, this is the cemetery periphery. There is also a drainage system inside the cemetery, which is carefully designed with the natural topography of the cemetery, and the designers and builders have a good understanding of the geology of the cemetery and the measurements are quite accurate.

The mysterious Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

The drainage channel is surrounded by uneven cemeteries, and the difference in height of the bottom surface of the canal is about one meter, so that the water in the canal can be finally gathered into one place according to the design intention, and then discharged from the cemetery. Echoing this is the drainage system on the ground, in the cemetery, whether at the foot of the wall or around the sealing soil, there are neat drainage pipes, forming a complete set of crisscrossing surface drainage facilities. They are able to quickly drain domestic water and rainwater into low-lying areas and lead them to the outside of the cemetery. After more than 2,200 years of vicissitudes, earthquakes and floods, this blocking and drainage system is still working well. The drainage system has been working well, indicating that the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin has not been destroyed on a large scale in the past thousand years, but it is still not enough to prove that Xiang Yu did not enter the underground palace, but there is one thing that makes the experts put their minds at ease.

"History" records that in the underground palace, there is mercury imitating the landscape of the Hundred Rivers and Rivers and the Sea, and the results detected show that the mercury content in the underground palace of Qinling is indeed abnormal, enough to be fatal, this high concentration of mercury vapor, if people inhale it, the light muscle paralysis, mental disorder, heavy will be a life whining, directly hung up. It seems that this mercury river map is really wonderful, and it is a multi-functional combination. It can not only allow Qin Shi Huang to guide the country and mountains underground, but also to prevent corrosion and theft. If Xiang Yu's army had opened the underground palace, then these mercuries must have evaporated long ago, and now the mercury is still buried deep in the ground, which means that the Western Chu Overlord has not entered the underground palace. King Chu may have just found some funerary items in the mausoleum area. Most of the treasures he had pulled away were estimated to have been in the Xianyang Palace. Another question that experts want to figure out now is whether the underground palace of the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum has a dome? In other words, after the coffin was put in, the entire tomb was filled with earth, or it was said that it passed through the tomb and itself was a basement with a ceiling.

The mysterious Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

For example, the no. 1 tomb of Qin Jinggong in Ziyang County, Shaanxi Province, it is 23 meters deeper than Qin Shi Huang more than 300 years earlier, an area of more than 5,000 square meters, it is a tomb filled with rammed earth, it is vertically dug down from the ground down a large pit, after falling the coffin will be filled with rammed earth, this is called the vertical cave tomb, this way of construction is simple and easy, the technical content is not high, it has no cap. However, the history books say that the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang is astronomical, that is, the top of his tomb is painted with images of stars, which means that this should be a basement with a ceiling. The entire underground palace is 170 meters long from east to west and about 145 meters wide from north to south, and the ceiling of such a large span is how much pressure it bears on the sealing soil? The difficulty of this building can be imagined. The current survey technology has not yet been able to show the details of how this underground palace was built. Is there a pillar underneath it? Where are the pillars? I don't know. To learn the truth, you have to be patient. Everyone looks at the high-tech drainage project, as well as anti-theft measures, then the question comes, where did the people of the Qin Dynasty learn so much high-tech?

The mysterious Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there is such a story in the "Book of Collected Remains", saying that there is a mysterious race, once visited Qin Shi Huang, called the people of Wanqu, the place where they live is called Wanqu Country, they drove a submarine to the Qin Kingdom, in the book called "LuoZhou", also known as "Fallen Wave Ship", it can fly in the sky can travel thousands of miles a day, and can dive into the bottom of the water to sail. From today's perspective, it is both a UFO and an underwater UFO. These Wanqu people had brief and mysterious contact with Qin Shi Huang, and they told Qin Shi Huang that the Wanqu State had a stone that could be used for night lighting after burning. This stone is the size of a millet, and if you throw it into the water, the foam that boils up to the water can flow out 10 miles away. It also sounds like a very powerful energy substance. The People of Wanqu also said that they had been in contact with the ancient Yan Emperor. The Shaodian tribe where the Yellow Emperor belonged, when mining copper ore copper ore casting, they also ran thousands of miles to observe. It sounds like they've been watching the progress of human civilization.

The mysterious Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

So can you make a bold guess? The golden goose that flew out of the mausoleum was some kind of flying machine brought from the Wanqu Country. Qin Shi Huang regarded the People of Wanqu as a god, and people today are more inclined to interpret it as an alien civilization, so which one is it? One thing is for sure, they are not surface human civilizations. The mysterious Wanqu people, after meeting Qin Shi Huang. Qin Shi Huang was like a hanging, with proud technology and fast-running arsenal, within 10 years, he destroyed the Six Kingdoms and unified the world and embarked on the peak. In the underground palace of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, there may be more amazing secrets, perhaps buried with the answers to all the above questions, waiting for the day when the day will be seen again. Well, today's story is shared here.

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