
Follow the dustless reading of good books, build a good intimate parent-child relationship (60)

author:Psychological counselor Miao Baoping

Friends are friendly, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor, and the name of the network is like dust.

Today we continue to read Dr. Yue Xiaodong's book", "The Feeling of Ascending to Heaven: I Did Psychological Counseling at Harvard University": "Chapter 3 Career Choice: Listen to Your Own, Or Listen to Your Parents".

Follow the dustless reading of good books, build a good intimate parent-child relationship (60)

Text: (continued above)

After that weekend, Jiahui came to see me. As soon as she entered the door, she said to me happily, "Dad finally accepted my comparison and agreed to let me try my career as a writer first, and if it didn't work, I would go to law school."

"It's so nice!" I sighed, "So how did you convince your dad?"

"I spoke to him exactly as we had prepared the conversation. I no longer say I'm not going to law school, but just stress that my odds of success in the writing industry are probably much greater and more in line with my personality and interests. At the same time, according to your instructions, I also showed him the works I have published over the years, and he carefully read each one, praised me for writing well, and kissed me. I felt that Dad was actually a pretty nice guy, quite reasonable. It's just that I used to disrespect him too much. In addition, I told him that I would go to law school after being a journalist for a while, so that I would have more experience. Guess what my dad said?"

"What did your dad say?" I asked curiously.

"Don't be sweet-mouthed, Daddy knows your mind." Dad also reflected on his previous attitude towards you during this time. Dad used to force you too much, and should give you a little more freedom. Your mother has also been advising me, why let the child be so bitter. So from today on, Dad will no longer force you to attend Harvard Law School. But you must promise your father two things: First, no matter what you do, do it seriously and strive to be a successful person; Second, don't give up your plan to go to law school, many lawyers were also journalists at the beginning, and Vice President Gore also worked as a journalist at the beginning..."

Jia Hui said with a fluttering eyebrow.

“ Great !” I don't stop the English praise.

"Yes." Jiahui went on to describe last weekend's major breakthrough.

Jiahui father and daughter can really communicate, I feel extremely happy. At the same time, I am glad that I did not tell Jiahui about my personal feelings about life and my views on my career, so that I will not become the spokesperson of Jiahui's father at Harvard University, and Jiahui will be afraid? I feel even more that as a competent counselor, you must first and foremost be an expert in interpersonal communication.

Therefore, in the process of counseling Jiahui, I did not do any psychological analysis, I just helped Jiahui to effectively communicate ideas with her father, in exchange for his respect for Jiahui. In this process, I not only helped Jiahui to recognize herself, but also enhanced her ability to communicate ideas.

After graduating from Harvard, Jiahui was hired as a journalist by charm, an influential women's magazine in the United States.

Before leaving, she called me and said that she would never forget me, a "master tutor" from China, and said that she would write this consultation process into a novel and publish it.

At the end, Jiahui also told me that during this time, she had been hiding a secret, that is, I looked a bit like her uncle. So she won't forget me.

"I will not forget you, a great writer of the future who speaks a Taiwanese accent." I smiled and said, "Hopefully I'll read your novel soon." ”

"Haha..." Jiahui's pleasant laughter came from the microphone.

I don't know if Jiahui's novel was written or not.

Follow the dustless reading of good books, build a good intimate parent-child relationship (60)


This chapter turns three times, and the ending is that everyone we all want to see is happy. We are not only sincerely pleased that the protagonist of this article, Jiahui, has made his career choice come true, but also for his father's behavior of turning from opposition to supporting his daughter's choice, and we also express our admiration and admiration for the author's hard work in the counseling process and the correct counseling method.

In fact, this article contains a lot of content, Jiahui's perseverance, the father's love to overcome stubbornness, the counselor's good inducement, if you use a few words to summarize the process, I think it can be described as sincerity, trust, respect.

Psychological counselors exchange sincerity for Jiahui's trust, Jiahui exchanges respect for his father's trust, and fathers also exchange sincere changes for his daughter's trust, estrangement becomes reconciliation, and differences achieve the same goal.

Reading this article, we also get a revelation, that is, people can have a little less control and more mutual understanding between people; a little less complaining, accusing, more loving and tolerant; a little less impatient, a little more waiting; a little less blind comparison, a little more practical goals; a little less "wall reeds, top-heavy and shallow", a little more "talk on paper to finally feel shallow, never know that this matter must be done." "So are we closer to the success of our careers, and let our relatives have no shame about the choices of our young people."

Of course, I also have a question to discuss with our dear readers, that is, if the protagonist of this article, Jiahui, has not succeeded in his professional career and failed in a mess, what kind of mentality, emotion, and behavior do you have as a father and Jiahui? It is possible, failure is actually all around us, waiting for opportunities. Take my example, when I could also apply for the teacher training exam and become a teacher, I became a nurse, and sometimes I also wondered, if I chose to be a teacher in my profession, would I be a celebrity professor or an obscure ordinary teacher? Or what is the current occupation...

The world doesn't have so many ifs, as Shakespeare said, "If a man thinks too much, he will lose the joy of being a man"; the roads in the world are not so much flat, just like Hemingway said, "Life always makes us bruised, but later, those wounded places will become our strongest places"!

"The world is so beautiful, it is worth people to fight for it"!

Don't think about it so much anymore, don't want to fail yesterday today, don't assume today's success tomorrow, just need to be down-to-earth, no complaints and no regrets to live every day. Fall up and get up, wipe a tear, shake the dust; the joy of success starts from scratch, and it is good to laugh at life!

October 31, 2021 #Counselor said #

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