
It turns out Cupid wasn't a kid! There is even a girlfriend! What happens when Eros falls in love? Love makes people grow Love cannot be suspected of love, and it is not afraid to experience the combination of spirit and love

{"info":{"title":{"content":"原来丘比特并不是个孩子!竟然还有女朋友!爱神坠入爱河会怎样?爱让人成长爱不容猜忌爱要不怕历练灵与爱的结合","en":"It turns out Cupid wasn't a kid! There is even a girlfriend! What happens when Eros falls in love? Love makes people grow Love cannot be suspected of love, and it is not afraid to experience the combination of spirit and love"},"description":{"content":"野兽王子的魔法城堡、灰姑娘与白雪公主的曲折遭遇…也许要从两千年前讲起AntonioCanova/《丘比特吻醒普赛克》/1...","en":"The Enchanted Castle of the Beast Prince, the twists and turns of Cinderella and Snow White... Maybe two thousand years ago to talk about AntonioCanova \/ Cupid Kisses And Wakes Up Psyche\/ 1..."}},"items":[]}

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