
Andersen's Fairy Tales candles

author:Poetry and song text
Andersen's Fairy Tales candles

Network illustration

There is a very thick candle, and it always feels that it has a high value.

"I am a pure candle, molded out of mold!" It always says, "I'm brighter than anyone else's light, and it burns longer." I belong to a covered candle holder or a silver candlestick! ”

"Then your life must be very happy!" The oil candle said, "I am nothing more than an oil candle, a most ordinary candle poured on a stick. But the thought of candles smaller than mine felt much more comforting in my heart. They only went through two waterings, and I needed eight to be that thick. I'm content! Of course, what is made of wax is much more noble and happy than what is made of grease, but we all know that birth is not decided by ourselves. You are in the lampshade in the hall and I am in the kitchen, but I think the kitchen is also a good place. Meals for the whole family come from there. ”

"But there's a lot more important than the meal!" The candle said, "For example, a feast! The brightly lit feast, that is, I am illuminating the life of the upper class! There's a dance tonight, and I'll be going to it again with my family later. ”

As soon as the words were finished, all the candles were taken away. The oil candle was also taken away, and it was Madame herself who took it to the kitchen. There was a little boy carrying a basket full of potatoes with a few apples in it. It was given to this poor child by a kind lady.

"Give you another oil candle, my little friend!" She said, "Your mother can use it to keep working late at night, and she'll use it!" ”

Madame's little daughter stood to the side, and when she heard the words "late at night," she said happily, "I'm going to stay until late at night too!" There's a dance tonight and I'm going to wear my big bow! ”

Her face was full of joy. No candle can match the light in a child's eyes!

"I'm so happy to see her like this!" The oil candle thought, "I will never forget, maybe I will never see such a happy look again!" ”

So the oil candle was put into a basket and taken away by the little boy.

"Where am I going?" The oil candle thought, "I'm going to the poor man's house, and I guess there won't even be a copper candlestick there." And candles will be inserted in silver candlesticks to illuminate those who are the noblest, how good their lives should be! I was destined to be grease and not wax! ”

In a low house opposite the rich man's house lived a widow with three children, and the oil candle followed the little boy here.

"God will bless this good lady! She gave me these things. The mother said, "Look, what a good candle!" It can stay on until late at night. So the oil candle was lit.

"Yuck-buff!" It said, "She lit me with a pungent-smelling match!" In the homes of the rich, candles certainly wouldn't be treated like this! ”

The candles on the opposite side were also lit, and they illuminated the street. A carriage rumbled and came down a lot of richly dressed guests, all of whom had come to the ball, when beautiful music rang out.

"The prom has begun!" Oil candle thought. It remembered the shining face of the little girl of the rich man's house, shining brighter than any candle. "I'll never see that again!"

At this time, the youngest child of the poor family walked in, a little girl. She put her arms around her brothers and sisters' necks and said that there was something very important to tell them quietly: "We can eat hot potatoes tonight!" ”

Her face shot out a happy glow, and the candlelight shone right on her face. Her face showed the same happiness and joy as the rich lady. But the little girl over there said, "We have a dance party tonight, and I'm going to wear that big red bow!" ”

"Is it equally important to eat hot potatoes?" The oil candle thought, "The children here are just as happy!" "It couldn't help but sneeze, which was actually a crackling sound. An oil candle can't do anything else.

The potatoes on the table were eaten. Oh, and the taste is amazing! What a feast. Then each person was given an apple. The youngest child memorized a small poem:

Good God, thank you,

It filled me up again!


"Mom, did I say well?" The little guy asked with a shout.

"Baby, you're well said." The mother said, "But all you have to do is thank God in your heart for feeding you!" ”

The children all went to bed, and each fell asleep quickly after getting a kiss. In order to earn money to support the family, the mother sat there sewing clothes until late at night. The rich man's side was shining with candles and the music was melodious. The stars shine on thousands of households, rich and poor, just as bright and merciful.

"This night was so good!" The oil candle thought, "I really don't know if the candle will be more comfortable on the silver candlestick." If only I knew what it was before I burned out! ”

It reminds of two equally happy children, one illuminated by candles and one illuminated by oil candles!

Yeah, that's the whole story!

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