
The secret of peanut stewed pig's trotters, do one more step before blanching, sweet and soft glutinous

author:Raccoon Lab

Pig's trotters are cooked in a variety of ways. For example: braised pig's trotters, roasted pig's trotters, pig's trotter soup and marinated pig's trotters. These dishes are particularly delicious and are often seen in restaurants. Stewed pork trotter soup and braised pork trotters are easy to operate at home and even more delicious. Pig trotters are a very popular ingredient, especially female friends prefer to eat pig trotters. This is because pig trotters are rich in collagen, which is good for the skin. If you want to be beautiful, eat more pig's trotters!

The secret of peanut stewed pig's trotters, do one more step before blanching, sweet and soft glutinous

If the pig's trotters are not handled well, there will be a fishy odor. In fact, when stewing pig's trotters, do one more step before blanching! So today I will teach you the correct method, after learning, the pig's trotters will taste more fragrant. Let's try it too!

Peanut stewed pig's trotters

Ingredients to prepare: pig's trotters, peanuts, ginger, garlic, green onion, bay leaves, star anise, cinnamon, cooking wine, rock sugar,

1: Wash the peanuts first, then soak them in light salt water for two hours. When buying pig's trotters, directly let the boss chop them into small pieces and bring them back.

The secret of peanut stewed pig's trotters, do one more step before blanching, sweet and soft glutinous

2, put the pig's trotters in water to clean, remove residue and surface dirt, and then do not directly boil the water in the pot, under the pot blanched water. Marinate the pig's trotters first, put the pig's trotters in a pot, add a spoonful of cooking wine and a small amount of white vinegar, stir repeatedly to ensure that all parts of the pig's trotters will stick, and marinate for about half an hour.

3. When the time comes, put the pig's trotters into the water and wash them several times to remove the vinegar smell on the surface. After washing the trotters, put them in a clean pot, add slices of ginger, cooking wine and water, and then bring to a boil over high heat and skim off the foam that comes out of the boil.

The secret of peanut stewed pig's trotters, do one more step before blanching, sweet and soft glutinous

4: Drain the pig's trotters and add a little cooking oil to the wok. After heating, add the thinly sliced ginger, garlic cloves, green onion, rock sugar, bay leaves, star anise, cinnamon and pepper, then sauté.

5: Pour the pig's trotters into the pot and stir-fry repeatedly. After the rock sugar melts, add soy sauce and soy sauce. Stir-fry again. After the pig's trotters are colored, add enough water. Pour the trotters, spices and water into the pressure cooker. To shorten the time, the pressure cooker can solve the problem perfectly. If you don't have a single person in your house, cook it for a while.

The secret of peanut stewed pig's trotters, do one more step before blanching, sweet and soft glutinous

Add the peanuts, cover with a lid, and heat. Cook until steamed and continue cooking for half an hour. After half an hour of cooking in a pressure cooker, the trotters are very soft and sticky. You can adjust the time according to your preference. When the time comes, pour the pig's trotters into the wok, add a little salt and chicken essence, and stir-fry over high heat to collect the juice, so that you can cook a pot of peanut stewed pig's trotters, fragrant, not fishy smell, pig's trotters are soft and delicious.

The secret of peanut stewed pig's trotters, do one more step before blanching, sweet and soft glutinous

Have you learned? When stewing pork knuckles, it is best to avoid direct scalding, but do one more step before scalding. This is the pickling step. Marinating with cooking wine and white vinegar for half an hour can effectively remove the odor, but also make it white, the pig's trotters are completely odorless, easy to get started.

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