
"Monster Shrek" and "Cat in Boots" will reboot!

"Monster Shrek" and "Cat in Boots" will reboot!

Only 7 years have passed <b>since the</b> release of the latest film in the "Monster Shrek" series, "Cat in Boots", which grossed $555 million worldwide that year. But as we've seen time and time again, a series reboot is never too early.

But for Christopher McRaydder, the mastermind behind the DreamWorks and Despicable Merk Grinch (and the not-so-pretty Minion Big Eyes) series, and the founder of Lighting Entertainment, Christopher McRaydandry, this so-called "reboot" may not be what we think.

"Monster Shrek" and "Cat in Boots" will reboot!

McRaydandry (left) with Fei Dong, who sang "Happy"

According to foreign media reports, DreamWorks hired Lighting Entertainment's Myredan Drey to reintroduce the "Shrek" series to a new generation of moviegoers. The first Shrek came out in 2001 and quickly became a classic animated film, followed by three sequels (Shrek 1-4) and a sequel (The Cat in Boots). These five Shrek movies grossed $3.5 billion worldwide, so it's only a matter of time before the big green monster returns to the big screen.

However, although we call it "restart", it is actually more of a matter of changing the soup and not changing the medicine. While it's still early, Myredan Drey says he doesn't want to replace the original film's voice cast, which includes McMyers (Shrek), Cameron Diaz (Fiona), Eddie Murphy (Donkey) and Antonio Banderas (a cat in boots).

"Monster Shrek" and "Cat in Boots" will reboot!

Banderas, Myers, Diaz and Eddie Murphy

He explains, "When you think back to these dubbing performances, you think they're amazing. You can completely tear down and start over, but my nostalgic side will want to recreate those characters. For us, the challenge is to make the new film look like just one in a series of sequels. ”

So similar to the recently released version of Halloween (which is probably the only chance the two series will be put together to talk about things), the new Shrek movie may be a combination of "reboot" and "sequel". Of course, Myredan Drey needs to come up with a good story first, and everything has to start from here.

"Monster Shrek" and "Cat in Boots" will reboot!

Shrek 3

"There's a lot of big fun stuff in the world of Shrek, but to find stories that are true to this world, the standards are high," the producer said. "You really have to find the narrative that sets the world on set sail." So after nearly a decade, can the new version of "Shrek" still capture the hearts of the audience and let us wait for the good news.

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