
The Eighth Congress of the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Ninth Congress of the Provincial Writers Association opened in Chengdu

author:Cover News
The Eighth Congress of the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Ninth Congress of the Provincial Writers Association opened in Chengdu

Cover news reporter Zhang Jie

On the morning of November 1, the 8th Congress of the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 9th Congress of the Sichuan Writers Association opened in the Jinjiang Auditorium in Chengdu. The Sichuan Army of Literature and Art sounded the rallying cry, and literary and art workers from all over the province gathered together to discuss the development of Literature and Art in Sichuan.

The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the China Writers Association sent congratulatory letters:

Sichuan writers and artists and writers are called upon to continue to contribute strong spiritual strength to the great practice of the people

The tide level is wide on both sides, and the wind is hanging in the sails. A congratulatory letter was sent from the China Federation of Literature and Literature. The China Writers Association sent a congratulatory letter. In its congratulatory letter, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles first congratulated the convening of the conference and highly affirmed the work of the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature in the past five years. The congratulatory letter also specifically mentioned that in the process of fighting the epidemic, Sichuan literary and art workers have made their own contributions. The congratulatory letter also called on Sichuan literary and art workers to continue to uphold the fine tradition of the Bashu literati, adhere to the style of realism and romanticism, and continue to contribute strong spiritual strength to the great practice of the people. In its congratulatory letter, the China Writers Association also first congratulated the convening of the conference, highly affirming the fruitful results achieved by Sichuan writers in the past five years: producing works and talents. Especially in the great practice of poverty alleviation, a number of excellent works with Sichuan characteristics have emerged, and Sichuan literature has shown a state of forge ahead and vitality. The congratulatory letter also mentioned that it is expected that the Sichuan Writers Association will continue its excellent style in the new five years and provide a warm home for Sichuan writers. The congratulatory letter called on the majority of writers in Sichuan to continue to write the spirit of the times and create more excellent works.

Alai delivered an opening speech:

Call on the vast number of literary and art workers to heroically write the spirit of the times

Alai, chairman of the Sichuan Writers Association, delivered an opening speech. Alai first congratulated the eighth congress of the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the ninth congress of the Sichuan Provincial Writers Association on the successful opening of the congress, mentioned the many important tasks to be accomplished when these two congresses were convened, and called on the vast number of literary and art workers to heroically write the spirit of the times, provide a strong spiritual driving force in the great practice of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and make their own contributions in the journey of Sichuan from a large cultural province to a culturally strong province.

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