
Sichuan Province launched a war of "insects seizing grain."

author:Jintai information


At dawn on August 1, Dong Guozhou, head of the JinbaoShan Planting Farmers' Cooperative in Baomasi Village, Sanguan Town, Nanchong City, came to the cornfield to inspect, and the tall corn stalks of Qi people had a device shaped like a lampshade, "This is an insect trap, specially used to hunt grassland night moths." ”

The grassland moth is a major agricultural pest of the FAO Global Alert. Previously, 98 counties (cities, districts) in 20 cities and prefectures in Sichuan Province have found traces of grassland nocturnal moths. At the same time, the yellow ridge bamboo locust in the direction of Yunnan has a tendency to spread to the surrounding areas. In this "food defense war", how can Sichuan Province "prevent external imports and internal proliferation"?

Early treatment of small advance to prevent the spread of moths in the pass

"At the beginning of May, we found that there was an invasion of the grassland night moth in the cornfield, and we contacted the plant protection station at the first time to take control measures such as drone spraying." Dong Guozhou said that this year, the cooperative planted 200 mu of summer corn, and at present, more than 300 sets of sexual traps have been installed in the field, and a strict prevention and control network has been woven.

To strictly encircle and suppress the "food killers" is to draw lessons from last year. Dong Guozhou introduced that last summer, the local discovery of the grassland night moth did not attract attention, the result of a few days of corn stalks were nibbled clean, that year the harvest exceeded 80%, the economic loss of nearly 100,000 yuan.

Native to tropical America, the grassland moth invaded Yunnan early last year and quickly spread to 18 provinces, including Sichuan. "Extremely destructive, it can harm more than 80 kinds of plants such as corn, rice, sugarcane, etc., and the crops after the damage are generally reduced by 20%-30%, and the harvest is serious or even lost." At present, the grassland moth found in the province is mainly harmful to corn. The relevant person in charge of the plant protection station of the Provincial Agriculture and Rural Affairs Department introduced.

How to stop the spread of the grassland moth? "The barrier must be moved forward." According to the relevant person in charge of the Plant Protection Station of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, on the one hand, we should make every effort to do a good job in monitoring and early warning, and on the other hand, we should take comprehensive prevention and control measures to extinguish the grassland night moth in the early stage of migration and the young age stage. While strengthening the monitoring and prevention belt of the Yangtze River Basin, two monitoring lines of defense have been built in the Jinsha River Basin and the southeast edge of the basin, and 23,000 sets of special monitoring equipment and insect radars for the grassland night moth have been installed to monitor the migration dynamics around the clock.

"The area where the grassland moth has been found is the key to treating small ones early." According to the relevant person in charge of the Plant Protection Station of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the sustainable governance strategy of "air-land coordination and biological control" was implemented, and the plant protection unmanned aerial vehicle was mobilized to spray pesticides, high-altitude insecticidal lamps and sex traps were installed, and the use of biological pesticides was promoted for green prevention and control. Establish a "1 1" contact guidance system, implement a targeted guidance system in which 1 provincial expert contacts 1 city (prefecture) and 1 municipal expert contacts 1 county, and strictly implements the insect situation reporting system.

As of the end of July, the cumulative occurrence area of grassland moth in the province was 1.002 million mu, which was the same as last year, with a prevention and control area of 1.608 million mu, the overall prevention and control effect exceeded 90%, and the damage loss rate of spring corn was controlled below 3%.

Strengthen early warning Joint prevention and control of external locust imports

"The bamboo leaves in my bamboo forest are going to be eaten by locusts, so come and see." Recently, Wang Xiaosong, deputy director of the plant protection and plant inspection station of the Mianyang Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, received a report from the villagers in the center of Wujia Town, Fucheng District, Mianyang City, and immediately went to the scene to check. "This is the yellow-ridged bamboo locust, which mainly harms bamboo, and when the insect population density is large, it will also harm corn, rice and other crops." Wang Xiaosong introduced. As a result of the timely discovery, the local area immediately used drones to spray pesticides on the bamboo forest and the surrounding cornfield, and the pests and diseases have been controlled.

Yellow ridge bamboo locusts are distributed in the forest areas south of the Yangtze River in China, and have been found in Fucheng District of Mianyang City and Xuzhou District of Yibin City this year. Since the end of June, the Yellow Ridge Bamboo Locust, which has migrated from Laos, has caused explosive disasters in Yunnan. At present, the number of insect mouths of the yellow-ridged bamboo locust outside the country is still large, coupled with the sunny and hot weather that is conducive to the migration of locusts, the task of external prevention and relocation is still severe.

Compared with the yellow ridge bamboo locust, the flying locust and the desert locust have a stronger ability to migrate. At the beginning of this year, after the outbreak of desert locusts in India, Pakistan and other countries, Sichuan Province quickly set up 100 monitoring points in areas where desert locusts may invade, such as the Anning River, Jinsha River and Yalong River Basin bordering Yunnan and Tibet. However, Tibetan locusts have appeared in 8 counties in 2 prefectures, including Ganzi and Aba.

"Although experts believe that the possibility of desert locusts invading Sichuan is small, we must not take it lightly, we must prevent problems before they occur, strengthen monitoring and early warning, and resolutely take effective measures." The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said.

A few days ago, the provincial finance has issued a locust disaster prevention and control fund of 5 million yuan in advance. The Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs requires that the areas where locusts occur in Tibet and areas at high risk of desert locust invasion should be encrypted monitored and warned, and a joint prevention and control mechanism should be established with neighboring provinces, cities and counties; and the areas where the yellow ridge bamboo locust occurs should establish a coordinated prevention and control mechanism with the forestry department. The "Sichuan Provincial Locust Emergency Response Plan" has also been reviewed by the Provincial Emergency Command for Sudden Major Animal and Plant Epidemics and will be issued in the near future. (Reporter Shi Xiaolu)