
The mystery of the world's top ten water monsters, the Loch Ness monster shocked the world

author:Don't forget the flower edge of the original heart

The legend of water monsters in the world has been debated for nearly a hundred years, some people claim to have seen water monsters, and some people do not believe that there are really water monsters in the world. Among the mysteries of the world's top ten water monsters, the most widely spread is the Loch Ness Monster. It is said that there is a mysterious creature under the water of Loch Ness, the size is very large, let's take a look at the legend of these ten water monsters with the editor.

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the mystery of the world's top ten water monsters</h2>

1. Loch Ness Monster

The mystery of the world's top ten water monsters, the Loch Ness monster shocked the world

Many friends who know or hear about the Loch Ness Monster will naturally ask, is the Loch Ness Monster real? It is also very normal to have such a question, after all, everyone has not seen it in person, and it is only a matter of hearing about it, but xiaobian can tell you with great certainty that the Loch Ness Monster is real.......【View Details】

2. Kanas Lake Monster

The mystery of the world's top ten water monsters, the Loch Ness monster shocked the world

Kanas Lake is located in the northern part of Xinjiang, in the territory of Burjin, a small border county. The first time the monster appeared on June 5, 2004 at about 9:30 p.m., two people were playing in Kanas Lake, they saw something swimming around in the water, and there was more than one, it was four, the largest was at least 7 meters, the smallest was also 5 meters... [View Details]

3. Changbai Mountain Tianchi Water Monster

The mystery of the world's top ten water monsters, the Loch Ness monster shocked the world

The earliest public report on the Changbai Mountain Tianchi Water Monster began in the Yanbian Daily on September 18, 1980. Subsequently, major media such as Guangming Daily and People's Daily also published articles related to the Tianchi Water Monster. The content of the report is that at four o'clock in the morning of August 21, 1980, he watched the sunrise at the top of the Changbai Mountain Tianchi, and suddenly found that there was an object on the water surface in the distance, as big as an ox, a head as big as a basin, and swimming very fast, and behind him dragged a long trumpet-shaped waterline, which is one of the mysteries of the world's top ten water monsters.......【View Details】

4. Tongshan Lake Monster

The mystery of the world's top ten water monsters, the Loch Ness monster shocked the world

Tongshan Lake is located in the transition zone from subtropical to warm temperate zone, and belongs to the Yangtze River Basin. In September 1980, the phantom of the "water monster" suddenly appeared in the Tongshan Lake Reservoir located in Biyang County, Zhumadian City, and in the following 20 years, the "water monster" appeared frequently, and it was rumored that the "water monster" ghost appeared more than 100 meters long.

5. Kenway Island Monster

The mystery of the world's top ten water monsters, the Loch Ness monster shocked the world

In August 1955, another similar corpse was washed up on the island, and this corpse was in much better condition than the first one, so it was clear that this strange thing had gills! The corpse was also quickly cremated, and no one or institution gave any explanation for the origin of the corpse, and the monster became another mystery, and if you want to solve this mystery, you have to wait for another corpse to appear.

6. Qinghai Lake Monster

The mystery of the world's top ten water monsters, the Loch Ness monster shocked the world

It is speculated that the Qinghai Lake monster is not much like an ancient reptile such as a plesiosaur, because the three water monsters that appear are hidden heads and tails, without tall humps, which are not in line with the life habits of plesiosaurs. The Qinghai Lake monster is not a "god" or a big fish, so what would it be? Its appearance has attracted the attention of the world's scientific community and is one of the mysteries of the world's top ten water monsters.

7. Okanagan Water Monster

The mystery of the world's top ten water monsters, the Loch Ness monster shocked the world

John Kirk, an expert on the Okanagan Water Monster, said the Okanagan Monster had more evidence than the Loch Ness Monster, and it was best to bring a camera with you if you were on holiday on the shores of Lake Okanagan. Witnesses said the Okanagan monster was about 60-150 meters long, with a head like a horse and a body like a snake. In 1926, a ship encountered a water monster, and all 30 passengers on board witnessed the undulating 12-meter-long ridge of the water monster.

8. Canadian Water Monster

The mystery of the world's top ten water monsters, the Loch Ness monster shocked the world

It was first discovered by the ancient Indians who lived here, and whenever they crossed the lake, they always brought a dog or a chicken to the boat. In the lake, if a monster appears, close to the boat, the Indians throw the dog or chicken on the boat down the lake to ensure that they are safe and sound. In the 1970s, a woman named Susan Alice saw a tree trunk floating on the surface of the lake. Suddenly, the trunk began to move, swimming against the wind and the current in the lake, and people have flocked to it ever since.

9. Congo Swamp Monster

The mystery of the world's top ten water monsters, the Loch Ness monster shocked the world

In 1976, there were prehistoric animals living dinosaurs in the Congo River in Africa, and there have been legends of water monsters in the local area and have been witnessed continuously, according to witnesses, this mysterious water monster is half like an elephant, half like a dragon, and many people think that this mysterious monster is actually a widowed horned dragon.

10. Ogubugu

The mystery of the world's top ten water monsters, the Loch Ness monster shocked the world

Augustu ancient legend lives in Canada Okanagan Lake monster, its name means "devil in the water", many local residents have heard its terrifying cry, according to eyewitness descriptions, the water monster is shaped like a black sea snake, up to 11 meters long, which is also one of the world's top ten water monster mysteries.

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