
The scale is too big to watch "New White-Haired Witch" Fan Bingbing Huang Xiaoming kissed passionately

author:Sina City
The scale is too big to watch "New White-Haired Witch" Fan Bingbing Huang Xiaoming kissed passionately

"The Legend of the White-Haired Witch" A poster of Fan Bingbing's passionate embrace of Huang Xiaoming was announced.

The male goddess reveled in drunken kissing Passion scenes more than 10 times in a row

The new version of "The Legend of the White-Haired Witch" uses the most modern special effects to put the strange love between the white-haired witch Lian Ni and the Wudang leader Zhuo Yihang on the screen again. The goddess Fan Bingbing and the male god Huang Xiaoming both interpret their most wonderful love expressions in this movie. From the newly released "hugging kiss" version of the poster, it can be seen that the white-haired lian ni fei hugged Zhuo Yihang's face, and the two embraced each other deeply and kissed passionately, as if falling, and as if they were intoxicated. Fan Bingbing revealed that the kind of passion that Lian Ni and Zhuo Yihang have is actually not the kind of sexiness and desire that everyone thinks, "They are a pair of lovers who love each other very much, and they do not abandon each other." Therefore, although the picture is imaginative, the passion scene in the film does not appear dazzling and abrupt. On the contrary, practicing the emotion of love is more solemn from the heart.

For the director to arrange such a scene, Fan Bingbing said: "Director Zhang Zhiliang is a very delicate person, especially in the expression of feelings, such emotions are put into love, and the audience can feel that these two people are actually very much in love. For the expression of love, Fan Bingbing also appears "experienced", and she also discussed with Huang Xiaoming on the set how to make this passion scene more different. It is understood that at that time, this passion scene was filmed more than 10 times in a row, and the director also tried multiple angles and positions to perform.

Huang Xiaoming kissed Fan Bingbing passionately, "Pain and Happiness" The scale is too big to see

Only 7 days after the film began filming, Huang Xiaoming unfortunately fell due to a rupture of Weiya, resulting in a crushing fracture of his left foot. In order not to delay the filming progress of the film, Huang Xiaoming returned to the crew to continue shooting after only 40 days of injury. This includes the highlight of the whole film - the cliff passion scene of Lian Ni and Zhuo Yihang, which is the posture shown on the current "kissing version" poster. Due to the leg injury and the inability to move, and the passion scene part could not use other auxiliary means to "reduce the burden" shooting, the crew arranged for Huang Xiaoming to lie down. "I didn't move, it was Fan Bingbing who was moving," Huang Xiaoming said with a smile. Judging from the footage exposed before the film, the two naked upper bodies kissed passionately on the cliff face "dry firewood meets fire", showing the tender and watery side of the two children of the jianghu, and it is not visible that Xiaoming's foot is injured. Xiaoming also said at the press conference that this passion play not only has to endure the pain of the feet, but also has a very enjoyable expression, which is really "painful and happy".

At present, the filmmakers have made the "kissing" posture of the two into the cover of the film photo album to commemorate this beautiful moment. At last week's press conference, after Huang Xiaoming saw this photo album, he was shy and blushed, and shouted "the scale is too big to look at."

Taking over "Transformers 4" on the IMAX 3D big screen

It is understood that the senior management of IMAX company was deeply impressed by the 3D visual effects of the film after watching the film "The Legend of the White-Haired Witch", and the current clapper said that it would support this summer Chinese magic film in the Tanabata file. The film will also take over the Hollywood blockbuster "Transformers 4", showing the strange love affair between Wudang hero Zhuo Yihang and the "white-haired witch" practicing neon clothes on nearly 300 IMAX 3D big screens across the country. It is reported that this is also the first of so many movies starring Fan Bingbing to be made into an IMAX 3D version.

"The Legend of the White-Haired Witch of the Bright Moon Heavenly Kingdom" is jointly produced by Bona Pictures, Happy Blue Ocean Film and Television Culture Group, Youku Tudou Group and Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. At present, in addition to the 2D and 3D versions, the film will also be released simultaneously in the form of IMAX 3D, 4D and Chinese giant screens.

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